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At a hentai store.. ha ha made ya think.. actually I'm most likely to be found all around my city. I mean, I have such a social life it's scary. But yeah, check the river, shops, or Main St. and you'll probably find me. unless I'm at a friend's house, tha
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I can drum and play guitar pretty damn well... That count? No? Okay then.
Anime Fan Since
I was 3.. the good ol' days of Sailor Moon and sneaking DBZ.. X3
Favorite Anime
FMA ALL THE WAY!! But I also like.. *inhales deeply* Hellsing, Detective Conan, Sister Princess, .hack//Udeden, Azumanga Daioh, Trigun, Ranma 1/2, Pita-Ten, FLCL, Chobits, Fullmetal Panic? Fumoffu, and Excel Saga
To.. Erm.. I dunno.. Wear matching Shoes. yeah, that's it!
Drawing, listening to music, and playing the drums or guitar.. Maybe plotting world domination. Eh, the usual
Erm.. I don't think I really have any.. I-I mean I'm still a virgin O.o (Yes, pervy joke! XD)
| Alchemist Pepper
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Wednesday, March 8, 2006
Another Day, Another Pepper-Induced Chaotic School Day
Today was great. During Biology, me and Nick split a double-shot expresso with cream-LIKE I NEEDED IT! I was wired. I mean, like literally running around the room laughing wired. It was totally random, but I was so fuckin' hyper, I couldn't help it!! Then I doodled on my History homework. Why? 'Coz I'm good like that. I know I'll get into trouble and get a 0 but, oh, well. It's worth it. And besides, Mr. Smith's lesson was boring. (He's the student teacher. It's his last week, then mean ol' Mrs. Howard comes back! >.< We don't want that.)
Anyway, no offense, but I'm starting to think Angelique is a little on the.. slow side. She still hasn't realized, y'know, me and Mr. Nick. (That's his nickname I gave him: "Mr. Nick" it's kawaii!) So, I'm hoping she won't. Won't ever find out, but I know she will eventually. Eh, that's her problem in all honesty.
Me and Mr. Nick walked home together again today. Yep, and I hope Cherie didn't see, or she might tell Angie. (Angie is Angelique.)
And finally, I think I did a very very bad thing last night. I told Daniel I didn't wanna' be his friend anymore, 'coz I couldn't trust him to be there when I needed him most. I gave him three trys, right? Isn't that enough? Or should I give him another shot? I know, he's my best friend ever, and he's like a brother to me, but still.. He didn't help me at all. So I think I'm gunna' tell him it's permanent. He sounded like he was about to cry last night when I told hikm. That's the only problem. But he's the whimp, so he should duck it up! yeah, well, give me your advice, people. It'd help billions. Arigatou!
Oh, and I can't wait. Tomorrow is the Taste of Chaos concert! Me and Nick are goin'. We're gunna' start a mosh pit! Oh, Jesus of Subrubia, aren't we the smartest?! XD
Cherie: "If you could have one thing, what would it be? And I mean anything."
Angie: "I'd probably want every CD out there."
Anysia: "I would all the clothes, jewlery, and accessories I wanted-ever."
Cherie: "Stupid prep.."
Anysia: "Hey.."
Morgan: "I would want a computer!"
Nick: "I think I'd want a ticket to every great concert. All of my favorite bands. But not only tickets, backstage tickets. So I could meet the band members!"
Cherie: "Um.. Pepper?"
Pepper: "I would want.. A PONY! Giddyup, giddyup, giddyup-yup-yup!"
Christian: "Um.. okay.. I'd get an sniper rifle!"
Pepper: "Hey, Hey! I jsut thoughta' somethin'!"
Angie: "Oh, no.."
Morgan: "Oh, God.."
Nick: "What is it, Pep?"
Pepper: "What did the Pony Express do before they had airplanes?"
Cherie: "I dunno.."
Christian: "Do we wanna' know?"
Anysia: "Yeah, we've lost her."
Pepper: "Shut up, prep! And besides, I'd get a huge army tank and blow everything up. Ka-pow! Ka-pow, ka-pow!! You're dead.."
Anysia: "Oh no!!"
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Tuesday, March 7, 2006
Sooooo Tired.. and Bored..
Well, I officially hate rap even more now. I went to science after school to finish my labs (I want to be in chemistry next year so I can graduate High Schiool a year early) and that's when the "Extra Science Help" class is. Well, once I finished my lab I had 45 minutes left to kill. So I asked the teacher, Mr. Farris, if I could use his computer to play some music, and he said yes. (he my favorite teacher-he's cool.) Then all the kids in class started yelling at me to turn it of. It was only Blink-182! Then, just to piss 'em off, I strated blasting Metallica. It was so funny! Mr. Farris started laughing, because the stupid gangster kids started like screaming and covering their ears. It was entertaining as hell. Oh, and I got a new cell phone. (I broke my old one by walking into a wall. I so smart.)
Now I'm just.. bored as fuck.
Cherie: "Prep! Prep prep preeeeep!!"
Anysia: "Who are you calling a prep?"
Cherie: "You, you stinkin' prep!"
Anysia: "I am not a prep!"
Cherie: "Are too!"
Anysia: "Ugh! Am not!"
Cherie: "Pepper, is she a prep?"
Pepper: "I dunno."
Anysia: "See, she doesn't think so!"
Cherie: "She's right."
Anysia: "Waugh! What can I do to be like.. not prep?"
Cherie: "Not wear an American Girl shirt for starters."
Anysia: "Unicorns?"
Pepper: "yes, unicrons. DO NOT DENY THE UNICORN!!"
Anysia: "Um.. okay. I'm still not a prep! Quix me on anything!"
Cherie: "Nice wristband, Pep. Name one Metallica song."
Anysia: "Metallica?"
Pepper: "It's on my wristband."
Cherie: "Yes name "One" Metallica song!"
Pepper: "HAHA! I CAN! I CAN!!"
Anysia: "...I can't..."
Pepper: "'ONE'!!"
Cherie: "Correct!"
Anysia: "What?"
Cherie: "'One' is a Metallica song."
Anysia: "Oh.. Really?"
Pepper: "I'm gunna' go vomit now."
Cherie: "With ya'."
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Monday, March 6, 2006
Yeah, Um Okay...
Dude, there's a lsebian chick who likes me. I thought 'Okay, wll I can just avoid her' right? I mean, I'm straight, so of course I would. (Besides I don't even talk to her and she's the unoriginal 'gangseter prep' they all are these days.. so hard to find cool people, I swear) But she stalks me, so I can't avoid her no matter how hard I try. It's just.. I WANNA SCREAM AT HER! And every time I plan to, I turn around and she's there. When I go to tell her I'm straight and I don't like chicks that way, she just freakin' giggles, blushes and runs away, before I can even tell her! (Well, yell at her, actually) And now she even joined the school's crew team to 'spend more time with me.' Like I want her to! i JUST WANT HER TO BACK THE FUCK OFF, BEFORE i BEAT HER FUCKIN' SENSELESS WITH MY KATANA SHEITH! I SWEAR I WILL, TOO!! Any advice?
And Nick asked me if I wanted to walk home with him. He's so darn cute, how he's so shy like that. Makes me wanna' hug him, and smack him at the same time, y'know? No, I doubt you do. But anyway, I just hope Angelique doesn't find out. She's like, in love with Nick, but he doesn't like her. Wow, that sucks. I'm new and I'm stealing the guy of her dreams. I fell so.. so..... accoplished!
Anyway, just really bored. I need entertainment, so I'm gunna' go piss off Daniel. He needs a good snowball down his pants.
~This is How Stupid My Friends Are~
Caitlin: "Megan, you're conceited!"
Megan: "I'm too cute to be conceited!"
Pepper: "Foolish mortal! Oh, the irony.."
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Saturday, March 4, 2006
That Was Great!!
I finished the competiton-just got home an hour ago! It was a lotta' fun! I didn't come in first, but I didn't come in last, either, which made me feel good. Y'know, those highschoolers were good. But it was really cool. Anyways, I'm going to Megan's house (My friend) and she's giving me a bunch of her old "punk stuff" as she calls them. I'm giving her my old preppy shirts-they're a menace to my drawers! Waugh, the pink!!! Lol so anyways, see y'all later, 'kay? Peace.
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Friday, March 3, 2006
Ha, Fun...
I have to go to a rowing competition tomorrow. I'm not gunna' beat all those highschoolers, but I'm hoping I will. Wish me luck!! (Oh, and Cherie was unsuspended today! ^-^)
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Thursday, March 2, 2006
Well Here We Go Again...
Another snow day. Isn't his dandy? Well, there's some stupid crew dinner for all the team tonight and I sorta' hope it was cancelled-my school had a snow day today. So that's pretty much it. I think I'm gunna' annoy Cherie, and I hope she's not grounded. Can you say 'Snowball fight?' Ha, another way to get anger out.. good ol' snow.
Oh, and as a reminder: If any other guys asks me to fuck him, I swear to the Jesus of Subrubia, I'll pull out your kidneys and force-feed them to you. Gottit? Good...
-(Take a guess, dipwads)
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Tuesday, February 28, 2006
This Sucks
Y'know what I hate more then pure bliss, and that really annoying poser who can't take a hint (Here's an example of a hint: "YOU'RE AN ANNOYING-ASS POSER AND WE DON'T WANT YOU AT OUR LUNCH TABLE, SO GO FIND SOME OTHER PREPS WHO LIKE RAP AND LEAVE US ALONE AL-FUCKIN-READY!") that we don't like her? Being sick. And y'know what? Today I'm sick. Yep, my stomach feel like it's gunns' either explode or just shrivel up and die. Pleasent, isn't it? I thought so. Well, I'm hoping I can go to school tomorrow and not be home eating stupid soup. I really wanna see.. Well, that's none of your buisness now is it? And besides, now that it's warmer and I can walk home, I get to pass by the high school and see the hot guys in eyeliner. Yes, guys with black hair in eyeliner and tight black pants. If you don't think that's hot then you're really distasteful to me. Anywho, I'm gunna' go vomit in someone's slippers. Ja ne!
-J (If you're too stupid to tell)
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Saturday, February 25, 2006
I guess I've become pretty famous on the Not a Shrimp tagboard, because I hear people have been posing as me! Yes, stealing my name and trying to act like me. And all I have to say to that is: "WHAT THE HELL?! ARE YOU ALL REALLY THAT FREAKIN' STUPID?!" Seems so!
Anyways, I caused mass havoc on the tagboard last night! It took a while, but I eventually pitted everyone against eachother! It was great! I mean, even Havoc, who was in love with Regina, tried to kill her! It was perfect I tell you! Malice, deception, and tag-board-style-murder!! Oh, yeah. And tjhen they eventually realized 'Hey, this is all Pepper's fault!' and I just thanked them for falling into my plan. They didn't realize it 'till it was too late. Fools.
Yep a split personality. It's great! Well, no not really. They hate eachother.. So don't mind me if you ever see me yelling at myself for no apparent reason. ^^;;
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Saturday, February 18, 2006
I broke up with Jutsin. Yay.. And this other boy Nick likes me, and I like him, too. Problem is, my friend Angelique really likes Nick, so I dunno what to do, 'coz Nick doesn't like her back. I have even better news to add to that! Isn't this great? My mom and I got into a fight! ^^ Aaaaaaaand.. *Drum Roll* She kicked me outta' the house. So I walked about 7 miles (1.5 hours) and saw my 6th grade homeroom teacher. Weird, huh? Yeah, so she started asking me if I wanted a ride. I didn't because I was walking to my friends house, so I told her I was walking to my grandmother's house. Well that backfired-she called my grandmother who came and forced me to go to her house. Joyous. So then I tried calling Daniel, and he told me everything would be okay. Liar. But at least he tried. Anyway, I have a feeling that my mom feels really bad a bout abandoning me in the car on the street and walking a mile to get home while I had no keys to the house on me so I walked 7 or 8 miles up a ighway all by myself with nothing but my CDs, CD player, and my backpack. My feet really hurt, too.. I hope everyone's doin' great. Sorry I don't come on much anymore. Hope all's well with you guys.
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Friday, February 10, 2006
I hope i didnt offend any catholics-actually, i dont mind, take it how you must. anyways, i dunno what i did to my computer but it got mad at me, screamed at me for like 10 minutes, and spazzed.
and im very suspicious-i havent EVER had a completely good day in my life, and ive had two in a row, today going on three. i think something bads gonna happen. daniel says im probably gonna lose it, and shoot myself. thanks for the suport, dummy.
anywho, hope you have fun at work, justin. loveth you
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