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Munashii Muchitsujo
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Drawing, and Cooking
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
MY action figure NOT A DOLL >.>

Many have asked, “how do you draw so good?" and all I tell them is,” I practiced," but I've also been asked,” what got you into drawing?" and I just smile and say,"would’nt you like to know?" and the people who ask me that usually smirk and walk away.
Drawing for me is a hobby, I love to draw, but what got me into drawing? Well in order to answer that question we have to go back in time, in the summer of 2002, in the morning, at a small town in Mexico called Nueva Rosita. It was 11:45, I've just woken up, opening only my right eye (it was a habit of mine when I woke up), I yawned and sat up on my bed, kicking my cover off and yawned again, I sat on the side of my bed, yawning and squinting, I got up and went to the bathroom, to brush my teeth and shower. After taking a shower, my grandma called me to eat my breakfast, which was, Potato and Egg and beans, I ate it with flour tortillas.
After finishing my meal, I went outside to the porch and looked around very quickly, I saw my step brother Ceasar sitting down on a wooden chair with a table in front of him, he had his sketchbook open on the table, he had a HB sketching pencil on his right hand and an eraser next to the sketchbook. His hand moved the pencil on the papers surface, drawing shapes on the paper; I sat down on another wooden chair and relaxed for a bit letting the food that I ate settle. A few minutes later I got tired of doing nothing, but sitting, so I got up and walked over to Ceasar, I asked him,” can I watch you draw?"
He looked at me and said,” sure," I went back to get my chair and dragged it over to the right side of the table, I sat down and watched Ceasar draw, his eyes were glued to the paper focusing all his attention on the details of his drawing.
Ten Minutes had gone by, and I asked a few questions with in that time, his right eye twitched a little from all the questions I was asking him like. I saw he had another sketchbook under the sketchbook he was drawing on, I asked him,” can I look at that other sketchbook?"
"Sure if it shuts you up," I frowned and Ceasar passed me his other sketchbook.
I looked at the front cover of the sketchbook, it had food and soda steins, he had his name on the top right corner, and a few stickers of Dragon Ball Z (his favorite Cartoon show).
"This is a messy looking sketchbook," I said.
That’s because it’s old," he took a deep breath,” that was my first sketchbook."
I smiled,"Thats true."
I opened up the sketchbook and I scanned threw each drawing in each page, careful, and amazed by what I saw. Even after I got to the last page, I went back to the first drawing, and went threw the whole sketchbook again.
"Wow," I closed the sketchbook without looking at it," you draw extremely well," I said to Ceasar.
Ceasar laughed a bit and smiled,” thanks."
I was so impressed with is art work that I couldn’t help, but ask,” so what got you into drawing?"
He laughed a bit and smiled," Wouldn’t you like to know," I smirked and walked away.
Later on that day as I watched Dragon Ball Z, I thought about what I saw in the sketchbook, I then thought to myself,” maybe I should try it," as soon as Dragon Ball Z finished, I got up and went to look for my grandma to ask her if she had some paper and a pencil, the first place I looked was the porch, I walked outside to the porch and just as I predicted, my grandma was sitting on her wooden rocking chair, I asked in Spanish," ¿abuelita tenemos papel y un lapiz?"
She rocked back and forward thinking,” busca en mi ropero, donde guardo todas las fotos."
I walked back inside the house and went past the living room, into the hallway and took the first turn on the left. I got to my grandmas room, I looked in the wardrobe and found some paper, and I looked in a different shelf and found a box full of pencils, I grabbed couple of sheets of paper, and a pencil and left my grandmas room.
After getting my hands on my hands on some paper and a pencil, I went to the living room and sat down on my grandmas antique study desk (she would make us sit on that desk until we finished all of our homework assignments).
Before I started drawing I thought about what I wanted to draw, at that time I was a huge fan of Dragon Ball Z (any boy in that little town loved that cartoon) so I decided to draw my favorite character Goku (which was and still is my favorite cartoon character).
I started drawing Goku. I started with his Head; first I drew the head shape, the face, and then the hair. After I finished with the head I worked my way down into his neck, then Gokus torso area (including the arms, hands, and fingers), I went down into finishing the drawing, by drawing in Gokus pants and boots.
When I finished drawing, I stretched (now its a habit of mine after I finish every drawing).
Ceasar walked into the living room, and walked towards me, he looked down at me and I looked up at him, he got the drawing and looked at it carefully then he looked at me again,” did you draw this?"
"yes," I replied.
"Not bad for a rookie, you have potential," he said.
“What?” ”really I do?” I was shocked to hear those words from him.
“Yes, keep practicing and you might get better than even me, and you know that question you asked me, well dad inspired me with his drawings” he placed the drawing back on the desk and walked away.
“Dad…,” I remembered that my father was a good drawer, he loved to draw Super Man and all his childhood super heroes.
At that moment I felt like something had just clicked in its place, like a jigsaw puzzle piece being put in its right place, I couldn’t describe that feeling all I knew was that I wanted to draw more.
I kept drawing cartoon characters that I liked, and before I realized it, the day had passed me by, I had become consumed by drawing. What actually was hours, seemed like minutes to me while I was drawing.
My grandma came into the living room and told me to prepare for bed, I got up and from the antique desk and left the paper and pencil on the desk for tomorrow, I grabbed the drawings that I made, and took them with me to my room. I got ready for bed and shut my eyes, and I quickly fell into a deep slumber, hoping that the night flies by me like the day did while I was drawing.
From that day on I committed myself into improving my drawing skills.
This is one of the events that shaped my life and made me into who I am today; it helped me realize one of my passions in life. It inspired me to pick up and love art and it made me want to become an artist, a freelancer.
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