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. . . any world but ours . . . anywhere but here . . . perhaps somewhere in the middle distance on another planet populated by all the characters from all the different universes that I love so much. oh, wait . . . did you mean *geographically*?
Member Since
...being an otaku...?
Real Name
to the abnormal freaks around me who know nothing of my true self I am known as "Elizabeth Anne". my REAL name is Aliryn, of course.
one published poem
Anime Fan Since
spring 2004
Favorite Anime
that's a hard one. I like Case Closed and Trigun and *especially* Fullmetal Alchemist and Inuyasha
to do stage theatre and to be good at drawing/painting and to learn Japanese NOW (good luck I have no self-motivation whatsoever) and to go to Japan (don't we all say that though!?)
reading novels and manga, gaming, movies, anime, all of the previous in the scifi/fantasy genre; crochet, bead (make jewelry), draw&paint (not that good though), trying to get back into practice w/piano/flute, write (scifi/fantasy but mainly poetry)
writing. and I'm kinda smart but not *too* smart
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 12/12/04:
Result Posted on 12/12/04:
ALL the Inuyasha tests say this!!! ; ) (Tha's ok it's true)
Result Posted on 12/12/04:
 You are one of the Vanyar, the Ligt Elves of Valinor. You never crossed the sea to Middle Earth, but chosed to stay in the Undying Lands of the West. You are beautiful beyond the wold in face and mind. You live in the immortal light of Valinor and you are most beloved by Manwe the great king of the Valar. Your soul is peaceful and there is nothing dark in you.
Other Elves of your race: Ingwe and Indis -Berio i dur Belain i ven lin ne vorn!-(May the power of Valar protect you on your path in the darkness)
Which Tolkien Elven race do you belong to? brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 12/12/04:
generally, yeah. though in arguments I mainly tend to yell.
 Your soul is OPEN-MINDED. Although you do have strong opinions and make decisions, you never make them without thinking first of not only everything that is, but those that may not be as well. People trust that you'll willingly hear them out and understand when they tell you something, and you are well-liked for it. You are often the mediator in disputes and your desire to do what is right overcomes all else. You are an understanding and admirable soul.
What Is Your Soul's Trait? brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 12/12/04:
Result Posted on 12/12/04:
Result Posted on 12/12/04:
um yeah kinda
Result Posted on 12/10/04:
not sure the second one would be my ideal but it’s a really, really funny !
Result Posted on 12/10/04:
Hey, cool! (I like the first one better.)
Result Posted on 12/10/04:
ummm . . . when I’m not in a manic episode, maybe. otherwise . . . well, never mind. don’t ask.
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