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. . . any world but ours . . . anywhere but here . . . perhaps somewhere in the middle distance on another planet populated by all the characters from all the different universes that I love so much. oh, wait . . . did you mean *geographically*?
Member Since
...being an otaku...?
Real Name
to the abnormal freaks around me who know nothing of my true self I am known as "Elizabeth Anne". my REAL name is Aliryn, of course.
one published poem
Anime Fan Since
spring 2004
Favorite Anime
that's a hard one. I like Case Closed and Trigun and *especially* Fullmetal Alchemist and Inuyasha
to do stage theatre and to be good at drawing/painting and to learn Japanese NOW (good luck I have no self-motivation whatsoever) and to go to Japan (don't we all say that though!?)
reading novels and manga, gaming, movies, anime, all of the previous in the scifi/fantasy genre; crochet, bead (make jewelry), draw&paint (not that good though), trying to get back into practice w/piano/flute, write (scifi/fantasy but mainly poetry)
writing. and I'm kinda smart but not *too* smart
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Monday, March 7, 2005
up-down-back-forth-left-right-over-under-in between...
I've gone through a full range of mood swings since yesterday, most of them while laying in bed with a freaking migraine. I couldn't sleep because of it and when I lay in the dark thinking for hours it always means trouble. Like I said, massive mood swings. Right now I'm sorta mostly happy, but as I didn't go to class because of my migraine--figuring it would be smarter to get rid of it one day instead of being absolutely miserable all week--I'm rather aprehensive about what my mother'll think when she finds out... yes, she's home, but she sleeps in the day instead of at night. Weird? No. My whole family would do that if my bro and I didn't have classes in the day. It's easier for us. And seeing as my mother 1) has enough physical health problems 2) has enough mental health problems and 3) doesn't work because of her disabilites anyway, there's no reason why not.
Anyway, let's find something *interesting* to talk about...
Well... I'm watching a Star Wars movie for like the billionth time... Star Wars is good to have in the background for me cuz I really really like it and it's both funny and serious and all of that together is good. Has anyone else seen the The Revenge of the Sith (Episode III) teaser trailer? It's cool... *evil grin* but my bro says the final full trailer comes out this week *SCREECH!!!* Of course, this movie will be the one that connects the prequels to the original trilogy and will make the whole thing as sad as hell, but... it has depth, so I don't care. That's me. As long as something isn't shallow, I'll usually at least be okay with it. *grumbles about the extremely shallow American society*
Hmmm... *has a thought* okay, I'm outta here for today. I gotta think about this... *tries to decide between laughing evilly and thinking deeply as she walks off... and tries to do both, looking pathetic*
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Sunday, March 6, 2005
Many Various Things
The 1st Yuki Club Contest is out!YAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!! Now I just have to decide what to do for it... not only do the prizes sound awesome, but I'm gonna have SO MUCH FUN just DOING it!!!! HAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!
Ok, ok, calm down...
So I want to ask your opinions on a few things. I'll number them in an easy format so you don't get confused if you're dizzy a lot like me XP
1. In a lot of fanfics I've been reading, they put that Inuyasha can smell tears--specifically the salt in them--from a ways away from someone crying. Does this sound realistic to you? I mean, realistic in an anime sense XD *rolls eyes at own idiotic comment*
2. If I slyly/sublty inserted a reference to a movie in my Inuyasha fanfic, what movie would be good? Or is it just a lame idea? I rather liked it...
Uh... I had more questions, I know it... damn it all. Oh well...
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Saturday, March 5, 2005
Total Visits 295
Popularity Ranking # 1855
Last I knew I had like forty visits and a ranking in the 3000s!!! When the hell did that happen?! Heh, I've been more distracted than I thought. Plus the last few days every time I log on I have another guestbook signing! What's up with that?! Especially since even with like thirty friends I STILL only get four or five comments a day...
I'm bored. I spend my time downstairs with the computer where the tv only has a vcr but not a dvd player... meaning there's next to nothing to watch. All our good movies are on dvd! Oh well... (right now, I'm watching Muppet Treasure Island for a complete lack of anything better... and it's funny enough, I guess, but not when I've watched it so often... )
Go see ElvesAteMyRamen-chan's Fruits Basket AMV! It ROCKS, even here at home with my sucky dial-up!!, where I get a lot of rocking anime pics, added an FMA gallery! YAY!!!

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Friday, March 4, 2005
First of all, I want to thank Neko-san, marz, Lewna, Nikorasu, ShadowDarkness54, and ElvesAteMyRamen-chan for being the only ones who manage to comment on my site regularly. *hands them cake and ice cream* I'm still gonna go to the sites of people who don't comment on mine, even the ones who NEVER comment, because I'd feel bad if I abandoned them... but my commentors get precedence and my story is screaming for me so they're the only ones I'm visiting today.
Speaking of my Inuyasha fanfic, I've written lots more! It's almost 18 pages long! Yay! Of course all the scenes are pulled from here and there instead of in order but that's cuz I write what I have inspiration for.
Speaking of, I think I had better seriously consider moving out of my house. Either a place really can soak up the emotions of the people who live there or I just have too many bad memories from there, cuz I feel rotten most of the time there no matter what I'm doing. When I'm all hyper like this it's almost always when I'm at school, or the bookstore reading manga, or something.
Haha, anyway, that's all for now!
*excited at everything right now*
Oh, and here's a pic! Aliryn's new favorite movie ^_^ !!

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Thursday, March 3, 2005
Okay, for no reason whatsoever, I'm happy now... YAY!!!
...actually, I don't have much to say...
(c'mon, I can do better than that...)
Oh, this post and the last one had font color changes. That's cuz I decided just for kicks to see what it'd be like to change the post colors according to my current mood...
Um... just as a piece of advice... don't ever write fanfic where you 1) kill off all the characters 2) make the characters go through X-rated stuff or 3) try to resolve all of the series' problems.
Those kinds of fics suck.
That being said...
I'm still trying to write a fanfic >_< yes it's getting somewhere... but *slowly*.
I'm gonna go to people's sites now... I haven't done that in... like... forever...
Oh, and thanks to those who read through my last very long very depressing post and commented. It does a lot for me just to have people say something sincere and that's more than five words. Oh and I finally ate something substantial ^_^ .
Oh... it's my bro's b-day... huh. 22. He's getting old.
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Wednesday, March 2, 2005
Just whining... don't read if that bugs you. Oh and since I feel rotten right now I swear a lot. You've been warned.
I know I sound like all the other angsty adolescents out there, but I fucking want to die right now.
It comes of a combination of screwed brain chemicals that decided to hide again, having to call my grandfather and talk about fucking depressing things, and realising just how alone I feel--which makes me want to scream as loud as I can until I have no breath left. I've been running on my own steam for so long... even long after I ran out of steam. I don't know what I'm running on anymore. I haven't been to any of my classes since last Thursday, I haven't done any homework, I barely muddle through chores--which I only do cuz I hafta answer to my mom.
How come I'm so pissed off about things that don't sound half so bad out loud?
That's another thing I don't get. How come stuff that sounds lame in writing or saying hurts so fucking bad inside?
I'm frustrated, but I'm too blah to be energetic about it. I'm just tired and fucking pissed.
And only a few hours ago I was bouncily making my way from the bus stop to my house, daydreaming about Inuyasha.
I'm one hell of a lot more screwed up than most people think, I guess...
Maybe if I go watch my new Inuyasha movie again I'll feel at least a little better...
But I'm gonna faint. I haven't had a decent meal since mid-way last week cuz I haven't been hungry... but I've been feeling dizzy and weak. But right now I'm less hungry than ever because I'm so fucking depressed.
And a couple of nights ago, I realized that I've lost another five pounds in the last few weeks.
On top of it all, I have another bloody headache.
And I was so close to good inspiration for expanding the Inuyasha fanfic I'm working on... then the depression came out and squashed it to little crappy bits of useless nothing.
I want to smash something.
I want to go to sleep and never wake up.
I want to go back to the nice hyper feeling I've usually had over the course of the past three months.
I want to scream and scream and scream until every window within miles breaks and my vocal cords are ruined for life and my lungs give out into an asthma attack, because at least if I were wheezing and coughing I'd fucking feel something.
That's the worst part of all this. I can't really feel it, not in any deep gut-wrenching or heart-rending way. It's mainly a depression of my mind, but that depression lays an oppressive veil over my whole being... but my soul is the soul of an artist and a fighter so I can't fucking give up even if I wanted to. Deep down something is screaming at me to stand my ground and rip the smothering veil to shreds.
But I can't.
I don't know how.
I just...
I just...
I just don't fucking know anything anymore.
Even a short few months ago--maybe even weeks--I was so sure about the universe and everything in it.
The conclusions I drew still make sense, and are still the only way the universe can work, and the only way my deepest being agrees with--
But it doesn't seem like enough anymore.
What the fucking hell are you supposed to do when the ultimate answer to the universe isn't enough?!
I want to tear everything in sight to shreds.
I want to pull the blankets over my head forever.
I want to break out of all of this crappy mess and emerge to live my life the way I think I ought to live it.
I want to break out of all of the mess to find that there is an answer that's enough.
I looked in the mirror earlier. I was white as a ghost, whiter than I've ever seen myself. And I'm not sick. I'm just depressed, and lonely, and alone.
I fucking want to die right now.
But I don't.
I want to live... but only if I can really live. Only if someone would fix the world I was dumped in because I can't get anything to work.
I want to die.
But I want to live.
But not like this.
Not like this...
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Tuesday, March 1, 2005
*currently skipping philosophy class and reading loads of Inuyasha fanfic*
O-philosophy-professor-that-hates-me, eat your heart out.
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Okay, sorry I disappeared for a few days. Things here and there--you know how it goes.
I GOT INUYASHA MOVIE 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*joyful aura*
My mother got it for me. Hahaha. We're still broke but she's like I don't have enough money to pay the bills anyway, let's blow a little... I think she was at one of those "who gives a rip, it's screwed no matter what I do" moments. Hahaha. I'm so happy!!!
What's more... I watched it... in 5.1 Dolby Digital Surround Sound... on the home theater system in my family room... that we got a couple years ago *specifically* to watch LOTR on. But... Inuyasha on Surround Sound... the awesomeness can't be expressed... only downside was the tv was so freaking far from me, like five feet. Ok that's not far but I'm blind as a bat anymore. It's not one of the *huge* tvs either, it's a nice, rather large flatscreen, but not one of those super-duper widescreen-so-big-it-sits-on-the-floor ones. Hehe. So I'm *THRILLED* to death. I watched it in English last night just cuz I felt like it but I'm thinking of watching it in Japanese here at school in a bit. I've never heard the Japanese voices of Naraku or Kohaku or Kanna or Kagura or... *takes breath* because the only dvd I have is movie 1. So anyway. Haha. I watched a bit of it in Japanese last night... the audio overall flows so much better with the original voices. Humph. Makes me wanna learn Japanese fluently even more.
Okay, so I'm gonna try to get to people's sites... there's no excuse for me today, but then again, I've never needed an excuse to do or not do anything >_<
My shower's broken. It's making me mad. My brother's birthday is on Thursday--he'll be 22--and he's coming home on the weekend and I'll twist his arm to help me figure out what the freak is wrong with the shower. He has to use the same one when he's home anyway.
Okay, today's poem... huh. This one isn't particularly imaginative, but it reflects a theme that runs through most of my stuff--specifically, light vs. darkness, in all the metaphorical senses that implies. This one's kinda trite too, but they get better soon, I promise.
when darkness arrives
to with light contend
it may arise
but will lose in the end
when darkness comes
to extinguish the light
it may overcome
but always falls in its height
when darkness reigns
thinks that light has gone
it will see again
that it is wrong
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Saturday, February 26, 2005
*lame feeling*
Well, I don't feel talkative today, and I don't have much time in any case. I won't be able to get to people's sites; I'm sorry. Anyway, here's today's poem, also written when I was 12 or 13. Still redundant and inimaginative.
i might see a light
ending my plight
and making my sun turn gold
i might see why
my soul fails to fly
and my heart may yet sing again
i might see the world
as a mystery unfurled
and know that my heart is ablaze
i might see the sun
know hope yet to come
and be free to roam the stars
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Friday, February 25, 2005
*new idea*
HAPPY!!! Cuz I feel special from my AIM conversations w/friends yesterday!!! Ice Guardian and kasie2998 and ElvesAteMyRamen-chan!!!!!!!!! YAY *sniff* *gives friends big hugs* And tons of thanks to ElvesAteMyRamen-chan for kicking my incentive into action for my fanfic and for helping with an *awesome* idea how to do something with the fic and for sending me that *awesome* song Boulevard of Broken Dreams by Green Day that I keep listening to over and over and over *ad infinitum* (Latin: going on forever (that's literal)) *huge grin and hug for her* Here's a cookie! Not really. But still here's a cookie ^_^ !!!
So I realised... (yes I've started using old British spellings. They're prettier) ...that I mainly just yack everyone's ears off on this site so I'm gonna try to add at least a *little* substance every day by adding one of my poems... that should last for a good third of a year or so. Haha. I'm gonna post 'em in approximately the order I wrote them (appx cuz I don't remember when I wrote some of 'em -_-' )
Here's the first one, and keep in mind, I was, like, 12, when I wrote this... which is why it's redundant, unimaginative, and juvenile. (Tomorrow's will be a *bit* better... heh...)
But hey, it's...
I (no titles so numbered by Roman numerals)
in a hostile place
where time has no embrace
without hope
to err earns a smartrope
eternally anguished
while allowed, should have wished
without love am i
no love seen by my eye
fire underneath me
nowhere to put it freely
the unloved am i
no love rains from my sky
yes yes pathetic I know.
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