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Alec Ikiiki
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Ceridia - A planet in another galaxy, another dimension
Member Since
Real Name
It's not Alec Ikiiki if you wanna know
Graduating Highschool, and for once, coming up with an original idea for a story.
Anime Fan Since
At a time when I didn't even know anime existed. All I saw was the interesting art and I was hooked (must of been about 4?)
Favorite Anime
Rurouni Kenshin
To visit Japan and to get all the RK manga and most of the merchandise
Drawing Anime, Watching Anime, Reading Manga, Writing, and Daydreaming
Art, Creativity and Music
Konnichiwa soshite Youkoso!
I am Alec, my friends call me Neko, and I am a BIG TIME Anime Otaku. I like an assortment of animes, but there is one main one that I fell in love with over a year and a half ago. Rurouni Kenshin. There's so much to it that once I watched a few episodes, I could not release the loveable, oroing, rurouni. All bow to the wonderful, great, holy Watsuki-sama! :: snickers :: Whether you know or not, the anime/manga Rurouni Kenshin is actually a history lesson. You have no idea how much I've learned about the Meiji Era through this anime.
In my spare time, if I'm not working with html, browsing the net, drawing, watching anime, or doing (dun dun dunnn) homework, I like to write, that is if my writers block doesn't get in the way. :: peers to the side, where a grey block like thing with arms and legs lays in large pieces due to the katana laying next to it :: It will only be a matter of time when my writer's block resurrects himself. :: cringes as an arm moves ::
If you'd like to take a peek at what I have written, click this LINK<<= right there.
But beware, sometimes, if I'm up at 3 in the morning, I'll most probably didn't have any food for over 12 hours (I tend to do that), but I've had some sugar and I'll more than likely be sleep deprived. At a time like this, I'll get a bizarre idea and I'll write it in a fic. (Note: The circumstance happens quite often, but the ideas do not come easy, so it's safe to read.)
Hmm, this seems to be a slightly long intro. Anywhoo, I wanted to advertise for my fics. Ja.
~Alec Ikiiki A.K.A. Neko~

Thursday, September 29, 2005
Temporarily Back....
Well, I've come to see how things are coming along on MyOtaku... I now post all of my art (what I like) on my DeviantArt account... You can find me at
I'd have to say that I think my artistic ability has increased alot since I last came here... I'm out for now. I doubt I'll really be back to post or do anything much...
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Thursday, August 26, 2004
Art Site Change - Click Web Site
Okay Peeps.
New info for all of you.
Because this place is being a pain, saying I can't have any pics over 750X1000 pixels... I can't upload anything. But I have images that aren't that big and they still won't let them through. SOOO... To let you all know, I have a deviant art account. Go there. My images are there, except the two kenshin ones. Need to upload those.
I should change the website to my Deviant Art account.
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Friday, August 20, 2004
I'm Back
Ello peeps. I'm back after all of this time. Not that it really matters... I'll be starting college this coming Monday, and I may even get the chance to scan in some of my art. I believe it's gettgin SOOO much better. I've even begun to ink in some of my stuff.
On a folder of mine, I have a pic of Daisuke in a magician outfit (DNAngel), on the front I have a chibi Kusanagi Kei (Onegai Teacher), Daisuke and Dark (DNAngel), and young Duo Maxwell when sister Helen just finished braiding his hair for the first time (gundam wing), and Karashi (my own little wolf youkai, she's so small that a large butterfly {think a swallowtail} is bigger than her head).
I wish I had more fun during the summer, I can say this, I was bitten and stung by two wasps. Not pleasant. I missed my friends b-day because of a lil camping trip that I didn't want to go on (that's when I was bitten and stung)
I'm coming up with more ideas for a new fic. It's all original. I like the outcome of it so far, all I have to do is type it up, edit it and send it on
Well, I'm going to search for deals for my college books. It's great to be back.
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Friday, May 7, 2004
More Quiz like things
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Thursday, May 6, 2004
HEh... just trying to figure something out...

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Featured Quiz Result:
Heh, what do you know, I got my favorite weapon, aside from a katana. :: grins ::
In so many ways this seems true. It's actually kinda sad.