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Wednesday, September 24, 2003
My Cosplay Type
 What Cosplay Type Are You?Lol. Freaky. I wasn't expecting to get samurai. Then again, I guess I should have seen it coming. I've been studying what ancient Japan was like, well not ancient, just the eras before the Meiji. Oh, not to mention that I intend to get a katana set. Something as either as a Christmas present to myself or an early Christmas present. I also want to make a hakama and kimono. Just for fun, and to see what it'd be like to actually carry a katana on your belt/sash.
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Tuesday, September 23, 2003
Well, I just modified a few things, like background color for the text boxes and so on. I also added that gif image. I just love it. It's so kawaii, don't ya think?
Well, the only thing I'm struggling with right now is the text links. They refuse to be the color I want them to be. Instead, they stay black so it's difficult to see where it is. So, I have to make little arrows to the link. :: sigh :: Oh well, I'm sure that I'll eventually figure it out. Aside from that, I think that my little site is turning out pretty well. =^.^= What do you think?
Well, I am going to get to bed now. So off I go.
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Evil Day!!!
:: growls with anger :: Today was NOT a good day. Band was horrid. Let's just say that the director preached. A lot. Oh, and he yelled as well. Went on and on about Respect and still, half the band wasn't paying attention. No wonder Spillars is getting frustrated. Not to mention, the band is NOT doing well. We have contest in another two Tuesdays, and we haven't even started the closing. Well, we got some drill for it tonight, but it's taking forever. I'm scared. We might actually make a 3, worse yet a 4. Those are two numbers our band has NEVER brought home. It isn't turning out well. Oh, we have a two hour practice every Tuesday from 6-8pm. :: sighs :: This is the worst I have ever seen my band director. I shouldn't dwell on this.
As for pictures. I think mine will turn out well. I got so many compliments on the dress I wore. I didn't know what to say. I'm not used to getting tons of compliments in one day. :: shudders :: Scary. At the least I liked the dress, and it wasn't pink.
The pic I sent in, Stressed out, is up. Hope you all like it.
As for the two pics that are supposed to be showing on my site, for me, they WILL not appear. I hate that. It probably means I have to change the server from Geocities to Lycos.co.uk. At least I can use the pics I upload there on another site, like here. I also want to put some more stuff up. Like little gif images. :: smiles :: I found a really cute one on someone elses site. I think I'll use it. It's just so... me. Anyways, I'll start on that. Ja.
Maybe then, I'll be in a better mood.
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Monday, September 22, 2003
Well, well, well. I submitted another pic. It isn't of the highest quality because a friend of mine had scanned it in, and at the time, didn't know how to resize it, so I tried my best to fix it some. Hopefully it isn't as pixelated. I had made it for a friend for their birthday. Do you know how stressing it can be when you try to figure out what you can do for a friend but don't what to do. Well, this pic is the result of such an instance.
Picture day is tomorrow for me. Suprisingly, I kinda can't wait. You see, I'm actually going to wear a dress to school. It's either been; wear a skirt about once during the school year or not at all, or wear a skirt to the band concerts. But this time, I'm actually going to wear a one piece dress. I love it too. It's created in an oriental style way. It's black with large white outlined floral designs.
My eyes are trying to close, but I still need to shower. I intend to be in bed BEFORE midnight tonight. It's 10:45pm now. Ciao!
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Now I have an account on the Otaku Boards. I may refer to the boards for help on things. For instance, I have a small request, I need ideas for different delusions.
Four Days, No Sleep, Delusions
The main focus is this: Megumi bet Kaoru could not stay awake for four days. Kaoru gladly accepts. Now, the idea. Four Days, No Sleep. You see where this is leading? I need a lot of good ideas for delusions. Lemme see, what can we put Kaoru through, causing poor Ken-san to suffer, and make Megumi regret she ever made the bet? :: evil laughter :: Your ideas will be gladly accepted. You can either post here or at the boards. Arigato sorede Oyasumi nasai minasan.
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Sunday, September 21, 2003
Pic Icon Thingy

"Just taking a minute of my life to look to the sky, rain or shine, tends to make me believe that the day will get better, for I know that by the end of the day, I will gain the freedom the sky offers."
This is the first pic icon thingy that I put up, and the quote is orginal.
ITAI!!! I am sore. My, I should have known I'd pay the consequences (sp?). After playing rough with the guys during football yesterday, and I don't really work out (I'm not talking about marching in band), my calf muscles, my side and my shoulders are aching. This smarts. Yare yare.
I'm downloading another Kenshin AMV. It's 37% complete and it's been downloading for two hours. I know, I have a slow comp. 12.6 gigabytes, and 18% of it is free. Well, I got some money, so I should be able to get a cd burner soon. YAY!! And a scanner so I can scan in my other anime related pics in decent quality. I can't wait. :: sun rays appear out of nowhere and radiate upon Alec :: Heh ::
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Ah, Fanfiction. Something that requires you to be creative. Something that is fun to do. Something that makes your favorite characters do all sorts of things. I myself would like to advertise for one of my own little pieces of work. It's called Oreos, staring our all time favorite sword swinging, Oroing, rurouni; Himura Kenshin. It is perfectly safe for all ages. Go ahead and read it!
Here is the story Oreos <<=
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:: sigh :: Talk about a tiring week.
Tuesday - I went to Band practice, from 6-8pm. March march march, it was kinda cool but we didn't really get a water break.
Wednesday - My friends came to my house and we took off to the college area, there are so many roads with buildings and stores. There is one big building called the Walton Arts Center, where there are live performances and all. Well, there's a little garden outside of that and there were people playing drums, so that's where we went, I didn't get to sleep until after midnight.
Thursday - The night for anime club. We watched an ep of Excel Saga, Lain, Ah! My Goddess, Record Lodoss of War, and I My Me Strawberry Eggs. Then my friends and I walked around town for awhile. I didn't get home until after 11. I still had some homework and I needed to shower, putting me to a quarter till before 1 when I got to bed.
Friday - The bands first away game that we actually could go to (without it being cancelled out by rain, the feild the week before was a mess, worthless to march on). Our team won, it was close. It was a 2 1/2 hour bus ride to the game and 2 1/2 hours back to the band room. We didn't get home until after midnight.
Saturday - I spent the night at a friends due to the game, At noon, we went to another friends house (it was their b-day). It consisted mainly of guys, but do I care? No. While the other girls, aside from 1 or 2 others, were inside where it was cool, I was playing tackle football with most of the guys. And yes, I tackled someone that was two times my size plus some. I'm stubborn. But, the guys were treating me like a girl when I had the ball, for me, there was no tackle, just a two hand tackle. Well, anyways, although I was scratched up by being rough as it was, I had a blast. The guys worry over nothing. So what, there was little blood on me. I'll survive!
Sunday - Well, what can I say, it's only 21 minutes into this day. I'm up and I'm tired. :: ears perk up :: What's that? Oh, I think I hear something? :: looks around room and eyes set at the foot of the bed :: Ah, my pillow is calling. =^.^=
Oyasumi nasai mina
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Wednesday, September 17, 2003
... ... ...
:: sighs :: I admit that I am good with a pencil, but when it comes to coloring my stuff with Adobe Photoshop, I'm horrible. I do know this, I'll give my "Modern Day Kenshin Pic" a few touch-ups and then I'll submit it soon.
Unlike many people out in this world, I actually am enjoying school at the moment. It's my senior year and I only have 6 classes, so after 6th hour I can leave campus. It's great.
Okay this song I'm listening to is getting annoying. I'll listen to... Somewhere I Belong and Papercut. =^.^=
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Tuesday, September 16, 2003
Well, I've submitted my first pic. Hopefully it will make it and be on this site. It was the first Kenshin pic I had drawn from the top of my mind. Here's a note, when I draw and sign my work, the date goes day/month/year. That's what I do.
I am happy, although I am getting over the flu, I downloaded the RK movie and two new RK AMVs. Bad to the Bone with Sanosuke and Lucky (not Spears) with scenes from Seisouhen.
I so need to get a scanner. That way I can scan in my work and submit it. Along with my original characters and other characters from different animes.
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