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myOtaku.com: alg225

Thursday, March 30, 2006

   I've learned something kinda important...
... Its not much of a life skill or special, but I was thinking about my game (ya I know I write about this a lot sorry) but I'm have problems writing myself into it... I guess thats why writers never really write themselves into there work. You would think you would know yourself better then anyone else, but just think about it for a second, can you honestly say with 100% that you can right now describe your personalty, can you describe yourself, how you feel, can you tell me all your memories, and can you remember important things (not like 9-11, or the katrina thing) I mean important to you... can you remember the whole thing in detail? I'm only 18 years old ... and yet I cant remember a lot of my past, I don't remember what happen to me before my 10th birthday ... well not 100% anyway ... I believe I've lived a happy life, but for some reason I can't remember. Last year a friend of mine Graduated ... supposely she was my first GF (and her mom works at my HS) but I dont remember ><; ... its really bothering me ... I don't think I have ever had a head injury ... and I've never done any type of drug, unless I'm sick I dont have to take any meds.

And I believe I'm not the only one that is still young (and has never did drugs) that cant remember their past fully... ya there maybe a few that can ... but your in the minority (or am I wrong and I'm in the minority (along side the other drugys lol (no offense))).

but this all came by because I was working on my game, I can handle adding my friends but me ... thats a different story.

but I guess this post is just for me to blow steam, go ahead and reply if you want...

On another note, about my game I got my computer working, in the next for weeks I'm going to work on 'stats' for the characters I'll post them as I get them in, and if you want me to put you in my game, post the name you want me to use (and a real name for the credits, and if possible an E-mail address so I can tell you what I've desided for your 'character') I ask this cause I'm running out of names to use, my game goes thought several dimensions ... and so I have quite a few versons of different people that are someone else in a different dimension...

but other then that I guess I'm posting to tell you I'm still here, and more then likely it'll take an act of god, the devil, and all the angels and demons to get rid of me, and thats a promise!

Ps: for all those that past away, and all those that lost someone, my prays go to you...

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