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myOtaku.com: Almare

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Hello! This is Almare. For those of you who don't know who I am, I am Chinese and I love music and anime!

Saturday, September 2, 2006

   I haven't posted here in a long time, have I?
Wow... I haven't posted here in a long time!!! *sighs* Mostly because Andover got filled with a lot of shit to do, and now I have school to attend and I have no time to post on this site... So what's going on with me? Erm... I don't know.. A lot of crap/shit/stuff I don't want to talk about happened, and I really don't know what to say... This morning I was really pissed off and shit. I am going through that stage where I am not happy... I have been really tired these days and I don't know what to say about them... There's too much going on, and I am not sure about how I am going to handle the stress and pressure of everything this year... To be frank, I am scared... I am scared of a lot of things that I went through at Andover, and I don't want the same things that I went through there, to happen here again... I was a wreck at Andover due to personal relationships... But I think I am okay now... I am a bit stronger than I was before, and I think I may actually pull through with everything...
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Tuesday, July 4, 2006

   4th of July??? Whoa!
Hey, people... I know I haven't been on this site for a while, but that's because I have been busy with stuff. I finally got the laptop and I will use it to post more stuff about my days here in Andover. I don't know why I haven't really posted here... I'm just... out of it? I have talked with and met a lot of interesting people and I always forget time to update this blog. I met a Japanese girl that looks EXACTLY like Noodle from Gorillaz, and I always call her that. As a matter of fact, she is sitting next to me on my right as I am posting in this blog. But she's answering her e-mails in Japanese now... It's kind of weird. I'm actually in the library. Maybe the library is the only place I actually remember to post random shit... Bleh... Spanish people are currently chatting away with us... So what happened on July 4th at Andover?

Well, I took a vocab quiz today in English, which wasn't that bad... Erm... We discussed this poem that we read last night, and I was really tired when doing the worksheet for the poem thing, so I took the meaning of the poem in a completely different way in what it was supposed to be like.

I had Introduction to Chinese after that... We didn't really do anything. We took a quiz on numbers... And then right after that quiz, my teacher made us review numbers.... AGAIN! God, we just took a goddamn quiz on numbers, and he's making us learn them again??? WTF? We need to MOVE on with the stupid goddamn program. It's already been like... a week since I got here, and I haven't learned anything else in that class. It's stupid. So after that, Noodle and I just hung out and went to CVS and I got some black eyeliner and dark red lipstick to go as a female Japanese gangster for Halloween this year. I decided going as a female gangster for Halloween is the best thing I can do. I can't do an andriod for Halloween. It's too... complicated. There's nothing else I can do.

Anyways, after that, Noodle and I hung out in my dorm room and did random shit. At 3:00 PM we went out for Field Day. We had popcorn and cotton candy. And one of my fellow classmates put shaved ice down my tank top today, and I immediately screamed at her: "What the fuck is your problem, you bitch?!" right in front of the director. He immediately told me to quiet down, but I hope he doesn't recognize me in the future because I was wearing sunglasses. I'm glad he didn't say anything else. God, I am going through my period right now, and it's not the most happiest thing on earth. God, I HATE that time of month. It makes me all crabby. So if I'm bitching right now, that's because I'm PMSing. It's tough being a chick... XD

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Friday, June 30, 2006

   4th Day at Andover...
Well... Where to begin now?

Erm... I woke up REALLY late today. I woke up around 7:35 AM, so I didn't have enough time to go down to breakfast. Besides, I'd rather arrive to class early and not have breakfast at all, rather than eat breakfast and arrive to class late, because I don't like being late. I really don't like it. It feels... weird. Ermm.. What else? Reading and Writing class today was okay. We did some pretty interesting stuff, and I am already in love with the stuff we do with that class. We discussed this stupid short story. But even though it was stupid, I still felt great about a lot of stuff. We then were able to go and brainstorm some stuff by just looking at an item we carry with us daily. The teacher went and picked my CD case and she brainstormed about the stuff I said about it, on the board... In front of the class... Anyways, so now I have to write a two page paper about the item I always carry with me, and how it relates to my life.

Introduction to Chinese was okay. I seriously think that the guy who is teaching our class doesn't know what he's doing. We only learned how to count to ten, yesterday in an hour and fifteen minute class! Today, we watched a movie for two hours, until one of my classmate's cellphone rang, and disrupted the whole class, so the teacher finally dismissed us, despite the fact class was already dismissed a while ago. We were still watching the movie, and the movie wouldn't be over until about half an hour. Well, I better continue working on my English paper... I don't want to procrastinate and a fellow student of that class is sitting near me. I don't want him to get the wrong idea...

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Thursday, June 29, 2006

   Bleh? 3rd day at Andover...
So here, I am at again... I am at the library. My dad claims that I shall get my laptop on Friday... If he can get it today... He has to load some stuff on the computer... So yeah.

So what happened today? Stuff. That's all I can say. I woke up a little late today. I was supposed to wake up at 6:00 AM to meet a person at the dining hall, but instead I woke up at 6:50 AM because I forgot to turn on the alarm clock. But as it turns out, the person I was meeting was five minutes late. Classes were okay.

Reading and Writing was great, because I got to really participate in class today. So it was awesome. But there's still a lot of homework she assigned us... It's a lot... *sweat drop OF DOOM appears out of the side of my head*

Introduction to Chinese was kind of boring. I kind of don't like my teacher anymore. He just rambled on and on about Chinese novels talking about interesting topics, but how is this really related to the course? I mean, he's a nice guy, but he's just a little too laid back... That's the only thing he did for about 7/8 of the time. The other 1/8 he taught us how to count to ten and then made us go to the library and look at Chinese non fiction books. Kind of a waste of times...

So now I am here at the library yet again. I don't really know what to do now... I think I am going to check my mailbox... My stupid voice mailbox won't work because it's stupid. I talked with a lot of people today, so I think that everything here will be fine. I want to read more manga, but there's not that much manga here! I know I said that before, but I can't help it!!! Oh well... Time for me to leave...

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Wednesday, June 28, 2006

   2nd Day at Andover.
Yay! The second day here. Things aren't so bad. I couldn't sleep last night, and I ended up staying up at midnight, until I finally got to sleep and woke up at 6:00 AM. I am surprised that I actually got up from bed as soon as I heardd the alarm clock, but I managed to say: "Fuck!", once I saw the time. I didn't know what I was going to do, until I just starting sitting around the campus and reading a book while I waitited for the dining hall to open, after I washed myself up. Let's see... I ate breakfast... alone. I didn't really care at the time, because it was the second day for goodness sake! I was also the first few people there. The food was okay. It wasn't that great, but it was just decent.

Erm... I went to my Reading & Writing class, and it was okay. We did have a few jokes in our class because it's only twelve people in my class. It was interesting. We didn't do that much, being the second day at Andover and all.

So after that, I went to my Introduction to Chinese class. That was also okay. The stupid teacher was ignoring me with all the comments I had to made, and was kind of being mean. But he's funny though! So I think that class will be okay. I am dissappointed with what he said, saying that we will be just learning how to order Chinese food at Chinese restaurants... I kind of expected more than that, being the whole "Introduction to Chinese" and all that crap... I have two people that are taking both Reading & Writing and Introduction to Chinese. Hopefully, I can get to know them, since one of them is from Turkey and he's really funny. The other is from Tokyo. I haven't really talked that much to her. In fact, I haven't talked to her at all.

So now I am at the library once again. I want to bug the living daylights out of my mom and dad to get me a laptop they saw at Circuit City and buy it to bring it here, because I'd really like to have my own laptop. You know, since I am in Reading & Writing and I will need something to type with for essays! I had a snack at the dining hall, and I saw a fellow Bromfield student, but we didn't say anything. We just looked at each other... And was like... "WHOA! YOU ARE HERE TOO?!?!" O.O Spooky... And what else? I read more manga in the library. They don't have that much manga, actually. So my manga reading is very restricted here... Anyways, I should be going to lunch now. I think I'll go do that...

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