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Rivendell, Colorado
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Student, artist, musician, paranormal expert
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Being married to an axe murderer.
Anime Fan Since
Favorite Anime
Sailor Moon, forever!
Meet some Korendians.
Posting frivolously.
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Saturday, January 21, 2006
Lip Piercing!
I just got my lip pierced! @_@
It was scurry. XD
I kept my eyes shut tight through the whole thing! Hahah
It hurt so bad when the needle went through but i didnt scream or cry! yay me..>.<
Ima have a picture soon, kays?
Well bye bye! <3
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Monday, January 9, 2006
Man...Tomorrow I hafta go back to school..I DONT WANT TO! lol
Sorry...I just really effin HATE school. XD
Oh well..
I have a new picture of me!
After I show it..I shall go picture crazy on you all again! BWAHHAHAHAHA! >.< Enjoy!

me...Im such a dork..XD

I was watching DNAngel on my computer!! <3 <3

Hahahha Chappelles Show is SOOOO funny!!!!

Peanut Butter Jelly TIMMMEEE!!

I cant wait til the second Underworld comes out!!!!

yay Dir En Grey rocks! =P
Oooh Oooh...Wanna see a list of all the music I like?
The killers
-Hot Hot heat
-Linkin park
-The postal service
-Death cab for cutie
-Led zeppelin
-The blood brothers
-System of a down
-Rilo Kiley (heheheh)
-L'arc en ciel
-Tears for fears
-The bravery
-Dashboard confessional
-Taking back sunday
-Chronic future
-Down for the count
-Fallout boy
-Reggie and the full effect
-Hawthorne Heights
-Howie Day
-Billy Idol
-Boys night out
-Brand new
-Ima Robot
-Fear for the march of flames
-Nightmare of you
-Dir en grey
-Alicia Keys
-Blackeyed peas
-Music composed by Howard Shore
-Gravy Train!!!!
-Janet Jackson (...sometimes...hahaha)
-Alien ant farm
-Papa roach
-Music composed by Danny Elfman
-The right-aways
-Blondie (sometimes...haha trina you and your blondie music getting to me!..)
-David Bowie
-Nicole Kidman and Ewan McGregor
-Bleed the dream
-Greenday (wait...did i already say that?..)
-Three days grace
-My chemical romance
-Sum 41
-Lenny Kravitz
-Jenifer Lopez
-Music composed by Yoko Kanno
-Norah Jones
-Missy Eliot
-No doubt
-Iron Maidon
-The used
-Do as infinity
-The ataris
-Group x
-Styx (domo arigato mr roboto..)
-The beatles
-Koda Kumi
-Jade from Sweetbox
-Evanescence (or however you spell it...)
-Emily Bridiger
-Lil' bow wow (hahaha..)
-Music composed by John Williams
-The wonders
-Ghost town djs
-Bright Eyes
and so so so so so much more but i cant think right now.. should visit my myspace sometime!! <3 <3
well bye bye
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Thursday, January 5, 2006
"With Arms Outstretched" by Rilo Kiley

Its 16 miles, to the promise land
and I promise you, I'm doing the best I can
now don't fool yourself
in thinking you're more than a man
cause you'll probably end up dead
i visit these
mountains with frequency
and i stand here with my arms out
now somedays they'll last longer than others
but this day by the lake went too fast
and if you want me
you better speak up i won't wait
so you better, move fast
don't fool yourself
in thinking you're more than you are
with your arms outstretched to me
now its 16 miles to the promised land
and i promise you i'm doing the best i can
now somedays they last longer than others
but this day by the lake went to fast
and if you want me, you better speak up i won't wait
so you better move fast
and somedays they last longer than others
but this day by the lake went to fast
and if you want me, you better speak up i wont wait
so you better move fast

(I just felt like Posting this song that I was just listening XD..)
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I dun wanna go to school! WAHHHH!!
I have to do homework and laundry...and ask to get me lip pierced again..since my darn parents forgot already!! XD
I made this picture of my friend Patrick and my teacher Miss Dina today on photoshop..>.< its

Omg..lately Ive been obsessing over like..3 things.
1. Rilo Kiley
2. Resident Evil
3. This one..umm..guy XD lol
anyways Gotta go!
bye bye *runs away*
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Tuesday, January 3, 2006

*ish a zombie now!*
Now...Im apart of the flesh eating zombies!! @_@

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Monday, January 2, 2006
I havent been on here in FOREVER!!!!!
Hehe! So Ima just bombard this post with pictures of things that have been going on and what I like and just random shizzle..>.<
So..enjoy! <3 <3

me with mah awesome naruto headband!! XP

w00t! Resident Evil!!! ^_^


and thats it folks!
There are so many more pictures and things that I wanna put lazy..>.<
sayonara! <3 <3
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Tuesday, August 16, 2005
hehe what can i say? i got bored..
heheh this is the result of internet boredness..
Take the quiz: "How emo are you?"
Holy Shit Your Emo Holy shit you actually are emo! Congratulations on not being a poser.
Your theme song is Boulavard of Broken Dreams by Green Day. Maybe you feel you're alone in the world or just want to be alone. Whatever it is, it seems your best friend is your shadow. Whether that's from past experiances or the fear of future ones, the world may never know.
src="" loop=100>
What's Your Theme Song? brought to you by Quizilla
 Your last words would be...'It's probably better this way...' Your life has been...heartbreaking. Almost no one has been there for you, and when someone has, they soon leave. You might be suicidal, or just full of self-pitty...possibly both.
What will your last words be? (Updated...AGAIN) brought to you by Quizilla
You are one crazy motherfucker.
you suffer from skitzophrenia and you have a short attention span. You are msot likely are or are in need of medication and mental help from a shink. maybe someday you'll be alright.
What`s Your Personaility Disorder ? brought to you by Quizilla
 You are Chris. All day you are tormented by the evil monkey in the closet and run a very low train of thought.
Which Family Guy Character are You? brought to you by Quizilla
 You'd probably love to be in a punk rock band!! A band like
Green Day or The Ramones , maybe cause you just want everyone to hear what you think and you don't really care what anyone thinks of you. You love really fast, loud music and what do you care if no one else likes it. :-D That is so PUNK ROCK man!!!!
What Kind Of Band Would You Be In? brought to you by Quizilla
 Wooahhh... dude, you're a teen at heart. Rock on. You're rebellious and willing to try anything new, and whatever gets in your way is goin down. Either you like to be around lots of people, or you absolutely hate them. You've got a ton of emotions inside, but you're cool to hang around with, anyway.
How old are you at heart? brought to you by Quizilla
 you are either very stupid or very very crazy...please rate....
How insane are you? brought to you by Quizilla
 Janice Ian
Which Mean Girl are you? brought to you by Quizilla
 You Are The Master Of Family Guy!!! I Bow To Thee *bows*
Family Guy Quiz brought to you by Quizilla
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Friday, August 12, 2005
OMFG!! hehe...School starts in one week for me!!! AHHHHHHHHHHH!! the summer hates the hell outta me!!
OMG...Im starting getting old. NOOOOOOOOO!! i wanna stay young! lol
Dude i went to orientation yesterday......................................omg. HS is so big compared to my MS...
Ima get lost the first day and die...
This summer has gone by like nothing..Better yet, this whole year! time is moving to
well bye bye
i hafta go draw a picture of jack nicolson..
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Wednesday, August 3, 2005
Im so emo! woot
 | You scored as Save Me - Unwritten Law. You are "Save Me" by Unwritten Law! "You can't save me, You can't change me" You've done things in your life that you can't let go of. You are your own person, you are very caring, and it's not surprising to hear you say "I'll do what I want."
Save Me - Unwritten Law | | 80% | Work - Jimmy Eat World | | 70% | Minority - Green Day | | 60% | Helena - My Chemical Romance | | 60% | Feeling This - Blink 182 | | 55% | The Middle - Jimmy Eat World | | 50% | You know what they do to guys like us in prison - My Chemical Romance | | 50% | Too Far Gone - All American Rejects | | 40% | Cute without the 'E' - Taking Back Sunday | | 40% | Burnout - Green Day | | 40% | Buried a Lie - Senses Fail | | 40% | You're So Last Summer - Taking Back Sunday | | 35% | Home - Three Days Grace | | 30% |
What emo/rock song are you? created with |
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Thursday, July 7, 2005
hey everyone im going to be gone for a week.
Im going to California for a family reunion...
gosh its gonna be evil..
the family hates me...lmfao
well bye bye.
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