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Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Hi everybody
I doing fine just caught up in my school work and my computer at home is down.So now I'm at my cousins house on his computer.
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Thursday, August 4, 2005
ok 2day at school nothing really much happened except that the teachers told us that starting monday they're gonna start the lockdown thingy again(its when as soon as the bell rings they lock the door and u r stuck outside).In first period we did this thing 2 get 2 know our classmates names called 2 truths 1 lie its when u say ur name and u have to say 2 things thats true about u and 1 false thinga about u.
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Hi Everyone! I started school yesterday and is was fun.I like all of my classes except chorus,I gotta get out of that singing is one of my strong points.I have classes with some of my friends last and made some new ones.
How was ur day? I'll try 2 post more after school(I'm kinda in a rush right now)I only have 10 minutes left and its 5:55a.m
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Tuesday, August 2, 2005
Hi Everyone
Hi, How is everybody 2day! My day well morning is going good.Just watching adultswim the 2nd time it came on and eating Rice crispie emotion right now is mappy(Definition - mappy is the word u get if mad and happy had a baby^_^).I'm kinda happy bcuz I return 2 school 2morrow but I'm also mad cuz my summer came and went so fast but, what can I do about I'm not part of the government. but enough about that.

This is the dog I want bcuz it reminds me of myself after school when we had 2 take exams that day.

This is Ayumi Hamasaki one of my fav. jpop artists.she has a great singing voice and shes also kinda cute like this.but her lyrics 2 some of her songs reflect's parts of her life, which I think is important and kool for a song writer.^_^
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Monday, August 1, 2005

Since my owners didn't want 2 buy me any doggy biscuits,Then I'll just make my own.
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Sunday, July 31, 2005
 You, my friend, are a lazy sleeper! As far as you are concerned, sleeping and lounging about are the most incredible things on earth. You love just sitting back and watching everyone buzzing around with their busy lives. Its not that youre stupid or dont care, on the contrary, you are quite intelligent when you want to be. But why waste the effort?
How do you Sleep? (Anime Pics) brought to you by Quizilla
Oh man! this is so true
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Friday, July 29, 2005

Peter griffin in a anime kinda.....sorta....maybe way.
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Wednesday, July 27, 2005
What Not To Wear
I just got the newspaper and it talks about what pinellas district elementary,middle and high school students should not wear 2 school.Here are a few thing it says.
For the Boys:
-HEAD WEAR off with the hats both districts ban hast and head coverings inside school buildings.but they are allowed during p.e
-SHIRTS all shirts and blouses cover the shoulder.In pinellas,sleeves are mandatory for everbody.
-WAIST NOT Pull up those pants young man.pants must be worn at waist-no underwear can show.don't even think about folding over that boxer waistband and pretending its a belt.
-FOOT WEAR pinellas allows flip flops but they must be safe and appropriate.
-CELL PHONES/IPODS pinellas school keep them out of sight and turned off during the school day
-UNDERWEAR under is where it belongs.That bra strap can't show. Neither can those shoulders.
-SHORTS/SKIRTS whatever you wear must go down to mid-thigh or lower.It also must be hemmed.No fringes.
-SLEEPWEAR If its worn to bed,don't wear it to school.that means slippers or pajama bottoms.
Ok I understand 1 rule for both girls/boys but this is just stupid.then there talking about making mostly every school in florida a uniform school.i hate the hat rule tho bcuz I have 2 wear my jacket hoodie up bcuz the hallways at my high school is is outside and it gets kinda cold in florida(even tho its called sunshine state).plusmostly when I get my hair it starts 2 get cold.
Thats the longest I ever written a^_^
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Monday, July 25, 2005

Toads father after he quit working for princess toadstool.
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Sunday, July 24, 2005

Yoda at the Star Wars III Revenge of the Sith world Premiere(I think I spelled that right)

A Milk that realized that he can never spoil.

A laughing Jerry Mouse from Tom and Jerry.That show will always be funny.
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