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Tenchi Universe, Inuyasha, GTO, D.N.Angel,Naruto, The SoulTaker, Sailormoon, Ranma 1/2, genshiken,
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Saturday, November 5, 2005
Hello Everyone
Here is my report card grades! I know I and F is bad but where the c use to it was and F>
World History - F
Algebra 1A - C
Earth space Science - B
Web Design - I (I can Explain)
English 2 - B
Art - B
Its not Great but is good,I do my world history work I just don't know when to turn it in.
So what did u get and how is ur day.
P.S I want a tangerine
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Wednesday, November 2, 2005
 You chose brown eyes.
Brown eyed people are normally very romantic. You love to daydream, and sometimes you get confused with your own fantasies over reality. You are pretty outgoing, but some days, all you want to be, is alone, reading, or thinking by yourself. You have many talants, and you will probably have a very important job when you're older.
The Eye color personality test brought to you by Quizilla
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Tuesday, November 1, 2005
my computer is fix about 80% now so I might be on more regularyly now.
I hope these next 2 days go by really fast cuz for these next 2 days at school we have to take kaplan a stupid test thats 4 hrs long and they slpit us up by our last name so ur lucky if u have someone from your class in ur testing class.but its all good tho cuz as long as u know the stuff on the test,then u have nothing 2 worry about but when u finish the test early u just have 2 sit can't listen 2 ur ipod,u can't play cards,or u can't even play any electronical devices.The only thing u can do is put ur head on the desk or pass notes around.
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Sunday, October 30, 2005

one of the best super mario brothers character ever(next to toad that is)
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Saturday, October 29, 2005
 | You scored as Iruka. Youre Iruka, the Ninja Academy teacher.
You, my friend, are one of the kindest people there is. Sure, you can lose you temper from time to time who wouldnt, teaching those kids but you have a heart of gold. You work hard and are always there when someone needs you, but you tend to worry a bit too much about those you love.
Iruka | | 100% | Rock Lee | | 94% | Neji | | 94% | Sasuke | | 81% | Shikamaru | | 81% | Hinata | | 75% | Kakashi | | 75% | Genma | | 69% | Naruto | | 56% | TenTen | | 44% |
Which Naruto ninja are you most like? created with |
heres another test I took 2day
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 the studious student. You are definitely pressured and suffer from side effects from built up stress. You are constantly occupying yourself with books, studies, or some other hobby. You feel squeezed in place and have litte movement. Most of the time you are busy with work and family, and would love to spread your wings and relax. One like you needs to find a certain time of the day to just sit and release the tension. However, you are doing fairly well in school, but that does not mean that you can continue stressing yourself out. Take a breather and head out with some friends. You can consider going into a field like librarian, polotician, journalist, Archeologist, scientist, or lawyer. You have a brain...NOW USE IT....but please...spare yourself the pressure and create some down time for yourself. Or develop a hobby that releases tension, such as knitting (it worked wonders for me)
What type of teenager are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Heres a test I took
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Friday, October 28, 2005
Hi everyone I know I've been gone but I'm kinda back now.I missed everyone so much how is everybody.I'm doing good character day was today in school if u don't now what it is its when u dress up as ur favorite character and come 2 school as them me and my sister went as phil and lil.
well I'll try 2 talk to everyone 2morrow until have a nice day/night.
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Wednesday, October 19, 2005
computer bad luck
I don't have much time but how is everyone doing did u miss me?
I'm currently in school doing this right now 9:30 half a day(thank god) but my computer at home is infected again so my mom is gonna call the ppl again and yata...yata...yata so the only time I will be able 2 get online is the week-ends.
Well gotta go cya all of u lovely ppl l8r!^_^
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Saturday, October 15, 2005
These are my favorite 2 from the group Gorillaz 2d and noodle

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Ok I fix the problem that was wrong with my otaku site.
My mom has left 2 go to miami with her friends and there not coming back til tuesday.So I got to watch over my lil bros,and sister(well there not little cuz there ages are 13,14,17)but your problaby asking y is 15yr old watching over a 17 well.....lets just say they have a problem with letting everyone in the whole neighborhood in our house and they don't know how 2 cook like I can because my 14 yr old brother burnt is that possible I mean they were lile charcoal on the bottom, the house was all smokey and the fire alarm was going off.It was funny tho bcause we laughed at him for a little bit and told him he needs to start watching the cooking channel(I love that channel)BAM!!!!!Emeril rox(lol) and iron chef.but yeah so my weekend might be going down the drain but there might be something 2 plug the sink which means I wouldn't count myself out yet cuz I know how 2 have fun sometimes.
So how are u doing 2day?^_^
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