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get better at drawing and writing... I would also like to be able to acutally use that skateboard that's currently sitting in the corner collecting dust...
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| AllPowerfulDaisy
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Longer Now Than It Seems...
Whoa! I actually got a comment yesterday! *love for TigerFantasy17* ^o^
So yeah, I've been sick for a couple days, so I have a bunch of make-up work to do x.x It's actually not that much, but it's sooooo boring. *sigh*
Aaaand I'm prolly going to a con this month :D I really want to cosplay as Souseiseki from Rozen Maiden, but that's a bit too much effort for someone as lazy as me. Maybe Cisqua from Elemental Gelade? Let me know if you have any suggestions!
My life is boring, so I have nothing else to say =)

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Tuesday, October 2, 2007
T'was A Long Time Ago...
Wow... I haven't updated since March! OMFG! Not like anyone actually cares, but here's what has happened in those months:
My sister went off to college...and took the playstation with her! (We still get in fights over it. She smashed my head against a window and almost broke my toe, but I did try to strangle her, so I guess I had it coming. XD)
My family got an exchange student from Japan! 8D She loves America so much and she's already way more popular than I am ^^ (Apparently she's afraid that I'm angry about that, but I really don't care)
Aaaaaand, saving the best for last...
I no longer want a boy. I refuse to elaborate. Figure it out for yourself, eh!
So yeah. Ten bucks says no one even reads this XD

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Friday, March 16, 2007
Move Tohru 4 Sohmas clockwise
Pokemon marathon tonight! WOOHOO! Well, hopefully anyway. The person who was gonna lend a couple of the movies to me forgot, so we'll see how it goes. Gotta catch 'em all! XDDD I can already feel the envy of the dance-goers. haha!!!!
I like cherry soda. :D
And boys. :D
I want a boy D:

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Thursday, March 15, 2007
For those who didn't know what pi day was:
Pi=3.14 (about)
March 14th=3/14
Get it? Good!
...I swear I had something important to say. Oh well. Short post for you guys ^^

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Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Indeed, today is pi day and white day... and my music teacher's birthday. XD Three in one! I hereby declare that you all must eat at least one slice of white pie today!
Anyhoo... Retreat was actually pretty fun yesterday. It was sickeningly nice outside, so I got to skip rocks in my free time. :D You're jealous. I know it.

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Tuesday, March 13, 2007
I just finished the second part of the OGTs. Why do they give us so much time? I don't get it. Maybe I'm just too fast. Seriously. I finished the test, checked all my answers, read an entire book and most people sill weren't done... okay. So it was a manga book. I'm trying to make a point, here.
Anyway, I'm going on retreat for the rest of the day, so that should be a party. *sarcasm* Oh well. At least they feed us.
Aaaaaand the spring dance in on Friday. And I'm not going. A couple of friends and I decided to have a Pokemon marathon instead. Because Pokemon is cooler than being social. Buuuuuut, Emma just told me that she's GOING TO THE DANCE! THAT STUPID TRAITOR!!!
Her loss! ^^

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Monday, March 12, 2007
I've Got Some Falling To Do
I love my updating habits. They're so random. Really. I'm sorry that I suck at life. I shouldn't even be on right now. I'm in World Civ, so... yeah... I should be looking at stuff about Africa right now... I feel sick... *dies*
Urgh... just letting y'all know that I still exist... *dies again*
OH! btw... I love the library now. Because it has Kyo Kara Maoh!!!!!! Thanks for making me so obsessed, Joyceling... *patiently waits for next volume to return to her library* Back to the afterlife! *dies for the third time today... and there was much rejoicing*

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Wednesday, February 7, 2007
Yet another day off! But today, it's actually because of the snow. w00tage!!!
I got grounded yesterday for absolutely no reason. I asked why and my mom just said "Because I said so"... that's the first time she had ever actually used that as a reason. grrrrrrr...
Anyway, here's a pretty catboy that Catherine drew for me! :DDDD

Don't you want to feed him??? X3
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Tuesday, February 6, 2007
Yaaaaaay flooded school basement! :D More days off school! *dances* Yaaaaaaay catboys! ^_____^
Yes. I am re-obsessed with catboys! *squeal* Catherine is a witness! Speaking of t3h Catherinexxorz... she has a drawing to give me! *waits*
Ummmmmmmmmmm... I don't know what to say now. >.<
All your catboy are belong to ME! :DDDDDD

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Monday, February 5, 2007
Did ya miss me?
^^ Believe it or not, I'm still alive. And I'm off school today! :D Hence my updating. The reason I haven't been updating was that my life was being completely consumed by webcomics... not much of an excuse, but that's what you get.
Anyway, my guard coach can't get any places to practice... EVER... so we're just not doing anything..............
zomg... Joyce lent me Spiral! ^_______^ The commentaries made me smile really big-like! :D And a freshman lent me an entire season of Sailor Moon!!!!! <3 That really brought back memories! XD
I'll try to update more often! Really! And if I don't Liz has permision to bash my face in with a rusted hammer, okay? ^.^ Hope you like the new layout!

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