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. . . any world but ours . . . anywhere but here . . . perhaps somewhere in the middle distance on another planet populated by all the characters from all the different universes that I love so much. oh, wait . . . did you mean *geographically*?
Member Since
...being an otaku...?
Real Name
to the abnormal freaks around me who know nothing of my true self I am known as "Elizabeth Anne". my REAL name is Aliryn, of course.
one published poem
Anime Fan Since
spring 2004
Favorite Anime
that's a hard one. I like Case Closed and Trigun and *especially* Fullmetal Alchemist and Inuyasha
to do stage theatre and to be good at drawing/painting and to learn Japanese NOW (good luck I have no self-motivation whatsoever) and to go to Japan (don't we all say that though!?)
reading novels and manga, gaming, movies, anime, all of the previous in the scifi/fantasy genre; crochet, bead (make jewelry), draw&paint (not that good though), trying to get back into practice w/piano/flute, write (scifi/fantasy but mainly poetry)
writing. and I'm kinda smart but not *too* smart
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Wednesday, February 9, 2005
I'm sorry I didn't get to (most) anyone's sites today... I've been rather busy. My mom's really sick and I had to help her run some errands and then I had some retarded schoolwork. It was for graphic design, most of the assignments for which aren't retarded, but this one was to find research pictures based on a script, which is what you do in theatre design... designing is fun. Researching makes me want to puke. He said make at least half the pics not from the internet and I thought, what the heck, like I'm gonna use the library? the university library is ridiculously huge and it's impossible to find what you're looking for. So I just got pics off the net and I'll say some of them came from books at my house I scanned into my pc. I could have actually done that, we have lots of books here, including encyclopedias and junk with pics. But I have motivation problems. So I'll lie. Bad Aliryn but I don't much care. I've had a migraine all day. And I'm sore all over. (Not sure why. All I do is walk to the bus stop...) And I'm really worn out. And it's only Wednesday. And I have to get up at six tomorrow and walk to the bus stop in the dark. (Does anyone see a pattern here?) My mom is worse off, though. She feels ten times worse than most people can imagine even normally because of chronic problems, and when she gets sick, she gets way sicker and stays sick for way longer than anyone else. Not to mention that she's got even more mental health problems than me--and trust me, physical and mental diseases make each other worse. Much, much worse. So if those of you who pray could keep her in mind I'd greatly appreciate it.
Sooooooo anyway I'm gonna try to post an image again, just for kicks. I think that last time I tried, I used URLs from a site that requires a membership to get to the pics... (why, when the memberships are free!? makes no sense... maybe to cut down on bandwidth cuz lazy people won't take fifteen seconds to register?) but another site has the same ones, but a little smaller. That's ok, though. But I don't remember which ones I tried to post the other day, so I'm just gonna pick some new ones. Maybe they're the same.
Search me. I dunno anything.

Well, okay, I was only gonna do three like I tried last time, but there were four that I wanted cuz I love them so much... and I have a strange phobia of even numbers. So I did five. They're from DNAngel. Still dunno nothin' about it... but do you see what I mean about the beautiful pictures ^_^ ?
Shippou: Hey, Inuyasha.
Inuyasha: Yeah?
Shippou: Where are we going?
Inuyasha: Naraku's castle.
Shippou: So... you know where it is now?
Inuyasha: Of course not.
Shippou: So... we're just walking around in circles...?
Inuyasha: Stop asking stupid questions!
From Episode: Onigumo's Memory Restored
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Tuesday, February 8, 2005
It's freaking COLD!!
So I wake up and realize that I need to leave in like two minutes so I race around trying to get out the door and then go out the door... and it's freaking SNOWING. Snow EVERYWHERE. It must have snowed last night, too. But I was late, so I raced to get to the bus stop. I knew I wouldn't have made it if the weather was normal, but usually the bus is a few minutes late in bad weather. So I hurry anyway cuz I'm cutting it close and being my clumsy self plus the fact that there's snow ALL OVER and it's FREAKING COLD and I'm in a HUGE hurry I fell down like five times between my house and the bus stop. Literally. *grumbles* Now I'm cold AND sore. So I get to the bus stop and look at the clock and think I ought to be on time.
I waited in the cold for a freaking half hour.
The bus was that late.
And I fell five times trying to catch it.
*bangs head over and over* Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!
So I was late to class.
And sore.
And cold.
It's a damn good thing I wore so many layers. I knew it'd be coldish, but... geez...
Last night I was working on a programming assignment while watching an old movie with my mom called 'Tea and Arsenic' or 'Arsenic and Old Lace' or something like that... and it was so funny! *laughs and snorts* (who, me!?) I always thought old movies sucked. That one's a kick! It's so out there! It really is an old movie, too. It's in black & white and it has Cary Grant (I only barely know who that is, that's how old.) Anyway, you ought to watch it. It's a kick. It's... so... insane! My mom said she was in a play of it (it was originally a play) her senior year of high school and it was way different from how they did the movie! She said it's one of those things where there's a billion different little versions of it. Hehee. It's... so...
Ah hell just go see it.
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Monday, February 7, 2005
*scratches head*
So apparently no one else can see the pics, either... maybe it's my html coding that's bad. So it took longer than usual to get to people's sites cuz apparently the high-speed net on campus is like overloaded in the middle of the day, and it's particularly bad today for some reason completely beyond my comprehension.
Anyway, I have another class in half an hour... guess I should eat my lunch before then. But I wanted to go more places! T_T
I've really been missing new anime lately... suck. That's all I have to say. Suck.
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Really, they ought to have a schizo icon.
So... erm...
I've been... um...
...not here.
I did have something to say today, I promise...
So I was wandering around looking for anime pics and was looking at series I knew nothing about, you know, just for the pics... I know nothing whatsoever about DNAngel but I discovered that there are absolutely beautiful, cool images from it all over! I love it! Here's a few:
Like I said, that's only a few. They're just so... awesome... even though I have no idea what they're about... guess that's what you call good art, huh?
So I'm gonna try to get to everyone's sites now--I'm sorry that I haven't been by lately!
Hrm... I guess I better get started before I go off on some tangent, huh?
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Saturday, February 5, 2005
I feel blah again
Sorry I haven't been to anyone's sites... I'll get there... eventually. Not much going on...
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Thursday, February 3, 2005
my day sucked really bad
then I did some fun stuff
but it's still a bad day
so I just feel blah
oh, and I have a headache.
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Wednesday, February 2, 2005
So I was coming home on the bus and I was sitting on one of the sideways seats and was facing backwards and I was thinking how fun it was to travel backwards at the higher speed (on the highway). Then the bus driver radios someone and says something about there being something wrong with the brakes, that he had to make a hard stop and it almost didn't and the bus was shaking (which I was on the bus for) and I could feel the fear of everyone else instantly, it hung so sharply in the air... but my first reaction was, how fun! ^_^ We get to go flying around! but they brought out a new bus and made us transfer. Don't think I'll tell my mother--she'd just worry constantly.
So... maybe I'm that bored... that a ride on an out-of-control bus sounds fun...
Or maybe I'm just psychotic o_O always a possibility.
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Never, never, NEVER walk long distances in snowboots.
*pain* >_<
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Okay, now I'm pissed.
My dumb cd player. I can't live without it because I spend an hour between my house and the campus both ways--plus on campus when I'm not in a lecture. But it won't work! It'll play a little... and do nothing. I don't get it. I've always had trouble with my players cuz I... um... drop them... but I've tried every trick I know and there's no reason it shouldn't work! I just checked my cd in the pc here and it plays just fine--so it's the player. Damn. A new one would cost $35 at the least. I don't have that. Damn. What a pain. I hate the quiet. Plus I hate the noise of the bus. I want to drown it out. Not ot mention the other people yakking. Can't they just shut up!? Man, I'm so mad now.
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I got cooooooooooooooooooooooool stuff!!! I haven't gotten more than one little cool thing at a time in a while! At least since Christmas. I grew up spoiled, you see, so I miss getting a stack of books once or twice a week... okay, it's petty, but... hey, I have worse psychological issues to deal with, so I'm not so concerned about it.
Technically, it is 2:45 Wednesday my time, but for me, it's Tuesday. At my house we're all night owls and we always call days by when we sleep, not when midnight hits--even though when no one has to get up early the next day we usually are up until after dawn... *uh-hrm*
Back to the point... I GOT COOL STUFF!!! YAY! Since we're poor now it only worked because I have a fund... that I can't touch, my grandmother (who's an obsessive utilitarian) has it... and it's ONLY for college, including books and school supplies. So I needed a few art supplies for my graphic design class and I got a few extra things I don't really need, per se... but I wanted a few things, like another hard pencil. (my nice hard 6H was so short that when I sharpened it, I was peeling off metal, too...) I needed watercolors for class and I normally use acrylics so I got new brushes just for the watercolors... of course I needed them *uh-hrm* and I got some nice erasers, mine are pretty dead. (I tend to do more erasing than drawing...) And I got a better pencil sharpener. 'Til now I've been using a cheap 15-cent thing from like WalMart or something *gag* that also helped my pencils get chewed far down because it kept breaking the lead. And I got a two pack of these AWESOME erasers that are made like pencils for erasing thin lines! I've never been able to erase thin lines well! It's impossible to do once your eraser's edges are rounded! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! And I got paint remover cuz I'm lazy and don't like scrubbing paint out of my brushes for hours to get the paint out. (for Christmas I got brush restorer which kinda reshapes the brushes to their original shape once they're clean... this's gonna be FUN...) Um... lessee... I got a sketchbook and a watercolor tablet for class, though I already have some I could have used, I thought, my grandmother can just think that I did need it all for class... which isn't normally something we'd do, but we're poor it's kind of almost necessary... not like life-and-death but it's the only way I could get that stuff. I got a whole new set of like 12 pencils of different ranges... including an 8H! Yay! I need a really hard one for my initial sketch because I'm bad at shape, and have to keep retrying. I can go over that with other stuff pretty easy after that, though. Hehe. I also got a kneaded eraser... which could always come in handy. It's really good for picking up excess lead without actually erasing the marks--kinda lightens the shade. I also got a couple of paper blending stumps, which are great. I got little ones because I had a really big one once and it wasn't any good for anything but huge strokes. *Meh* I don't use many big strokes!!! Between my new art supplies and ElvesAteMyRamen-chan's tutorial-in-progress, I'm gonna have SO much fun!!! not to mention that my graphic design teacher believes that everyone can draw, it's just a matter of figuring out how... and I said I've always wanted to draw well but never could and he said "we'll fix that." Awesome, or what?
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