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Sunday, June 12, 2005
Summer Vacation
Finally, the semester is over! Finals are all done, projects are all turned in, now I can sit back and relax until next semester. Why is college important to my future again? All it seems to do is burn me out instead. I feel like sleeping for a week. Hmmm, maybe I'll do that . . .
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Sunday, May 15, 2005
You guys probably though I'd dropped off the face of the earth. Anyway, had an interesting day yesterday. Our house was invaded by ants (its that time of year) so we sprayed everywhere and then scattered outdoors. My mom and I went to the mall, browsed, bought some summer shirts, a couple DVDs, and then off to the movies to see Unleashed with Jet Li (I really like him!). It was pretty good. Then my family reunited at Red Lobster (Cheese biscuits and crab legs. YUM!). So, all in all, not bad for a Saturday. Next weekend, STAR WARS! Come on, who isn't going to go see it?
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Saturday, April 30, 2005
Oh, by the way. What do you guys think of my new pets?
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I stayed up all night, so I basically start falling asleep everytime I stop moving. So I just have a quiz I thought funny and a few wallpapers and then I'm falling into bed. Later.
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Saturday, April 23, 2005
Just letting you all know that my account has been unlocked and all it cost me was the deletion of one wallpaper. So for now I'm going to visit the sites. I may submit some new wallpapers tomorrow. Maybe. Or maybe I'll just wait 'til next weekend so I can check through everything. *Sigh* Later y'all.
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I guess I panicked. Only on of my wallpapers was deleted and then my account was frozen while they investigate my plagirism, so I can't access any of my artwork or leave comments or reviews. All I can do is make posts. So sorry to all my friends but I'll visit your sites as soon as I can. From now on, I'm going to be VERY careful when collecting pics and when making my wallpapers.
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Okay, I'm very upset and confused and angry because supposedly I've committed plagirism and now my account is frozen and all 111 of my wallpapers have been deleted, along with the fact that I had over 3,400 downloads! Now what am I supposed to do?!
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Friday, April 22, 2005
Okay, I love my family and all my relatives but sometimes they can get just drive me CRAZY!! My uncles constantly make cracks about my tattoos, calling me things like 'biker chick' and it just gets worse from there. I don't own a motorbike! That's stereotyping! And I swear, my ten-year-old cousin is the reincarnation of Scrappy Doo. Constantly wrestling and picking fights he can't win. He'll never learn when to quit. And my grandma keeps asking when I'll get a boyfriend. Sorry, but I bash guys more than I date them. Anyway, I just had to get that off my chest. Later y'all.

find your element
 Goddess of the Night. Beautiful yet a strange darkness and sadness lurk about you.
What element would you rein over? (For Girls) brought to you by Quizilla
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Friday, April 15, 2005
I'm going to visit relatives tomorrow (which is actually not a chore since most of them are fun to hang with) and I don't know if I'll be updating for the rest of the weekend, so here's two poems to make up for it:
A Girl in the Rain
The rain is falling again
And once more she is outside
As though it beckoned her
Like a long-lost friend
But who she is, who she was
Will remain locked away
For she hides in the unknown
Willing to be forgotten
Her tongue lies still
Because she doesn't know the words
To explain the riddle
Hidden in her eyes
And why her heart has eclipsed
Closing itself off
To all who would want a glimpse
On the outside she seems so empty
But what you cannot see
Is that she is burning inside
Trying to keep the memories from being revived
And the flames will never die
For she can't remember how to cry
So as the years flow by
She'll continue being outside
As the rain falls gently down.
A Girl in the Rain II:
A Companion
Once again she is outside
For the rain is falling
But this time someone is there
Someone is with her in the rain
His eyes are full of questions
That only she can give the answer to
But she cannot tell
What he wants to know
For her tongue remains locked
And her mind remains closed
Though she tries to deny it
Deep within her heart
Feelings are stirring
She knows not what it means
But when he tries to reach out to her again
She reaches out as well
And tears are seen for the first time
On her pale cheeks
As buried memories
Rise to the surface
With a whisper and murmur
She finds the words to say
And her tongue discovers motion
As she explains what he wants to know
A sigh, a brush of lips
And the pain is cleansed away
For he would always be with her
Whenever the rain fell gently down.
Have a great weekend everyone!
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Sunday, April 10, 2005
Went and saw Sin City today. Very good movie but also very bloody and gory. After this, I'm signing off. My arm is in pain and protesting usage. I got my second tattoo yesterday. A blue tiger. The first I got over a year ago. A blue and red dragon. Expensive, painful, but worth it. My dad thinks I'm nuts. (He's afraid of needles.) Check them out below.
My left arm:

My right arm:

What can I say. I like dragons and tigers.
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