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myOtaku.com: alg225

Thursday, December 1, 2005

More About Amaki
This was all for another forum I go to... but its mine so here he is...

Name: Amaki Akira

Nickname:(tournaments only) Angel of Death

Age: (as of right now) 20 in Human years

Race: Half Demon (Panther)

Hair: Silver-shoulder lenght

Eyes: Green

Weapon: 2 single handed Kantana's (but at the age of 25 he becomes a bounty hunter and gets two guns and a small blade he uses)

Personality: He's travled alone for so long he doesnt show a true personality, even with his friends(that he meet later on in his life) he doesnt have much of a personality.

Appearents: He wears a full body cloak thats grey with a goldish red term, his mother made, its a special cloak, it will grow to fit the wearer, and on the wearers command it will get heavier or lighter(perfect tool for a traveler(wears it while training or traveling)). Under his cloak he wears a training GI with the symbole for his Grandfathers school, its an Orange Gi (and yes I actully like the color orange I'm not stealing from goku lol). And even thought he has Panther Demon Blood in his veins he looks all human ... no sign of even being a demon...

Bio: He was born in a small demon village outside of Tokyo Japan... but thats not where it starts ... it starts 10 years before he was born. There was a mass murder on the loss ... his lust for blood was never ending ... he conforted Amaki's Parents ... and almost won, if it wasnt for Amaki's Grandfather that is. As he had his dieing breath he valed to return... the Devil granted his wish ... the day Amaki was born.

Amaki was born with a lot of secerts that even he will never fully understand. The first Amaki was born with two souls ... thats right the soul of the murder (who had no name) we call him Dark Lord Akira, and his own soul. Amaki was raised by his Panther Demon mother, and Human father.

In the Village he grow up in it was mandator that as soon as they could walk they had to go to school ... at the age of 3 Amaki had a senior in college mind (young huh lol). After Amaki finished school he started to learn swordsmanship from his Grandfather.

At the age of 4 Amaki's Parents had another child... a girl... her name was Kristal. After that everything went back to normal (well as normal as things get around here). Then came his 7th birthday... the night before Amaki had a really bad dream... the dream was: he was in a fire... all around him he could hear screaming, he could feel the warmth of the fire, he could smell and taste blood in the air.... then he woke up... he never did tell anyone about that dream ... now he wished he did.

The time to open the presents, from his friends he got a lot of toys and some cloths, then the time for his mothers present, she handed him a box inside it was his cloak. He's Father told him how to use the cloak ... he also said it would never stain ... it was a Grey cloak with a sliver term. Then his Grandfather gave him is present... it was a long box ... inside was a Broad sword, as Amaki looked at the blade (not really listening to his grandfather) he saw a crack in the blade... as he was pointing it out there was a bright light... the next thing Amaki could remember was that he was in the nearby forest to his village.

At his side was two swords... one had a Dark arua to it, the other had a Light ... the cloak he was wearing was stained... it now had a goldish red term to it instead of the silver one. Amaki walked over to a nearby pond and looked in ... all over his face was blood... but he had no cuts no him ... as he looked in the pond an image came to him... it was Amaki looking in a mirror... and behind him was a body ... without a head... it was ... his... mothers... After seeing that Amaki ran home... to what was left I mean... most of the villagers where died... and half of the village was on fire... the other half... was already gone...

Amaki found his house and right there on the top of the ashes was a Green ribbion his little sister was wearing... he broke done into tears... he set up five markers... three of which where unnamed... the other two said this

Kristal Akira age 3
Nothing can be taken away from this child, nothing can be given ... May god bless her soul...


Amaki Akira age 7
Not even the gods can help this kid now...(these will change once I find my work)

He then ran away ... as far as his legs would take him. He tied the ribbion to his head and contuiened walking. His story gets long from here but thats his start.

Specail item: A magic map that will always show his position.

Special ability: He has the ability to read, talk, and understand every launges... he can even talk to animals...

His other main Ability: Dopperganger... he's has the ability to copy any move he see someone else do... and he remembers it to (so he can use it again at another time) ... and only on weaker minds thought he has an ability could Complete copy... think captain ginu's (from dbz) body change... but instead of changing bodys he can have his oppont do whatever he wants this to do ... but because of his reflexes ... it might hurt a bit lol

Also, if he gets mad (really mad (and it is hard to do)) his other soul will take over (think bakura from yugioh... like that (its cause when he gets mad his mind loses its focus)) if by chance he caughts the fact that he's lost control and trys to fight for the control of the body he will transform into his full Demon self... He gains Cat ears and tail, and his fangs grow alittle bigger, his eyes will turn yellow and his hair will turn green.

btw: when it changed to the other him, his looks change slightly, His hair will change to in between coal black and dark grey, his eyes turn red, and his cloak turns Black (but it keeps the term color)

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