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myOtaku.com: Alchemist Pepper

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Whoops! Heh Heh, My Bad.. ^-^;;
Pepper Says...
Yeah, i got a 69 in Math on my report card. I didn't mean it! I know, I know: Math is an essential in life. But it sucks! Besides, I'm in high school math, but I'm in eigth grade! i might as well be in high school, considering I'm taking all high school courses. Wait.. Why didn't they just do that?! Wow.. BAKAS!! >.<# Shimata kuso-atamas! Anyways, Cherie failed Science, so she's grounded. Yay, what FUCKIN' JOY!! T.T Wah.. Now how'll we have a complete band practice? And Cherie's the only one who can our bassist to come over every Saturday.

But, the good news is that I'm hanging out with Danielle tomorrow, and she's gunna' bring my signed picture of The Rev! XD YAY!! The rev rules. I like Tré Cool, Travis Barker, The Rev, and Joey #1. Yeah..

Oh, and wish me luck! Matchbook Romance is holding a contest: Make a varation of their MR with Wings, and win a trip to go to their concert and meet the band! Yay! I'm the only one who actually drew a new MR and didn't Photoshop it, I swaer! I'm so sick of people thinking they're great just 'coz they can use Photoshop. Any fuckin' idiot can use that, you're not special! Even matchbook Romance could if they wanted to, so YOU'RE NOT GUNNA' WIN THE CONTEST, YOU UNORIGINAL, MAIN-STREAM-LOVING, TEENAGE IDIOTS! Yes, I'm a teen, but at least i think outside the box. Ha I soo rule! i made this:


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