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alien hybrid
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Member Since
Real Name
earned a 3rd kyu brown belt in shotokan karate (fun fact: Ryu from street fighter uses this style!)
Anime Fan Since
Hmm... I guess maybe 96 or 98.
Favorite Anime
Saiyuki, Hellsing, Inuyasha, Serial Experiments Lain, Ghost in the Shell, Akira, Rurouni Kenshin, X, Ninja Scroll & Ninja Scroll the series, Full Metal Alchemist
Earn a black belt, earn a doctorate in psychology, figure out what the heck I was put here for.
anime, video games, reading, psychology, philosophy, martial arts, music (i'm a percussionist! Long live band geeks!), medievel history and culture (both european and japanese), hiking, RPGs,
I don't think I have any talent. I'm pretty sure that I'm worthless.
| alien hybrid
Monday, October 4, 2004
Wow! What a weekend!
Well, two big things happened to me this weekend. 1st, our band mopped up at our band competition. We won 15 trophies total, including best percussion (dramatic two-fingers-out anime pose!). Just hope we can do that again. 2nd, I started talking to my ex again during the comp, and, well, I think I'd like to get back with her if I can. I know I like her, and I am pretty sure she likes me again. So what could be stopping us? She is dating somebody already. The only redeaming quality I can find in that, is that he lives in Kentucky and she only gets to see him once a week or so. I get to see her almost every day. Wish me luck!
Friday, October 1, 2004
I almost forgot. If you would like a pic of me, look at my yahoo profile. User name is alien_hybrid2003. The pic is a couple years old, but I haven't changed. I'll post a newer one on this site when the new computer gets here.
1st post
Konichiwa! This is my first post, so let me start by introducing myself. Watashiwa (I am) Trey. Or you could call me alien hybrid. I'm your typical geeky highschool senior. (In fact, I'm typing this in economics class. We aren't doing a dang thing! Yeah!). Anyway, I have been an otaku ever since Pokemon came to America. Since then, I have moved on to more sophisticated anime, but I still respect Pokemon for what it has accomplished and what it introduced me to. I love all things japanese. I study their culture, focusing on the feudal era. I even study martial arts and hold a brown belt in Shotokan Karate. (I know how to use a bo too, but thats beside the point) My life is kinda ordinary, I guess. (then again, what is ordinary? Darn philisophical questions!) If you haven't noticed already, I tend to ramble. I think alot. If you ever met me, I probably wouldn't say alot, but if you got me to talk, I would start talking about everything! EVERYTHING! I could give an example, but I'll save that for later. I'll try and keep this updated. My computer has finally bit the big one (and probably went to computer-hell). I don't think I'll be getting a new one until christmas. Till then, I'll see y'all whenever I can. Bye!
Featured Quiz Result:
I like this!
I thought it would be wind, but oh well, this is sugoi too.
 Your element is earth: Wise, solitary, mysterious and loving. You are very wise. Your wise as in you know things others do not, you can see past stereotypes and see the real people behind their facades, and people will often come to you for help and advice. Quite solitary and somewhat shy around people because you prefer animals and plants, animals aren't afraid to show themselves or what they are feeling and plants are fun to nurture. You are very strong in your silence if you set your mind on something you will often times pursue it to the end. Sometimes you just want to get away, so you seek refuge in the forest where you can have time to think and try to sort out your emotions. The sound of the wind usually calms you, especially moving through the trees. Life to you is something precious and should not be taken for granted.
.:-|What is your true element?|-:. -With Anime Pictures and detailed answers- brought to you by Quizilla
Never thought about sais before.
 Sais! The smalles and lethalest pitchforks on earth. Invented by farmers, the Sais are more a defensive weapon to protect yourself against swords. (This on the pics aren't Sais, but that was the only pics which mached a bit, sorry ^-^v)
What's your Weapon? .._..contains Anime pictures.._.. brought to you by Quizilla