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Tuesday, June 27, 2006

   First Day at Andover...
Well... Here I am at Andover... Whoopie dee fucking doo. I am currently at the library of Andover, and on one of the computers... Shhh... Don't tell anyone! I am not supposed to be on this site, because the sign next to me says: "Game playing, chatting, or instant messaging is not permitted." in big black, bold letters. Well, who's going to fucking care, anyway? I don't see any librarians around here who are patrolling the area, so I think it will be okay...

Ugh... So how do I begin talking about my day? I don't know... Erm... I got up around 4:00 AM, because I couldn't sleep... Perhaps I was too excited for this summer session or I was too nervous. I don't think it was either one, because I definitely did not feel that way when I was up at that time. So what did I do? Well, I first tried going back to sleep for the first half hour, and then I finally went downstairs to play Final Fantasy VIII. It was fun, until my oldest brother came downstairs and was telling me how to battle stuff, and how to "help" me with battling, when I can take care of things by myself... it wasn't too bad though. At least he TRIED to help me, unlike my second oldest brother who has the Mini and is an ass. So that wasn't bad. He couldn't help me until 7:00 AM because he had to go to summer school at BU. I packed some more stuff for this summer session and my mom complained to me with putting off the packing. God, she's such an annoying little bitch sometimes... Erm... What else? Took a shower, and ate a muffin while I waited for both my second oldest brother and mom get their asses downstairs to help me load the trunk of the car. So half an hour later, we arrived here. My second oldest brother knows the campus pretty well, so there's nothing here that he's not familiar with. So he gave us a little tour, after I checked in. It was annoying though. My mom was bitching about stupid little things for the whole signing in process, and was just... bleh. What else? Erm... After a while, my mom and brother left me. So here I am... Desertted in the campus of this school with nothing to do now. I am not sure with what I have to do. Like I said, I'm in the library. I WAS reading manga a few minutes ago, but I decided that I would go on the computer to post in this ever so wonderful blog, and yeah... Oh yes! I just saw some female Spanish students come in here, and I see one of them exposing her whole back, and I think it's kind of slutty... Well, the shirt and the girl. There's nothing else really to say now. I just summed up everything rather nicely.

Except the fact that I got this wicked sweet shirt yesterday from Seras, before I came to Andover. It's a Hello Kitty shirt (yes, Skiaska, start obsessing NOW!!!) with Hello Kitty dressed up as Alice, and the white rabbit only a few feet away from her, with the words: "Lost in Wonderland" under it. It's nice and black. Unfortunately, my mom refused to buy it for me, until I finally bugged her to. She didn't like the shade of black, and thought it was too kiddy. Who cares?! I like it! It's so chick, and I think it's kick ass. Actually, today, I am wearing dark clothing. I know, it's weird, because I usually wear bright colored clothing that constantly blinds Skiaska's eyes, and yeah. It was so hot today, at Andover, that I decided to change into some black shorts, so basicially everything I am wearing today, is black, except for my sandals which happen to be purple. A light shade of purple that is. So.. yeah, I am kind of scared about this whole thing, but not really. I know in the end, that everything will be okay and there's nothing to worry about because there will surely be people to help me around and such...

Oh yeah, here's the lovely link to the place I am going to and go and type it in the address bar for more information!


Yes, this is exactly why I am always so angsty. Wow. I am surprised that you actually put up with me being a whiney, crying bitch. I'll give you a cookie for that one... =^.^= ... Or would you prefer a brownie??? *sweat drop OF DOOM appears out of the side of my head, as I hand you either a brownie/cookie. (Or a brookie. Brownie and cookie combined! XD)* And how are Minis not cool? I heard the Nanos easily break, so I don't know...

Yes... Life is not fair. I want to go and piss off at her for being that way.. XP

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Sunday, June 25, 2006

   Bored. Tired. And wants an iPod. God, my oldest brother gave me the Mini iPod that he bought with his own goddamn money to ME, and then my mom goes off and gives it to my second oldest brother. WTF? It was MY birthday that day, and my brother gave it to ME, not my other brother, but to ME! And when I debated over this during dinner last night, my other brother was all like: "I deserve this iPod because I am the second oldest!" Seriously, he needs to go and shoot himself. Yesterday, I did most of the housework, and my brother did very little housework.

What did I do? I vacummed the house, cleaned all the stupid school work junk in my room and on the computer, and mopped the house. My brother just vaccumed the bathroom upstairs. Now, here's a very difficult question... Who does more work? The answer is obivious... me. I did most of the house work today. And my brother is an irresponsible ass , who thinks he's "worthy" of having an iPod. He really thinks that... Well, he has a fucking laptop, and he got one before he's in college and spends his LIFE on it. Oh, not to mention, the privacy he gets from ME, compared to me, when he just CONSTANTLY comes into the study room just to see what the fuck I am doing. Seriously, he just needs to keep his nose in one place. HE'S the one doing irresponsible things like going to sites that I don't even want to talk about. And he says that I don't deserve it because of my grades. I get PERFECTLY good grades, and HE thinks he's the one who's all high and mighty because he got higher grades than me? No. I'm afraid not. He hasn't got higher grades than me, so what gives him to right to go off and basicially go around acting like he's better than me, when he is really worst? He hasn't done anything since he graduated, except sleep til noon and waste his life on the computer, while I have been cleaning up everyting and doing stuff. See the problem with him is, that he always slacks off so much. This is another so called "reason" for why I shouldn't have the iPod Mini. Because I don't have that much music in my library, he thinks that it would be a waste for me to have the iPod Mini. It's a waste? Well, how can I help it when I have only 1.8 GB left in the hard drive for this computer, and I don't want to download any more stuff? As a matter of fact, I have kept on telling him to burn stuff off of this computer to give me more room. And has he done so? No. In fact, he is so irresposible, he forgot to return a borrowed DVD, he borrowed from a friend from over two years ago! And I seriously don't know how he is going to go and give it back to his friend. God, I hate him. He's a big, fat selfish pig that thinks he's deserves everything and he's all great, when he really isn't. He really needs to have something smacked in his face in order to make him realize that. :x

Ugh, I kn ow I am sounding like a complete whiney bitch, but I really need to throw out all my anger in this blog. I can't keep it all bottled up inside of me, or one day I shall snap and scream at everyone. That's the problem with me... I'm like water... Water can be calm and gentle at times, but then again, it can have a nasty temper and be harsh as the wind. That's the problem with me... I have a bad temper once things get out of hand...

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Wednesday, June 14, 2006

   Ugh... I know I haven't been on here lately. Due to an idiotic person submitting a comment that was NOT related to my subject. This person was being a weirdo and decided to congraulate me on something that I receive! I SPECIFICIALLY said that this happened to another person...

Anyways, so what's up? My grandfather died on Monday. This Monday. I know. It's really weird. I didn't understand him because I don't speak Cantonese, (thank you, dear Mother, for not teaching it to me) and it wouldn't matter since he had memory problems. I don't know how to describe him. It's... painful, I guess. I know that no one on this site will care.

*sighs* What to say... What to say... Finals. I hate them. I LOATHE them! I really don't like them, but I have to make exceptions to some. I am scared shitless about Science and History. I hope History isn't that bad, but I think Ms. Doherty's final will be okay. I think Mr. Menin is going to be a complete asshole with this final and find a way to make all of us fail it. I'm not that worried about Spanish, Algebra, and English because I understand everything, but I will still study hard for them anyways.

What else? I will be dismissed early on Friday, because I will be leaving to Toronto to attend my grandfather's funeral. I am still... shocked about it. Well, not really. I mean, he didn't eat at the nurising home, but I just... am not ready to let him go yet, when I know I should. I really hoped that he would last longer, and that he would last until school ended. I didn't want him to go so... soon. It was too soon for me... My mom has already left to Toronto and we will meet her there on Friday.

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Friday, June 2, 2006

   Yay! Graduation!!!
*clears throat* No... FYI, I did NOT graduate! My brother did. He's the second oldest of the family, while I am the youngest. He just graduated today and it was pretty happy for him. I got to hear one of his classmates talk about a time when he spilled his coffee in the school library twice. How his classmate somehow got the coffee in the library? I don't know... But he also talked about a time in the second grade, when he and my brother got in trouble for going around and accusing people of being "German spies". That all had to do with World War II, when my other brother told my brother who just graduated today, about it... Yeah... But I had to suffer through bug bites, while my hands were hurting after all that clapping.

What else? I don't know... I congraluated a lot of people who I knew were senoirs. It was great... ish. Until I saw this annoying little seventh grade girl (not mentioning any names here!) and this bitchy girl in my grade! I HATE her! Skiaska and Vandae would CLEARLY know who I am talking about... She's a bitch who thinks she's SO great at some stuff like singing, writing, and praticially everything when SHE IS NOT!!!! God, she's ugly, fat ish, and has a really croaky voice. I HATE THAT GIRL MORE THAN ANYTHING BECAUSE SHE'S ONE OF THE BIGGEST BITCHES YOU WILL EVER MEET! Okay. Done ranting about that bitch.

Alrighty now... What can I say? I am currently on my brother's computer because he refuses to let me use the other computer I usally go on, because he' playing a game on my computer. I think he said that my computer has more space or something so that's why he uses my computer instead of his own. What's bad about his computer though, is that the s key is not really working... ish. Well, how can I explain? It all began, on a day, when my brother was pulling up his window shade, and the window shade broke off the top, and hit the "s" key of the laptop, and removed the cover. You know. The cover that has "s" on it, and so the cover of the button for the "s" key is loose, so it makes it harder for me to type. I seriouly had to press the "s" key twice, every time I used it. Well, most of the time. I really don't know how my brother deals with a somewhat broken "s" key, but he does. He just...does... I can't really stand it. It's harder for me to type like this... *cries* I plan to sleep now, despite the time, because I am really pooped. Who thought that graduation would be SO tiring, when YOU aren't the one who graduates?! Signing off now...

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Monday, May 29, 2006

I am so bored today. I was playing Final Fantasy VIII today, but my brother took over for me, because I have to get this specific GF. So yeah, my brother took over for me because I wasn't responding to the game as quickly as I could. So now I am on the computer after my brother took over my game. That's what both of my brothers do. I had my second oldest brother take over Majora's Mask when I was just about to kill Majora with the Fiece Diety Mask. So he took all the fun. And now my oldest brother is taking over Final Fantasy VIII to get a GF named Doomtrain. Supposly this GF is REALLY powerful.

Anyways, so now I am listening to Karen O's wailing in Date With the Night. If you don't know who Karen O is, then maybe go to Wikipedia and type in the Yeah Yeah Yeahs in the search box. I downloaded Fever To Tell and Show Your Bones last night and I'm already in love with their music. Their music is so unique, despite the dirty words in some of their songs. But they are still cool.

I still have stupid homework that is due tomorrow, and I don't wanna go to school. I don't want to do anything right now, except listen to the Yeah Yeah Yeahs. Their music is so insane, it keeps me sane. That's how good their music. So can you believe it? Almare, who is usually insane, is now sane when listening to the Yeah Yeah Yeahs.

God... I don't know what to do now. I think I am going to post random stuff in weird forums on random sites like Gaia. Bye!

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Wednesday, May 24, 2006

   Bored out of my mind...
I haven't updated this thing in a while... I don't why... It was weird!!! >.> <.< I don't like school now that finals are coming up and so is MCAS. I am too lazy today to explain what MCAS is, so go to Wikipedia and type that in the search box... Ugh... I am so bored right now. I don't want to do any of my homework, but I know I have to or else I shall fear all of my teacher's wrath! Well let's see today... what happened today in school?

Okay. So... Today in English class, I really wished I was dismissed early. Which did happen by the way, during Science class. So my wish came true. I actually didn't know that I would be dismissed early. Anyways, I had to somewhat suffer through Algebra, because I was on the last problem of a quiz that I didn't finish on Monday, so I had to solve that. Once I got everything, I did fine. But anyways, I had to suffer through the first 30 minutes of Science class. My Science teacher is a fucking jerk and he's horrible. So during some stupid MCAS problems that Mr. Menin was giving us, the phone rang. I wasn't really paying attention to anything because a classmate and I were playing hangman on a sheet of paper. So Mr. Menin told me I had to go down the office. The office people told me that my mom was going to pick me up. I thought that they meant that my brother told them that he couldn't pick me up today, so he gave them the message that my mom was going to pick me up instead of him, so I left the office to go back to Science class. However, at least 1-2 minutes later, the phone rang again and THIS time they said I was being dismissed. Then Mr. Menin asked me if I had any idea that this would be happening and I told him no. If I did, why the hell would I go back to the Science room to continue on with the stupid lesson? Anyways, so I gathered up my stuff to go to the office. By the time my mom came, it was like... ten minutes till school would end. So the reason why I was being dismissed was because the stupid office people made a mistake on our school calenders saying that today was an early release. By doing so, my mom made a doctor's appointment at 2:15 PM, five minutes before school ends, and my mom couldn't come to pick me up later, so I had to leave early. Anyways. So my mom dropped me off back home, where I spent more than two hours listening to music on my CD player and I then I took a nap. I did random crap after that, so here I am. I am currently wasting my life away doing nothing...

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Monday, May 22, 2006

OMFG! I am the biggest procrastinator in our school! Well... maybe not... I am still not done with my History project that is due tomorrow! I am currently on the library computers, dilly dallying because my mom just came here in the library and has REFUSED to go home until she reads some useless shit. I really don't care for that. So how should I begin talking about what happened today? I don't really know. I haven't posted here in a long time, due to personal and school problems. I have been very busy with life and off in my own little world... Which means, that I have been either:
A) Listening to a lot of music on my computer and/or CD player...
B) Watching a lot of anime on the computer...
C) Wasting my life away on Gaia...
D) All of the above...

Yeah. That all sums it up rather nicely. Oh, but don't worry about moi... I am doing okay, actually. I have found out recently that I will be having the same Spanish teacher I currently have next year for Spanish 3. Which is a VERY good thing, because my teacher is a good Spanish teacher and she is very nice and always willing to help me since I am one of her favorites of the classroom. Another good reason why I am SO happy about this is because I won't be stuck with some shitty Spanish teacher that smokes, drinks, lashes out on different people in the classroom due to weather and has a husband that sexually harrassed a young teenage girl in another school. That sums up the OTHER Spanish teacher named Mrs. Castro, rather nicely. She is really scary looking and I fear her greatly! She looks like an old hag or witch. Which ever she is, she scares me, and I don't EVER want her as a Spanish teacher. Seriously, according to all my friends that have her as a Spanish teacher, she always assigns the most stupidist assignments ever! So I am very lucky to have Ms. Fraser as my Spanish teacher. She is really nice, and very understanding. And another good thing about this is that all the 10th graders will not be taking Spanish 3 next year because they will meet the requirements of taking a language for two years, and they won't ever do Spanish again in their entire life because they think it's stupid and everyone should just learn English and settle with that. Which by the way, is completely stupid. I like learning different languages. It's fun, because then I can poke fun of people and they will have no idea what the hell I am saying and yeah. It's fun to mock people and poke fun of them. XD :D

Okay... So back to where I am right now... Like I said, I am currently in a public library, and currently bored to death. I have nothing I can do right now... because my life is weird and I don't like myself that much... I need to go home right now, more than ever and all I wish is that I can work on my History project RIGHT NOW!!! Ugh... I have ranted too much. I think I will go now... >.> <.<

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Wednesday, May 17, 2006

   The rest of my grades so far...
Okay... So yesterday, I got all of my grades that I didn't get recently.

English: A-
Science: B

Wow... I can't believe I actually got a B in Science considering the fact that I really suck at Science. Really. I do. But that's because Mr. Menin is a shitty teacher. And I am not kidding. He doesn't tell us the stuff that's going to be on a test until the day before the test. He doesn't tell us exactly what he wants. So we get a very vague idea of what he wants and what he doesn't. So it's frustrating. English is actually been pretty good so far. I just hope I can keep that A- because if I don't I won't be able to get in to English Honors next year, and I really want to. I am really fed up with being stuck with a bunch of idiots in my class so yeah. *sweat drop OF DOOM appears out of the side of my head.* So now, I have to prepare for my History test, which is tomorrow, and my Spanish test which is also tomorrow, and study for my Algebra retake quiz tomorrow morning. So my life is just perfect.

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Monday, May 15, 2006

   Progress Reports?!
OMFG! I got my progress reports today! Well, some but not all... Here are my wonderful, yet painful grades:

Spanish: A+
Algebra: B
History: A-

Okay... Time for me to bitch about the last two grades... I am perfectly fine with my Spanish grade and I hope it stays like that until the end of the year.

Okay... Algebra, eh? Why must I bitch about Algebra? There's NOTHING wrong with Dr. Horton and such, it's just that if I show my progress report to my mom she will think I am failing. Why? Because I didn't do so well on the two quizzes that Dr. Horton graded for me, so it was just dandy. I got an A+ on other assignments, but just not the quizzes. I have to retake those two quizzes after school TOMORROW or I shall be dead. Thankfully, Dr. Horton said the due date for the progress reports is on Friday. So, since the quiz retake date is tomorrow, I have enough time to go, and retake it, and since Dr. Horton's quizzes are really short, she can grade it, give it back to me, and I can give her my progress report and she can redo my grade! If I show it to my mom now, she will bitch. She will. Seriously. She is SO concerned about my Algebra grade because last year. I was going to go into Prealgebra. (aka regular Math for regular students.) My mom was NOT okay with that, so she made me do summer school almost two summers ago, where I was stuck with a mean, old, drill sargent like Algebra teacher, who was rather a bitch though. All the time! Really. She was. So I did NOT spend my six weeks, in a very cold high school with sketchy kids, almost every week day for over ONE AND A HALF HOURS, listening to a really bitchy teacher teach us algebra, and snap at us every five minutes. So after taking that course and getting an A with it, my mom was able to convince the school council that I was good enough at math to take Algebra 1 Honors. So my mom is SO concerned about my grade. Go figure and go shoot yourself. Well, don't do the last part! XD

Okay... History. Well, to be honest, I am NOT good at History with Ms. Doherty. I am good at History overall, just not in Ms. Doherty's class. She is a VERY harsh grader, and she even admits it herself. So I am struggling, and the last two terms I... well, let's just say that my grade was around: C- to B+. My mom was OBVIOUSLY not happy about that. So she was very pissed. Now that I have got an A- in History, she will be expecting that I keep that grade up until the end of the year! I can't do that! Well, I can. I just don't have the strength to say that now. I know if I work hard, I can keep that grade. And I have A TEST THIS WEEK ON THURSDAY! AND A PROJECT THAT REQUIRES A 6-8 PAGE PAPER, 8 PHOTOS, A CHART/GRAPH/MAP, AND A TIMELINE! OMFG! I am scared SHITLESS about the final exam for History. I don't like finals.

Well, that's all I have to say for now... My life is depressing, no? żMi vida es deprimente, no?

Good bye people! Since I am the soon-to-be perfectionist, I will study early for both my Spanish AND History Test, AND my retakes for Spanish, and of course, stupid Science homework. T_T XD

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Saturday, May 13, 2006

Oh man, I sometimes hate the weekends because you still have homework to do and such so it's a pain in the neck. Yesterday, for me, was the prom, and so on we had an early release for people who are going to the prom. Since I am not going to the prom this year, I spent my time with my best friend. We originally planned to do something else, but we couldn't. So yeah. My mom couldn't take us to the place where we wanted to go, due to the weather, so we decided we would spend the majority of the time here, in my house. So that's what we did. We listened to music, she drawed stuff while I read a book. We checked out the Legend of Zelda on the computer, and played video games! Well, I played video games, and she just watched me play. XD So that's my Friday... It was okay. We went to Friendly's later. Oh man, the burgers were so good, and we ate a hot fudge sundae. After that, my parents drove my friend back home on the way back, and while my mom did that, she bitched about me not doing flute anymore and how I should continue it. She is one of the biggest fucking bitches out there. I said that I didn't want to do flute ever again. It's not that I hated it, it's just that... Well, once I finally entered the flute playing world, I realized how competitive it is, and how ugly it was. So I decided I would quit. Besides, I wasn't having any more fun with the flute once everything got serious, and I couldn't do anything with it. I realized that I had talent, but compared to some people, I was the lowest of the chain. I couldn't do everything that people asked of me. I still maybe want to go into music when I grow up, but just not flute. I maybe would go and play flute when I feel like it. That's only when my mom stops bitching me into going back to take private lessons, again. God, I hate her for that! Now, I am going to slowly think of negative thoughts about suicide. Well, I will just have ideas. I won't actually do it.
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