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At a hentai store.. ha ha made ya think.. actually I'm most likely to be found all around my city. I mean, I have such a social life it's scary. But yeah, check the river, shops, or Main St. and you'll probably find me. unless I'm at a friend's house, tha
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Real Name
I can drum and play guitar pretty damn well... That count? No? Okay then.
Anime Fan Since
I was 3.. the good ol' days of Sailor Moon and sneaking DBZ.. X3
Favorite Anime
FMA ALL THE WAY!! But I also like.. *inhales deeply* Hellsing, Detective Conan, Sister Princess, .hack//Udeden, Azumanga Daioh, Trigun, Ranma 1/2, Pita-Ten, FLCL, Chobits, Fullmetal Panic? Fumoffu, and Excel Saga
To.. Erm.. I dunno.. Wear matching Shoes. yeah, that's it!
Drawing, listening to music, and playing the drums or guitar.. Maybe plotting world domination. Eh, the usual
Erm.. I don't think I really have any.. I-I mean I'm still a virgin O.o (Yes, pervy joke! XD)
| Alchemist Pepper
Wednesday, March 8, 2006
Another Day, Another Pepper-Induced Chaotic School Day
Today was great. During Biology, me and Nick split a double-shot expresso with cream-LIKE I NEEDED IT! I was wired. I mean, like literally running around the room laughing wired. It was totally random, but I was so fuckin' hyper, I couldn't help it!! Then I doodled on my History homework. Why? 'Coz I'm good like that. I know I'll get into trouble and get a 0 but, oh, well. It's worth it. And besides, Mr. Smith's lesson was boring. (He's the student teacher. It's his last week, then mean ol' Mrs. Howard comes back! >.< We don't want that.)
Anyway, no offense, but I'm starting to think Angelique is a little on the.. slow side. She still hasn't realized, y'know, me and Mr. Nick. (That's his nickname I gave him: "Mr. Nick" it's kawaii!) So, I'm hoping she won't. Won't ever find out, but I know she will eventually. Eh, that's her problem in all honesty.
Me and Mr. Nick walked home together again today. Yep, and I hope Cherie didn't see, or she might tell Angie. (Angie is Angelique.)
And finally, I think I did a very very bad thing last night. I told Daniel I didn't wanna' be his friend anymore, 'coz I couldn't trust him to be there when I needed him most. I gave him three trys, right? Isn't that enough? Or should I give him another shot? I know, he's my best friend ever, and he's like a brother to me, but still.. He didn't help me at all. So I think I'm gunna' tell him it's permanent. He sounded like he was about to cry last night when I told hikm. That's the only problem. But he's the whimp, so he should duck it up! yeah, well, give me your advice, people. It'd help billions. Arigatou!
Oh, and I can't wait. Tomorrow is the Taste of Chaos concert! Me and Nick are goin'. We're gunna' start a mosh pit! Oh, Jesus of Subrubia, aren't we the smartest?! XD
Cherie: "If you could have one thing, what would it be? And I mean anything."
Angie: "I'd probably want every CD out there."
Anysia: "I would all the clothes, jewlery, and accessories I wanted-ever."
Cherie: "Stupid prep.."
Anysia: "Hey.."
Morgan: "I would want a computer!"
Nick: "I think I'd want a ticket to every great concert. All of my favorite bands. But not only tickets, backstage tickets. So I could meet the band members!"
Cherie: "Um.. Pepper?"
Pepper: "I would want.. A PONY! Giddyup, giddyup, giddyup-yup-yup!"
Christian: "Um.. okay.. I'd get an sniper rifle!"
Pepper: "Hey, Hey! I jsut thoughta' somethin'!"
Angie: "Oh, no.."
Morgan: "Oh, God.."
Nick: "What is it, Pep?"
Pepper: "What did the Pony Express do before they had airplanes?"
Cherie: "I dunno.."
Christian: "Do we wanna' know?"
Anysia: "Yeah, we've lost her."
Pepper: "Shut up, prep! And besides, I'd get a huge army tank and blow everything up. Ka-pow! Ka-pow, ka-pow!! You're dead.."
Anysia: "Oh no!!"
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