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myOtaku.com: Alchemist Pepper

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

   This Sucks
Pepper Says...
Y'know what I hate more then pure bliss, and that really annoying poser who can't take a hint (Here's an example of a hint: "YOU'RE AN ANNOYING-ASS POSER AND WE DON'T WANT YOU AT OUR LUNCH TABLE, SO GO FIND SOME OTHER PREPS WHO LIKE RAP AND LEAVE US ALONE AL-FUCKIN-READY!") that we don't like her? Being sick. And y'know what? Today I'm sick. Yep, my stomach feel like it's gunns' either explode or just shrivel up and die. Pleasent, isn't it? I thought so. Well, I'm hoping I can go to school tomorrow and not be home eating stupid soup. I really wanna see.. Well, that's none of your buisness now is it? And besides, now that it's warmer and I can walk home, I get to pass by the high school and see the hot guys in eyeliner. Yes, guys with black hair in eyeliner and tight black pants. If you don't think that's hot then you're really distasteful to me. Anywho, I'm gunna' go vomit in someone's slippers. Ja ne!

-J (If you're too stupid to tell)

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