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Rivendell, Colorado
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Student, artist, musician, paranormal expert
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Being married to an axe murderer.
Anime Fan Since
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Sailor Moon, forever!
Meet some Korendians.
Posting frivolously.
Monday, August 16, 2004
LOL today was sooooo interesting!! hahahaha i went to school!!
okay ill tell u my day!
today i woke up at friggin 6:00 and it was soooo cold!!! brr!!
well anywayz, i woke up and got ready, and by the time we left to go to school it was like 7:22, lol man i hurried into the van and sat with patience.
as the car started i was calm and waiting to start moving...
everything went smoothly until we reached the street of my school, then i started getting butterflies in my stomach!! AHHH!! ITS FRIGHTNING!! jk'

okay, when we got to my school i got out and slowley walked toward the stairs to the entrance, while waving goodbye to my mummy(lol 'mummy!')...
i walked in front of the door, passing students leaving and put my hand to the door knob...
i was greeted by one of my friends that i didnt expect!: MANDI!!! she had left last year and now shes back!! we both greeted eachother by a hugs and saying stuff like "OH HI!! I DIDNT KNOW U WHERE HERE!!" lol it was strange, i was that fond of seeing her!

well me and her waited in the hallways for our other best friend, jessica...
as we waited i saw a girl that i know, and talked with her for awhile...... then.. then!! THERE WAS JESSICA!! Mandi and I rushed to her to greet her!!! lol her mom was accompinning her and her brothers to the school!
lol as i passed her brother, Chrise, i patted him on his head!!LOL ^_^!
yaa inu!! lol jk
anywayz, we waited for jessica to get her schedule , then we walked up stairs to our lockers..
lol it was sooooo busy, and the halls were sooo filled!! ahhhhhh im getting trampled!! lol

well i had got my stuff and gone to my class....... guess whut class? EVIL MATH!! ARRGHH!!! I HATE MATH!!!!
well i am soooo lucky that we didnt do anything but talk about rules!! PHEW!!
lol mandi was in that class with me and she is soooo evil to the teachers!
but shes funny! lol
she was being such a trouble maker!! lol
and guess whut?! I SAW MY FRIENDS, JJ, JUDEA AND MORE PEEPS!! i was sitting in class and he was taking attendece,
and everything was normal then the teacher said.... "uh, Micheal McElroy?" and i gasped!
and asked mandi, "UH MANDI!!!, doya think he means monk?!!!!!" and she looked at me in a sad, but confused way and sighed!
we thought that it couldnt have been, then..... a door opened and guess who it was? MICHEAL!!!!
AHHHH!! I gasped and sighed with such suprisment!
well later, way later at lunch time, i went to get my stuff outta the locker room and AHHH I WAS TRAMPLED AGAIN!!
so i just stepped out and waited for everyone to get out...... on the way there i saw NATASHA!! YAA!!
she just moved back from Texas!! yaa!! and i yelled "NATASHA!!" and waved hi and smiled big..
after the huge block from the locker room, i got my stuff, and to my suprise.... NATASHA, MANDI, JESSICA AND A GUY I JUST MADE FRIENDS WITH (he also likes anime ^_^) WHERE ALL WAITING FOR ME OUTTA THE LOCKER ROOM!!
yaa they are sooo nice!!
lol, so we went down stairs to lunch...
hahahahahaha i sat down and amidiatlly started to
we all talked about "Inu yasha", and to my duprise, Mandi knew whut it was, and she liked it!! (i didnt know she even liked anime!!)
lol well we finished lunch and went ouside for air, and i said this to all the newbies just foir fun, and to make an idiot of me, "Hi my name is alekx i like anime and rock music" and then i would just walk away!! lol most of them looked at me like i was a COMPLETE freak! but i didnt care! lol later me and natasha was sooo happy because it was japanese time!! yaa!!
jessica didnt want to take french, she wanted to be in the same classs as us, so she just went to japanese, hahaha without even going to her real class!!! it was fun!! alot of my friends where there!! yaa
after that, i went to history!! in history we were all reading and discussing about Native Americans...BORING!!!
lol hahaha well, we were reading from this one book, and i was chewing gum (even though we arent aloud to! ^_^!)
and it was SUPER quite, and all of a sudden i broke the silence.... i accedently popped a bubble, and it popped soooo loud!!
i thought i was gonna die!!! ahh and get in trouble in the first day!! but thankfully they didnt say anything... PHEW!!!
i almost died!!! jeez.... after that i was soo happy... BAND!!! YAAA!! the only subject i LIKE!!
lol and i was happy, because the guy that i met was getting on my nerves, and that was the only class i didnt have with him!! YAA!! i know im mean, but he was annoying!! lol
well i got to band, and found out that some of my friends were taking band too!!
LOL there was some ppl that i didnt know too... lol
well today was just an intro day 4 band, we talked about our instraments, and my teacher wants us to be a jazz band, instead of like a marching band..^_^!! yaaa jazz!! lol
i helped jessicas little brother, he was kinda lost in band!! lol so i told him about the instraments and stuff, and ya!!
then after we were dimissed, i waited 4 my older sis to pic me up!! and i waited and waited and wiated and waited...then then THERE SHE WAS!! YAAA HOME!!! the end!
lol it was stressful, and i left out soooooo many details, but its kinda long and boring so ya!!
buh bye everyone! luv ya!!!
c ya tommorow! i g2g to sleep,...... another school day awaits me..... lol
isnt these pics the funniest?! lol

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