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Monday, May 8, 2006

   Where am I? .... Seriously... I am groggily from my nap.
I am SCARED!!!!! Okay... So yeah. This is REALLY bad because... guess what, people?! I am seated in my Spanish class next to this 10th GRADE JOCK! Believe it or not, he's an asshole. My Spanish teacher changed our seats today, and she seated me right next to one of the loudest 10th grade boys IN OUR SCHOOL! Ooops! TYPO! I mean... he's not ONE OF THE LOUDEST, he is THE LOUDEST! OMFG! I just hate him. I don't hate my Spanish teacher for seating me next to him, I just hate him more than ever. Besides, my Spanish teacher is WAY too cool to hate. She's so awesome! *_*

Anyways, so THIS is what happened in Spanish class today....

Okay, so like, I was seated next to him, right? Well, this tenth grade dude's name is Ryan. And Ryan is a complete fat bastard, and an asshole. Seriously! He is fat! Even though he is very involved with sports and all that crap, he's still fat! He personally reminds me of a pig, while he reminds Vandae of a crab. So anyways, as soon as I moved from my old seat to my new seat, Ryan started shaking the table. And he blamed it on ME! WTF is wrong with him?! He's always joking around and stuff, and DOESN'T take things seriously! So anyways, since the table is complete shit, it was squeaking whenever Ryan shook it, so yeah. So this is how our lovely convseration went:

Ryan: STOP SHAKING THE TABLE, A******! (I refuse to post my actual name on here due to stalkers! I just decided to put the first letter of my name... XD)
Me: I'm not!
Ryan: Oh, but I think you are!
Me: (I didn't actually say this, but I was VERY tempted to.) And I think YOU ARE A FUCKING ASSHOLE!

Yes... I couldn't say that because my Spanish teacher was nearby and I didn't want to swear in front of her. I want to remain being a teacher's favorite in HER class because I get praised along with other angelic students in her class. So anyways, that was in the beginning of class! After that, my teacher gave us a worksheet, and out of the people in my ENTIRE row, I was the one who was actually WORKING on the worksheet and was clearly thinking about all the Spanish verbs and stuff. So then my Spanish teacher came to our row, and Ryan complained saying that I was shaking the table and said that he "can't work like this, because of the table being shook and a loud squeaky noise coming out of the table, AND it just so happens that HE is shaking it!" WTF is wrong with him? So anyways, my Spanish teacher then asked:

My Spanish Teacher: Why aren't you guys working? Look at A******! She's working hard! And she's not affected by the table shaking! (Me was thinking something like: YES! Praised again by my Spanish teacher in front of the class! OH YES!!!)
Ryan: That's because SHE'S shaking it! (Me thinks: I HATE THIS GUY MORE THAN EVER NOW!!!)

So yeah. Story's not over yet though. My Spanish teacher didn't like the squeaky shaking of the table so she moved Ryan to the other side of the room. And guess what, people?! The shaking table... STOPPED SHAKING! OMFG! Can you just guess who in the world actually shook the table??? So yeah. My teacher obviously pointed this out and Ryan replied saying that he thinks I am a ghost. A ghost? Seriously, I think he's high on crack. And then my teacher replied saying that she thinks that I am just very graceful (which by the way, is VERY true... XD). So then Ryan said that he thinks that HE is the most graceful person here in this classroom. Yes... This day sums up everything that happens in my life. COMPLETE SHIT! Now, I am going to rant about the the 10th graders now...




Ranting: OMFG!!!! I FUCKING HATE ALL THE 10TH GRADERS! I WORK MY ASS OFF JUST TO GET THE FIRST LETTER OF THE ALPHABLET WITH A PLUS SIGN NEXT TO IT!!! What does the 10th graders do? THEY HARDELY WORK AT ANYTHING, YET YOU SEE THEM JUST BARELY PASSING! And you see all the 10th grade girls and boys, going around with iPods, digital cameras, and cellphones and their parents don't seem to care about their grades! They are so spoiled! I don't have ANY of those things, and I don't need a digital camera or a cellphone! I do need an iPod though. BUT ANYWAYS! Those 10th graders DON'T care about their academic career! They don't seem to care about college or any sort of education. They don't work hard, instead they just dilly dally and stuff. I CARE about college and where I am going in life! And I am only a year younger than them! To think, you would suspect that the 10th graders are more mature than us, freshmen. But they are not! They are the complete opposite! They are selfish, stupid, and assholes. I hate most of the 10th graders with a burning passion. Of course, there are people in the 10th grade who are nice, and care for their grades, and I am friends with those kinds of people. I just hate the jocks and preps. Okay, done ranting. For those who read my rant, thank you so much. I just HAD to let out all the anger from today in Spanish class... But the problem is now... that I have Spanish class FIRST THING TOMORROW MORNING! Well, good luck with me on that! ;)

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Sunday, May 7, 2006

   Back from the Washington D.C. Trip, BITCHEZZZ!!!!
Okay! So this is what I did on Wednesday, May 3rd, 2006 to Saturday, May 6th, 2006...

Day 1 (aka Wednesday, May 3, 2006): So... On Wednesday I went on the bus to Washington D.C. Well... It was okay I guess.... How should I start? I spent most of the night doing my History homework so that I wouldn't have to do it today. I also took a long shower, shaved, and just packed stuff for the trip. That's what happened on that day REALLY early in the morning. I then slept for a little bit in my bed. I think I got to bed at... 3:00 am? I don't know... So I woke up later, and did random shit like eating breakfast, going to the bathroom and stuff... I arrived at school, where we put our bags in the bus. Luckily for us, we were on the first bus which meant we got the nice bus. According to girls named Julie, Rita, Mary Beth, and Amanda, their bus was shitty and their ride was boring as hell because they didn't have a DVD player like we did. They only had VHS. But seriously, who the hell uses VHS on a bus today? All the people who were on bus number two, tried to go to Best Buy or somewhere to purchase videos, but NO ONE sold VHS tapes anymore. Go figure... So let's see... We bascially watched Fever Pitch first, which I did watch for a little bit, but then I got bored... I think we watched Wayne's World after that, Mean Girls, and then... I don't remember the other last movie. It was stupid, and it was loud, and I fell asleep. The person who kept me sane during most of the part of my lovely journey was a girl named Sarah, in which, she gave me bubble gum, chocolate, and allowed me to listen to her iPod Nano. Seriously, if I wasn't able to listen to music during that ride, I would go completely insane and go on a killing spree by stabing everyone in the eye with strawberry Pocky. But that wouldn't work because I would soon run out of Pocky for me and Sarah to eat on our way to the hotel. So yeah. That's was most of our trip. We got to the hotel and I was so fucking happy that we did. We rested a bit, cleaned ourselves up to go to this weird dinner theater placed called the Lazy Susan. People told us to dress up for the thing, and I kind of over dressed if you know what I mean. I wore a really glitterly white top with a black skirt, and black high heels with silver earrings and necklace. Everyone else was kind of dressed more casual, but it doesn't matter. I like dressing up, and I bet I was the most elegant looking girl at the theater compared to others. LOL. So the waiters at the Lazy Susan were also the actors of the play "Oklahoma". To be honest, the first part of the play really sucked for me, because I REALLY had to go to the bathroom. I couldn't really go to the bathroom because the actors said that the aisles of the restaurant thingy were also part of the stage, and they said that if you really wanted to be part of the play and have your attention focused on you, then walk on the aisles and embarass yourself in front of three different, random schools filled with preps and jocks. They bascially told us a fucking lie, because they didn't really use the aisle as part of the stage. Okay, they kind of did, but oh well. You get what I am saying! They only used it in the beginning, and lied to us just to make us watch the stupid play. It was so annoying. So when intermission came, I bolted from my seat to go the stupid bathroom. After that, the second half of the show was fine. And then we went back to the hotel and slept.

Day 2 (aka Thursday, May 4th, 2006): So we had breakfast at this food court in the mall where people from other schools that go to Washington D.C. for field trips, like us, to eat. The food there sucked ass and was shit. We went to a bunch of memorials that day, and it was really hot and people were sweating like pigs. We took a stupid picture at Capitol Building which was just lovely because it was burning hot, and the sun was blinding at us, so bright, that I was going to cry. The stupid people there who were taking our picture were bitchy. So yeah. OH YES! I forgot to say that I was sick at the time, and I had a very runny nose and a sore throat. Awesome, is it not? So yes. We also went to National Air & Space Museum where we ate lunch and I bought dog tags as a souvenir. We had dinner at a mall and I bought some cool sun glasses in case of any more sun. Which there was. We came back to the hotel, took a shower, and slept.

Day 3 (aka Friday, May 5th, 2006): Breakfast at the same shitty place where we ate yesterday. The food was the same, and shitty. We had a tour of the Capitol Building, and we went to the Washington Monument, and went up to see all of Washington. We ate lunch at Ronal Reagan building which was okay, because I had some nachos, and a burrito. It was actually quite good, but very filling. I DIDN'T GET TO FINISH MY BURRITO!!! *sobs* After that, we went to the Ford Theater, where President Lincoln was shot. The person who was standing on the stage and pretending that he was there on that night Lincoln got shot and giving a speech, was boring as hell, and I almost fell asleep during his thing. I mean, President Lincoln is awesome and interesting and all that shit, but seriously. The guy was KILLING me with the stupid speech and he didn't do anything interesting. We went to the International Spy Museum, which was cool. I mean, there was nothing too special. After that, we returned to the hotel, and changed to go on this Dance Cruise where we would have dinner. What did I wear? I wore a black and pink shirt, and some really shiney red pants for dancing, sneakers because I REFUSED to wear high heels to dance in, and the same jewelry that I wore to the stupid play at the Lazy Susan. The dinner was also shit, and the stupid waiters made us wait for a LONG time to get food. It was a buffet, yet they made us wait for a fucking long time. You would think people on a dance cruise would have better services, no? And it's a FUCKING BUFFET! Buffets are when after you are seated, you get FOOD ASAP!!! Well, I hated it. So yeah... I danced. Amanda convinced me to dance with her, because she was lonely on the dance floor. It was FUN!!! We got to see Mr. Jones and Dr. Horton to DANCE!!! Mr. Jones was actually a good dancer, but he was getting PWNED by this other teacher from another school. Seriously, the other dude was really good. So yeah. I sweated a lot due to dancing and such. So as you might have guessed, I took a shower ASAP after the dance. Then I fell asleep.

Day 4 (aka Saturday, May 6th, 2006): So we checked out of the hotel, really bright and early, and then we went back to that HORRIBLE food court where we ate for the last two days... God, I hate that place now... After that, we went to the World War II Memorial where we saw a mother and her ducklings at one side of the watery memorial for soilders, and three of the ducklings that somehow landed on the other side of the watery memorial for God knows what. So all the girls on the trip were trying to convince Mrs. McGarty to let them step in the memorial to save the ducklings that were almost getting killed by the waterfall in the memorial. Because Mrs. McGarty found the ducklings irresistibly cute, she allowed the students to go in there and save the ducklings. So Emma Cait, Elise B. (I don't even want to try to spell her last name!), Lexie D, and Katherine F., all went in to save the three ducklings in there to bring them back to the mother. It was really fun to watch, but the ducklings were freaking out like crazy when those girls picked them up to bring to their mother. So yeah... Those ducklings were the cutest thing I have ever seen in a long time. So we went back on the bus where we watched some random shit, and stopped by at Baltimore, where Sarah, Arjuna, Dylan, and I all invaded Best Buy, along with pratically all the boys in our grade to check out video games. After that, Sarah and I ditched Arjuna and Dylan because we wanted to eat at the Hard Rock Cafe, and they were being slow pokes and didn't realize that time was money for us, and we really wanted to eat there. God, those boys can be asses when they want to be. I had a bacon cheese burger, and that was the second best burger I have ever had! The first was one in Quebec. I don't remember, but you get my drift... It was a wonderful restaurant, but the problem was that we were like... ten yards across from the stupid bar, where a stupid middle aged lady was smoking. I kept on coughing and shit. Seriously, wtf is it with people and smoking? They are killing themselves, and I was tempted to walk over to the bar and dump my Pepsi on that lady's cigarette. And on the lady, of course, for being an idiot to smoke. So yeah. After that we went back on the bus. We stopped at a rest stop, where I bought coffee. I chugged it down because I thought the bus driver wouldn't allow coffee on the bus. So I had an upset stomach which was just wonderful because I had to take pills, and I was sick and I felt that I was going to throw up during the beginning of our way back home. To be honest, I was a complete bitch during our ride back home. I was making death threats to many people that annoyed me, because I felt that they were going to make me throw up. Okay, I am overexagerating. I didn't make death threats. I was just a bitch. There. That sums it all up rather nicely. Oh yes, not to mention, I had to use the coach bus bathroom TWICE when I could have either waited a little bit to the rest station we were stopping to or go to the bathroom BEFORE we left the stupid rest station. I was an idiot. And the reason why is because Mrs. McGarty and Mrs. Silver told us to only use the bathroom as minium as possible. I mean, they didn't scream at me or anything, it's just that it was kind of hard because I didn't want to use a cramped bathroom and somewhat disobey their orders, but oh well. I really had to go. So Mr. Holt noticed that there was something wrong with me and gave me some Tum Tums to soothe my stomach. It did make me feel a little bit better, but I was kind of pissed off at the idea that the two nurses on the trip just HAD to be on the other bus, when they should have splitted the the two up, so that they would be able to attend people on both buses. So yeah. I felt sick during the ride home, but now I am okay I guess... I feel okay now...ish...

I bascially just listed off the shitty parts about the trip, but the trip to Washington D.C. wasn't that bad. I rather be at D.C. rather than at school writing eight fucking essays for Science...

So now, I am catching up on music and I am currently pissed off at the internet and myOtaku for being an ass and letting all these stupid pop-ups pop up in front of my screen. Since I use MSN as my browser, the stupid pop-ups are all Internet Explorer so MSN can't protect me from those stupid pop-ups. So I am being CONSTANTLY interrupted by stupid pop-ups on the screen while I was trying to write in this blog. God, I hate this. I fucking hate you pop-ups. So I am listening to music, and just browsering around on Wikipedia.... :D

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Wednesday, April 26, 2006

   Don't know what to do...
Okay... I am currently doing my History homework that is due in two hours. Well, actually more like... 9 hours and 45 minutes... In two hours, it will be Thursday, April 27, 2006. I am currently bored out of my mind and I need to finish my History homework... But I can't. I can't think of questions right now to ask the people I will be interviewing.

So anyways, right after school today, I took a long nap and woke up at around 6:00 ish, and I ate dinner, and left with my mom to go to this meeting for the people going to Washington D.C. There, people explained everything to us, and told us who was staying with who, and such. It was kind of boring ish. Nothing much to say about it, except that afterwards, my mom made me wait outside for about ten minutes in the freezing damn spring night cold, and then for twenty minutes, she made me wait in the car, while I was anxious to get home and finish my stupid History homework. What she was doing while I waited? Well, she was talking to a friend of hers. I know my mom's friend's daughter and she's pretty nice.

After that, I came home, listened to a lot of music on my CD player upstairs because I had to wait for my dad to get off the computer and let me go on after he checks his e-mail. So I listened to music for quite some time. After that, I got on the computer, and started watching anime, while I researched on Reagan. Yes, people. I am doing Reagan as my topic for the interview. He's interesting, but it's hard for me right now because I have no idea what to ask, since my focus is on his first term in office, and a lot of interesting stuff happens in the second term.

I drank two cups of hot chocolate to keep me alive and awake for this whole thing. I plan to stay up late, finishing this homework since I took a nap. Like my mom said yesterday, "I am hardworking". Well, ish. I am hardworking once I am working on my homework and waiting for anime to load on the internet. XD

So today was the Day of Silence. For people who don't know what it is, it's people remaining silent for the whole day, not talking to anyone, to show their support for gay rights. Now, I am not gay! Seriously. If you just talk to Vandae, she will make some very good points about me to prove to people that I am not gay. I know that I like guys, and that's that. So it was pretty cool. I got a spiffy button that said that I couldn't talk because I supported gay rights. But then two people made fun of me being silent, and I was pissed off. I did get my revenge on one of them, and Skiaska knows EXACTLY how I got it.

So now, I am here. In the study room, late at night, wasting my life away on myOtaku. Well, not really. I will just pace around in circle, while I figure out what questions to ask the people I am interviewing. Maybe I am making this too hard on myself. That's something Vandae always points out. I have noticed that a little bit. I always tend to freak out about some stuff, and I will sometimes misunderstand a question that a teacher asks me, thinking the question is more specfic and complex. Oh dear Lord, I wish I was more of a straight forward person. I am certainty not that.

So about myOtaku... To be honest, myOtaku is way better than Myspace because people here actually leave comments on your blog. In Myspace, people are stupid and don't do that because they don't care about other people's fucking lives. I think I will go here more often compared to Myspace...

And a message to Vandae: I am glad that I scared you with my spacings. I loved doing that, and I had fun with that. XD

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Monday, April 24, 2006

Vacation is over now... *cries* Ugh... I really don't like going back to school! We've got homework today, and yes, I know that I was going to have homework today because the teachers won't cut us some slack because this is HIGHSCHOOL! Anyways, at least 10 people told me they liked my hair cut today... I shall now list them off in order from the start of the day to the end!
1. My English (& Homeroom) Teacher.
2. Skiaska. (I do NOT want to post her real name here, or I could possibly feel her wrath? Her sporky wrath, that is?)
3. A girl named... Sarah.
4. A girl named... Anna.
5. A girl named... Hannah.
6. A girl named... Allison.
7. A girl named... Lizzie.
8. My Art Teacher? (I actually don't remember if she did comment on it or not.)
9. My Spanish Teacher. (Ella dijo: "Me gusta tu pelo!" y yo dije: "Muchas gracias, Senorita!")
10. A girl named... Audrey.

So yeah... 10 people really liked my hair today, and yeah. I came home today, took a nap, and woke up at 8:00 pm... Not happy, eh? I am now working on my Science homework that was assigned by my stupid Science teacher, and that all the students will to shoot at because he's lame and an idiot. After that, I should do all my other homework, take a shower and go to bed.

... I have no life...

... I don't like homework...

This fucking sucks...

I shall continue to ramble about my boring life at school later this week...


OMFG! I don't know why I just said that...

Maybe it's because I am going insane, and I am not realizing it...

I don't think that made any sense...

I'm leaving now... RIGHT NOW!!! ...

Bye!!! =^.^= ...


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Sunday, April 23, 2006

   I am so bored...
Man, I am SO bored! Today, my mom was bitching at me for stupid little things like using too much dish detergent for washing the dishes, and listening to music too loud. I am so bored, right at the moment, and the reason why I went to this site was because I was so damn bored, and I decided to go here. I am sorry to my friends for not going on to this site as often as I would for Gaia. In the mean time, I'll just tell you about what happened during my vacation so far...

On Easter, I went to church... I was able to take a sip of wine, and eat some host. The wine I drank wasn't that bad, actually. It tasted better than the last two times I tried the church's wine. The first time I tried wine was at first communion, and it was HORRIBLE! The second time, was at a retreat at some stupid retreat place that looked like a nursing home rather than a retreat center filled with Catholic stuff. That time was horrible also. The wine I drank looked like apple juice, and I would have been really happy if it was apple juice. Anyways, after church had ended, my family and I went back home, changed clothes, and ate some food, then left to go to Boston to pick up my older brother in college, and go to Chinatown. I explored Chinatown with my family and was able to get two CDs from my father's friend's sister in law's shop. I was really happy, because:
1. The CDs were cheap.
2. One of the CDs was by Teresa Teng, and I have been LONGING to hear her music.
3. Since we knew my father's friend's sister in law, she gave us a discount.
4. My mom said it was an early birthday present, and I am really happy that it was, because I love music.

So it was really happy. So then, my mom decided to take me to some hairstylist to get my hair cut. To be honest, the hair cutters there were all women, and the person who cut my hair scared me, because of her clothing. The person who washed my hair, started speaking to me in Chinese, and I had no idea what in the world she was saying, and the only thing I understood from her was when she said that my hair was too thick in English, while she washed it. And then the lady who cut my hair who also scared me with her clothing, kind of cut my hair too short. My hair isn't as spiffy as it was when I got it cut in Canada. It's a lot shorter now, and I don't really like it. I was really pissed off though. This lady cut my hair, NOT the way I wanted it. But go figure. This woman was trying to show off her boobs, and when she leaned over to cut my hair, you could see her bra, and everything. But then I had to deal with it. It's not that bad. Besides, the Jews had it WAY worse back during the Holocust. I feel so sorry for them.

Anyways, after I got my hair cut, both of my parents said it was "stylish" when I complete disagreed with them. I had dinner early at a Chinese restaurant, and just hung out in the restaurant I guess... It wasn't that special. We just had dinner with my whole family. Just my parents, my brothers, and me. So nothing too special. After that, we dropped off my brother back on campus, and I listened to the CDs I bought from Chinatown. Teresa Teng's voice is awesome! I am so glad I got to listen to her. She's really amazing. It's just too bad she died in 1995. So that was my Easter. Nothing too special

On Thursday, I went with my family to check out USMASS Amherst. It wasn't so bad. It looked pretty cool. And then after the tour, my dad DRAGGED us along to get the oil changed in our car. It was really stupid, and wasted my time. Really. It was. I mean, I had to wait for over an hour to get to the place, when I had to use the batheroom, and wait because of traffic jams. I was still pissed when I had to learn that I had to stay there for at least half an hour. I was able to kill some time by reading the newspaper. So that was it.

Today, I am staying home, waiting for my dad and brother to come back home from Philadelphia. They, actually my dad, was planning to drag me and my mom along on the stupid trip, wasting my time yet again to see a stupid college, and stay in a crappy hotel for over two days. However, my mom refused to go, because she wanted to stay home and do stuff, and she was also tired of traveling... ish. So I was able to stay home also, since my mom care just take care of me. So I ended up cleaning up the linen closet for the last two days, so it's all organized and spiffy. So now I am just going to waste my life away here and not do anything special, except maybe read a book, and maybe eat some snacks, and watch movies that I have already seen, and listen to a lot of music on my computer or CD player... :D

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Sunday, February 5, 2006

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