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Alec Ikiiki
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Ceridia - A planet in another galaxy, another dimension
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It's not Alec Ikiiki if you wanna know
Graduating Highschool, and for once, coming up with an original idea for a story.
Anime Fan Since
At a time when I didn't even know anime existed. All I saw was the interesting art and I was hooked (must of been about 4?)
Favorite Anime
Rurouni Kenshin
To visit Japan and to get all the RK manga and most of the merchandise
Drawing Anime, Watching Anime, Reading Manga, Writing, and Daydreaming
Art, Creativity and Music
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Wednesday, November 5, 2003
Website and What Not
Heh. Well, I'm in the middle of 3rd Hour now. Just, doing nothing really. It's a computer class. Just taking this time to say that...
1: I've been putting together a website for some time, but I've been slacking off until now. You can find it at It's an RK related site. It's still under construction, but you can find a few things on it.
2: I posted another pic. It's like the black and white version of my Onegai Teacher one, but, it's in color. Please vote.
3: Nothing really, except that I've been happy/hyper for the past week and a half.
Well, I must get going now, before the teacher gets onto me about something. Ja.
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Monday, November 3, 2003
Well, unlike most of you, I did not have the BEST Halloween ever. This is what happened.
First, I ran out of the house to catch the bus. But it was difficult running down my drive way due to the shoes I was wearing. As a matter of fact, I was going to school in my costume. It consisted of a black kimono with white lining, a black hakama, a pair of tabi I made out of regualar black socks, and a pair of waraji I tried to make from some straw matted flipflops. I had fun with the costume, took about 2 1/2 weeks, at least 20 hours.
Well, getting back to the story. I finally caught the bus and went to my seat. First thing that anyone says, "Can I see your robe?".
My response. "No." Because, I was not going to take it off and hand it to someone. Not only was part of the kimono in the hakama, but I did not have a shirt on underneath, there was no need.
But, that was not it, I had a little plastic sword I dressed up like a mini katana, and a black wood fan I had bought the night before. Well, the guys on the bus go ahold of those. Believe me, I was not happy with them, so I grabbed what was mine and refused to let anyone else see them.
At school, I went to the cafeteria to find that not too many people had a costume on. TALK ABOUT BEING SPOIL SPORTS!!!
Then I went to band. Well, there was a group of band students that dressed up like the Village People. Believe me, it was scary. There were many pictures there. Then we started practicing for the parade. There would be one at the elementary because it was red ribbon week. So during 3rd Hour we marched around, and then had a mini pep rally for the little kids. Nothing much there. Went to class...
Then fifth hour. I have yearbook then. And nobody was takeing pictures around school. OF ALL DAYS!!! So I was upset about that. 6th Hour, 7th Hour and then back to the band room, then to Subway for something to eat. I should mention, I'm walking around in my costume, oh well.
And then, I had done one stupid thing. I had forgotten an extra pair of jeans. So, being a Friday, meant a Football game, and that night, it just had to be 2 hours away. So, I dress into an extra shirt and fold the kimono up and set it to the side. Thank goodness I had some black skin pants on, or you would have seen a blue shirt, some skin in the vent of the hakama and then the hakama itself. I was lucky there.
I get on the bus, and 2 hours later, after a nap and then waking up and knowing exactly what town I'm in, everyone gets off the bus and dresses into uniform. From there, we have the game, where, I end up getting hyper on my way to going onto the field for half time, the oponents team looses a member (who was taken away by the ambulence), we win and then we go home on another 2 hour bus ride in which I fall asleep adn then my CD player's batteries die. I got cold. Dang, I wished I had my kimono, it was actually warm, too warm at times, but warm.
At the band room, I gathered my stuff and at the same time, one of my friends mom's was passing out goody bags, because, unlike a lot of other people, we were stuck at a football game, it was passed midnight, and no one could go trick or treating.
Spent the night at my friends house, woke at 11am, and was completely out of it all day. Oh, once I got home, after 6 pm, I did a few things, and then, fell asleep a little before 9. I was out of it majorly for some reason.
But, I've been in a happy mood for the past week for an unknown reason.
Anyways, this seems long enough now. Ja.
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HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY not... ... ... ...
:: sighs :: Things were good today, I don't know why though. But, then I got home and well, I couldn't get on the phone to call up a certain company, to get info on some certain items I want to buy. So, I couldn't do that today. What I want to buy is a katana set, it has a katana, wakizashi, and a tanto all for the price of $49.95 I so want it. I've mentioned it to my parents many times. And then, when my mom was on the phone with my dad, she told him and he said no, although I've been talking about getting it for over 2 months. So, I'm a little upset about that.
Another thing I was supposed to get some time ago was a scanner/printer/copier in one. You see, haveing that would be a life saver because not only could I get things for school complete, but I could also scan in things to send to friends and family. And well, I could also scan in my art.
I still need to go to the bank and cash a check. And my dad still owes me $200 too. And I won't really see him until next weekend.
:: grins :: FRIDAY IS OUR LAST GAME!!!! YAY!!! And it's home none the less. I can't wait.
Well, I know I haven't said that much for the past week probably, so... yeah. I'll add another post... today I think... Oh yeah, Halloween.
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Tuesday, October 28, 2003
:: shivers :: Kowaii
Okay, this is scary. This result from the quiz I took is ALL too true. :: shivers :: I need to get a hobby and quit taking these quizes, but I'll never see that happening.

You're the "everyday" girl! You more than likely live in some small village or town, isolated enough that perhaps the growing turbulence of the outside world is little more than a passing thought in your mind in the beginning of the tale. You often live with some kind of parent-figure, and are expected to do chores before having any free time...which you will more than likely use to daydream about more exciting things. One day your wish may come true, as you end up being swept away into some large conflict/quest that you had never fathomed actually happening to you before. Expectations and revelations about your true self will become a large burden on your shoulders, and although you are often scared or confused you try your best. Feminine while at the same time very tomboyish, you'll probably end up developing a good balance between physical attacks and magic skills along the way, and your innocence and compassion will win you many comrades. Even in your imagination you probably never expected to turn into a much-loved heroine!
What Female Fantasy Archetype Are You? (For girls-->Results are anime pics!) brought to you by Quizilla
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Monday, October 27, 2003
Random Thoughts
Hmmm... OH WOW!! I just noticed that I'm ranking at number 199 at the moment and what's this? I've had over 120 visits so far? Cool. I like this alot. Hmm, Well, FYI, I'm deleting one of my pics that I put up, I can really fix it up sometime later, so yeah.
Wow, something random, my friend just IM'ed me. Oh, and to let some know, I used to live in Sacremento, CA, but not anymore, I moved over 10 years ago. So, I lived the first 7 years of my life in CA, but I've lived over half of my life in another state, where? Your asking, well that's for me to know. Okay? alright. I'm gonna go now, hopefully I can go to WalMart later and pick a few things up for my costume. Ja.
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Saturday, October 25, 2003
ACT Ack!!
ACK!! It's Saturday morning now, and the present time is... 7:20am. I'm supposed to be leaving the house now in order to get to the university because I have ACTs today and I need to be at my destination before 8am. And then, from there we test and we test until about 12:15pm. :: sighs :: I think I'll do okay. might do better on the math section. I practiced the other sections at, from there you go to the student section and then the sample test questions.
I got to go now. Running late now is NOT a good thing.
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Friday, October 24, 2003
Oh yeah. Contest. Well, it was the best performance that we have done this year, and what happens, the judges screw us over, giving a 2, 2 and a 3. Over all, we got a 2. Spillars got a bit angry with the judges, but, I know we'll do better during concert season. I believe we should have gotten a 1, but only 5 out of 20 some odd + some bands got a 1. They were being harsh with the scores. Grr. :: Grabs her katana scabbard and clobbers the judges :: There, I'm done with that.
Today, or should I say this morning, we had indoor practice. We practiced the Chicken Dance (the music, not the actual dance, gah...), only once, this was our first time looking at it. It's so easy that we're going to play it at the pep rally. In which Homecoming is today. And then we practice Mambo #5, and then Cell Block Tango. Yeah...
I hope Spillars (if you don't know, that's my band director) will go through with jazz band this year. I myself, and a friend of mine really want to join. Ja.
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How sad...
Thursday, a girl brought a stray cat onto the school bus, and alot of guys were (joking?) about throwing it through the window while the bus was in motion. Well, my friend saved the kitten, claiming it as her own. So, she had a kitten at school all day. Not in all her classes, because we took turns watching over it. One teacher volunteered to care for it for awhile, and in the mean time, we found out that it was a boy. ^-^
Oh, and we named him Chon. He's so adorable and fluffy. We have a feeling something must have happened to him, because
1) He has a limp in his front right leg.
2) His whiskers have been cut.
3) He's been shaved. From about the mid of his chest up to under his left ear. But some of the fur has grown back.
4) He has two marks where he was shaved, as if he was bitten by somethign big, or someone stuck something into him.
It's really sad if you think about it. But I'm just glad that he's safe. He was sitting in my lap while I held him. ^-^ Oh, and so playful as well.
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Monday, October 20, 2003
AHHH!!! I forgot to mention a small detail. We march at 6:42pm. Meaning... it will be dark, aside from the lights. The sun will not mess up our vision and make us loose track of where we are marching from and to. The glare from the sun, into peoples instruments, into our eyes won't happen, unless the football fields lights can do that, I can't remember. One thing I definetely can't remember is whether or not, there are finals and having to march a second time. :: sighs :: My thumb hurts, and so does my chapped lips, and so does my throat because I'm sick. GTG.
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Contests... and Costumes... and Without a Computer for a Week!!!
Well, I haven't been here for a few days because my mom took the computer away from me for ABOUT a weeks time. I'm back though.
Tomorrow, being Tuesday, is my last marching contest. :: cries :: I feel old (although I'm only 17) because I'm a senior and this is my LAST marching contest. Wish us luck, please, we can use all the luck we need, considering that my band will be marching on astroterf (sp?) which will make marching all more harder for us, because it will be easy to tell if we messed up, and judging all the much easier. Grr...
Ah, costumes. In two days time, I have made a kimono and a hakama, in black material. They are both coming out well, I am glad to say. I still need to hem some raw edges, and after that, I can then fix the kimono sleeves so that there will be a pouch and a hole for my arm. Then, using white material that I need to get, I can make some lining for the kimono so I can 1. have some lining, and 2. have some white showing around the collar and the sleeve hole. Yeah.
As for the hakama, pleated pants that tie around your waist, all I need to do with that is sew the raw edges, sew on the sash (which is about 2 inches wide and 6'4" long), add a few minor details, and I'll be finished.
I still need to get some tabi and some straw matted flip flops.
Here's a question for all those that have read this, what exactly, using this costume, should I go as? It's all black.
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