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Monday, March 19, 2007

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Friday, March 16, 2007
Hunting and eating
Ok...for those who hunt for sport then SHAME ON YOU, for those who hunt and eat the animal good for you ^_^.
The rule of nature, eat what you kill(except dont eat anther person if you kill them then that would be wrong because then they wouldnt get a proper funeral, I mean come on they go in one way come out the back side X_X)
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Thursday, March 15, 2007
The Atheitic
Why do people(mainy christians) have a problem with Atheist I mean sure, we dont beleave in god but dam thats no reason to get on our case, IN AMERICA WE HAVE THE FREEDOM OF RELIGION so we beleave how ever we want, and if we dont want to beleave in god then thats our choice.
I get so much shit from christian, muslim and sometimes catholic's, and I tell them all the time, THIS IS AMERICA I BELEAVE HOW I want to beleave.
To does who dont know what an Atheist is here is the definition in my own words:
Atheist=someone who is devoid of all religious belief which includes any gods or goddess, and spiritual stuff.
A lot say im going to hell for not beleaving in god, but then again I throw there own weapon at them(I know a few things about cristianity, after all im an atheist living in a catholic family -_- hahaha)well see one of gods commandments states that "thou shall warship me and no other god" well to me its saying god is being greedy with the worshipping, but thats not the point here. He/SHE(WHAT THE HELL IS HE or she XD im mixed up with that) didnt say in any of his law that we HAD TO WORSHIP HIM/HER, we simply have to worship him/her and not some other god!!!
So my theory:(im not good at spelling so what ever) its not a sin to not worship god(if he exist).
So yeah if you havent chatched on im an atheist as for why im an atheist I'll post it later on this is getting to long...
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Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Use the Dictionary
So there are words we cant spell, and when we ask another student and they know it they tell us how its spelled, but ask an english teacher and they well say, "look in the dictionary," and the only thing in my mind is this, "WTF WHAT GOOD WELL THAT FREAKIN DO IF I DONT KNOW HOW TO SPELL THE DAM WORD, A DICTIONARY ISNT USED TO HELP US HOW TO SPELL A WORD ITS USED TO HELP US UNDERSTAND THE MEANING OF WORDS," and the teachers there sopouse to teach us stuff we should and dont know, like the english teacher's are sopouse to help us with our punctuation(which I need work on), grammar, and SPELLING, and what do they do, they sit around in there desk like abunch of lazy asses, and tell us to look it up in the dictionary...stupid bitches!!!
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Thursday, March 8, 2007
Just a monnthly payment
ok anyways this morning I was watching TV when I saw this paid advetisement about some jet toy thing that in stores cost $100, but oh wait, call them right now and its only $34 dollars a month down payment plus shiping and handleling, you well never get this amazing deal else where. which if you do that its goanna be 102 plus the S.A.H comes out to $124 so basicly your wasting more money on a freakin toy jet calling them than going to the freakin store.
Becareful with paid advertisements they just want to rob you of your money!!!
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Brother and Speech my brother used my computer to find info on Endangered species for a persuasive speech, I told him he doesnt need the internet for that its freakin easy speech to do.
Let right down basic facts straight out of my evil tristed average mind.
1.Endangered species are animals close to being wiped put from the face of the world.
2.We should protect these animals from the ass hole's also that call them selfs hunters.
3.We should stop destroying animal habitats, thats one of the main causes for species endangerment.
4.Stop sending monkeys into space(thats random)
5.Leave the panda's alone there cute and cuddlely, unless you piss them off then I sudjest you run.
6.Effects: The endangered species once wiped out they well never come back NEVER!!!
7.How to prevent endagering a species, well its simple, STOP KILLING THEM DAM!!!
8.How well my solution have a positive effect: well not killing them well not put them on the endangered list.
9.What to do? ermmm stop killing them
Common endangered species:white tiger and the panda bear T_T
10.ANother solution is building a wild life preserve.
11.Kill the hunters, lets see how they like getting shot for the sport....bastards
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Sister and Ghost
MY sister has developed this intrest in ghost, she watches ghost siting videos, which some of them I can tell right away are all camera effect.
Not on video siting, but picture sitings, well she had some saved on my computer until I deleted them, but not before I inspected the pictures myself...and what I saw was nothing but a bug pile of bull shit pictures, I bet the people who took the pictures werent expecting the zoom in feature -_-....but anyways on one picture its sopouse to be this lady with shiny eye like the ones you see on a dog or cat in the dark, and it was a dog, I saw the outline of the dog nose, its either that or its a shim horny ghost, but I also noticed a paw, I zoomed in was a dog paw -_-....
Another picture I can tell right off the back of my head that the contrast was lowered and it was a digital camera unless all cameras now carry dates on the bottom right hand corner -_-...
And the last one had this girl wearing a white cloak(common ghost thing -_-) I noticed that the picture was blurry and I zoomed and that person had a taned up face for a ghost -_-...
Well I told me sister about this and she refused to beleave my discovery(what an arrogant fool she is)and said that the picture of that dog was a ghost dog, when the title clearly says:"ghost woman" -_-*...she says I know nothing of ghost, and I said " I clearly know more about ghost than you," I even asked her what is ectoplasm, and she said she didnt know and what does that have to do with it...I told her,"you are an idiot and you call yourself a ghost fan not knowing what ectoplasm is."
ectoplasm(in my own words):is the material that makes the ghost embody the image of a person, or basicly the ghost ensence. In other words its your soul, but ectoplasm sounds intellegeant!!!
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Wednesday, March 7, 2007
My charcter design

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My love for cooking
I am not a afraid to admit that I love to cook...its fun and it relaxes me. What I love the most is getting to eat what I make, at home I cook, yesterday I made steaks, rice, and beans, and guacamole...I ate with salsa Yum :P.
But I also cook at school, we are going to have a mentor luch to prepare for soon, and im going to prepare peach cobbler ^_^ I cant wait.
My teacher says that my future wife is a lucky girl to have a cook foir a husband hahahahahaha!!!
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Tuesday, March 6, 2007
The opposite reaction to the lack of sugar O_O
Well, this after noon I was hyper very hyper, and its was from the lack of sugar, not from sugar, also the lack of caffeine, after I had two sodas hahahaha...I went back to my old self ^_^. Still its weird how I got hyper from the lack of sugar, talk about opposite effect O_O!!!
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