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At a hentai store.. ha ha made ya think.. actually I'm most likely to be found all around my city. I mean, I have such a social life it's scary. But yeah, check the river, shops, or Main St. and you'll probably find me. unless I'm at a friend's house, tha
Member Since
Real Name
I can drum and play guitar pretty damn well... That count? No? Okay then.
Anime Fan Since
I was 3.. the good ol' days of Sailor Moon and sneaking DBZ.. X3
Favorite Anime
FMA ALL THE WAY!! But I also like.. *inhales deeply* Hellsing, Detective Conan, Sister Princess, .hack//Udeden, Azumanga Daioh, Trigun, Ranma 1/2, Pita-Ten, FLCL, Chobits, Fullmetal Panic? Fumoffu, and Excel Saga
To.. Erm.. I dunno.. Wear matching Shoes. yeah, that's it!
Drawing, listening to music, and playing the drums or guitar.. Maybe plotting world domination. Eh, the usual
Erm.. I don't think I really have any.. I-I mean I'm still a virgin O.o (Yes, pervy joke! XD)
| Alchemist Pepper
Wednesday, May 3, 2006
Sorry, Guys!
I know, I know! I havent updated in about a week. A long time, yes i get it. I'm soory. It's just that I got broadband internet onnection, so I'm doing everything I couldn't with lame-ass dial-up. Yeah, like watching Conquerer of the Shambala. Boy, that movie is fuckin' dissappointing!! Seriously though, what happens to Winry? Well, I won't spoil it for all of you who have decided to wait for the English version instead of watching the fan-subbed version. I just watched it in Japanese. Fan-subs piss me off.
Well, school's good. Crew's good. Freind's are good. Life's okay. Scary, no? Well, not quite good, nothing's ever good here. But it's bearable. Kinda'. I'm still really stressed out, and I hope it'll all just end. Maybe the world is just going through a phase, just as Annelies Frank said. Hell, wo knows? We probably won't.
I'll try and visit everyone's sites more often, okay? That's a promise!
Oh, and I found out where Zacky was-A psych ward for "attacking her grandma." Her mentally abusive grandma! They should've put that in the report, damn them! Well, today was her last day and I visited her. She made a lot of new friends. There were actually lots of cool people, and, ha!, I fit right in. They didn't babble or drool or scream randomly like everyone thinks. they were just regular teens with mostly anger issues. Except this one kid who headbutted a mini van in the middle of traffic, I dunno what tthe hell his diagnosis was..
Ja ne!!
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