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Swimmer, Vollyball player
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Naruto, The Prince of Tennis, Bleach, Inuyasha, Fullmetal Alchemist, and Chobits
Swimming, practicing the violen
I play the violen real well, and I write great stories!
| Alchemist of Pain
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Monday, June 11, 2007
Best Friend Crisis
More crisis in the friend group of yours turely, mostly drama, some confusion, and termoil, TOTALLY A DANG BUMMER. Well, I can't tell you anymore than this.
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Sunday, June 10, 2007
Alchemist's Post
I'm thinking of changing my layout... what do you guys think? I recently changed it to Blue Elves but... I don't think it's enough!
Anyway, my story thing, isn't going to well, haven't got the time to study more Italian! *Fake smile* Plus, my sister died last week, that's why I wasn't on. Poor sis, she died of heart failure, at volleyball practice the coach pushed her to hard and she had a heart attack, and they couldn't save her... that's why I'm also changing the site up, blue for sadness... sigh... oh well, see you guys later.
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Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Sorry I haven't been on in a while, wait... who would miss me?! Nobody ever talks to an Alchemist!
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Monday, May 21, 2007
Sorry guys...
I have no inspiration for the second chapter of Italiano girl! And I need to learn more Italian! It may take a while, but Kankuro and the girl do fall in love.
I've been bored lately, nothing to do... I've been cooped up in my room drawing, and listening to Linkin Park. That's the life of an orphan! Why am I happy to be an orphan?! I'm out of my mind... I hate being an orphan! Nobody to talk to! I can't go to school since my 'parents' didn't pay the taxes! THEY COULDN'T!! THEY'RE ASH SIX FEET UNDER THE EARTH!!! THEY CAN'T EXACTLY MOVE!!
And while I'm crying over my dead family, I write songs, draw pictures... and sit... with nothing to do... no electricity, no plumbing... (My neighbor takes care of me... I usually stay there.)
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Friday, May 18, 2007
My friends, my colleges, my... MY COOKIES!! Sorry, got a little sugar rush there! Hehehe!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! I WILL RULE ALL OF RUSSIA!!! Sorry again, my inner voice is a little world domination freak... BIIIIIIIG freak... here's a little story I came up with...
Italiano Girl, (Speaks Italian.)
By Cheese (I like cereal.)
Disclaimer: I like cereal, (I do not own Naruto but I own the Italiano girl.)
“You there, bring me my brother and sister.” “Yes lord Kazekage.” He walked through the door to the office and came back moments later with a man in a mask and a woman in a mask, “Gaara…” The man growled, “Kankuro.” Gaara said, “Temari.” Gaara said to the woman. They both took off their masks and to reveal their real faces, Kankuro had face paint on and was frowning, and Temari was wearing purple eyeliner. “Since you two are the best ninjas besides myself I want you to go on a tracker mission. There is a man, who stole my scrolls and ran with them, he wasn’t a ninja but he came in when I was supervising the chuunin exams.” Gaara explained to them. Kankuro grinned and Temari giggled, “Something for us to do! Besides doing your dirty laundry Gaara.” Kankuro said. Gaara smirked, he pointed them out and Kankuro and Temari started their mission.
Later they spotted a man with a huge sack, a little girl running for her life and Kankuro jumped in front of them, and Temari watched their back. “What do want with me Sand ninjas?” The man asked, “Empty your bag.” Temari said and the girl whirled around, “Fare non penoso grande fratello!” Temari looked at her. “Wha?” “She said, ‘do not hurt big brother’ Temari. I took Italian for six years with cousin.” Kankuro said, The man held tight to the bag and Kankuro drew out a kunai. The girl started to glow, “Io testamento uccidere loro!” She grabbed the man and charged through Kankuro, “WHAT THE…?!!!” He yelled as they knocked him over, “TEMARI GET THEM!!!!” Kankuro screamed and pointed at them, “I was hoping I wouldn’t have to use my fan!” She said and ran after him. The girl turned and her eyes were a white with a red tint, she flung five shuriken at Temari and she drove them back with her fan that was open a little, “One move down!! TWO TA GO!!” She yelled as she gained speed, “Andara STRADA!!!!” The girl said as she made a one hand, hand signs. “Leonino Schiacciare!!!!!” Flame shot out of her palm in the shape of a lion and changed from fire to water, to earth, to sand, to spiritual energy, to snow and last to sound! Temari did not have time to react, the spiritual one blasted her, and she fell back into Kankuro who had got up. He looked at her and she stopped breathing, “Why did you do that?!” Kankuro yelled at the girl who obtained her normal features, “Che soltanto avuto andato in qua?” Kankuro looked at the girl and then to the man who was grinning, “I’m leaving…but I’m coming back.” Kankuro warned them.
“Temari can’t be dead Gaara!!!” Kankuro slammed on Gaara’s desk and started to cry, “That girl who was with him is no ordinary girl, she held the elements in her hand!” Gaara looked frustrated, “But…now go after the girl and don’t bother with the man…we have to figure out who she is, where she’s from and how she could do such things!” Gaara looked down at a piece of paper, “We’re burring Temari first!” Kankuro yelled. Gaara nodded, “We will Kankuro, calm down.”
A few years later Kankuro still could not find the girl but somehow…they met under the rainfall.
Kankuro was sitting behind the waterfall looking at it pour down, he kept thinking of that girl, she had white eyes, an old kimono which she sliced the sleeves and hemmed the bottom. Her hair was a silky white, which was as shiny as the stars. However, he could not figure out what made her so scary, he shifted farther back on the ledge and bumped into something. When he turned he saw two white eyes looking at him, “YOU!!” He said looking astonished, “Sorry for what I did to you years ago. My brother died just last month and I returned the scrolls to the front gate.” She said, “You’ve been working on your Japanese haven’t you?” Kankuro asked out of the blue. “Yes, I knew Japanese back then but it wasn’t good so I only spoke my birth language.” She said and sat next to him, “I followed brother’s orders because if I didn’t he would give me 6 lashes…with a chain. But I finally got tired of him bossing around so I left the day before he died.” She started to cry but the weren’t water, they were pure ice crystals. They rolled of the side of the ledge and Kankuro watched as the water turned from a deep sea blue…to a pure ice river. She giggled a bit, “My name is Leo, I am a Leo.” She stood up and put her back to the ledge, “Nice meeting you Kankuro.” She fell off the ledge and Kankuro leaned over to see that she disappeared, and not only that but the water was back to normal. “She’s kinda cute.” He said to himself…
Disclaimer: Heheheheheheheheheh Kankuro…falling in love with a woman.
Kankuro: Shut up.
Kankuro is so cute! My puppet Master!
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Monday, May 7, 2007
Ok, you guys have to do the crazy monkey dance! It's all the rage!! It is on Johnny Bravo, the oldest Cartoon in the History of Cartoons! Or... you could do the Shika Shake! And here is the demo!

Yeah, do the Shika Shake! Or the sprinkler! But the Shika Shake sounds better!
Another option, do the Naruto Shake!

Oh yeah! Shake that butt!
LOL, see ya!
Alchemist ^=^
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Wednesday, May 2, 2007
What's up?
I've been thinking lately, that I'm a pushover! Someone signed my guest book, never talks to me, and I add them as a friend, we all probably do that, but oh well... that's how it is!
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Tuesday, May 1, 2007
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Monday, April 2, 2007
My name is awesome, bow down to me,
WAZZ AP!! nuthin goin on wit me lately, just chillin wit my wittle cuz, well, im sick of dat! my little cuz is annoying! totly, well, nuthin else i gotta say, see yas PEEPS!!
Alchemist ^=^
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Monday, February 5, 2007
Peace out everyone!!
I've started a business!! I'll make you a picture if you ask one of your friends to come visit my site! Brilliant no? I'll make any picture of any anime character you would want!! But I have to know them first, I know the shows Code Lyoko, Naruto, Inuyasha, FMA, DBZ, Fruits Basket, Teen Titans, The Prince of Tennis, Hellsing, Clover, Call me Princess, Battle angel Alita, Dark Angel, Peach Girl, Card Captors, I know a whole bunch, my specialties are Naruto, Fruits Basket, Code Lyoko, and Card Captors. If you want any character from any of these shows, just PM me or leave a post!!
alchemist ^ ~
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