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myOtaku.com: Almare

Sunday, April 23, 2006

   I am so bored...
Man, I am SO bored! Today, my mom was bitching at me for stupid little things like using too much dish detergent for washing the dishes, and listening to music too loud. I am so bored, right at the moment, and the reason why I went to this site was because I was so damn bored, and I decided to go here. I am sorry to my friends for not going on to this site as often as I would for Gaia. In the mean time, I'll just tell you about what happened during my vacation so far...

On Easter, I went to church... I was able to take a sip of wine, and eat some host. The wine I drank wasn't that bad, actually. It tasted better than the last two times I tried the church's wine. The first time I tried wine was at first communion, and it was HORRIBLE! The second time, was at a retreat at some stupid retreat place that looked like a nursing home rather than a retreat center filled with Catholic stuff. That time was horrible also. The wine I drank looked like apple juice, and I would have been really happy if it was apple juice. Anyways, after church had ended, my family and I went back home, changed clothes, and ate some food, then left to go to Boston to pick up my older brother in college, and go to Chinatown. I explored Chinatown with my family and was able to get two CDs from my father's friend's sister in law's shop. I was really happy, because:
1. The CDs were cheap.
2. One of the CDs was by Teresa Teng, and I have been LONGING to hear her music.
3. Since we knew my father's friend's sister in law, she gave us a discount.
4. My mom said it was an early birthday present, and I am really happy that it was, because I love music.

So it was really happy. So then, my mom decided to take me to some hairstylist to get my hair cut. To be honest, the hair cutters there were all women, and the person who cut my hair scared me, because of her clothing. The person who washed my hair, started speaking to me in Chinese, and I had no idea what in the world she was saying, and the only thing I understood from her was when she said that my hair was too thick in English, while she washed it. And then the lady who cut my hair who also scared me with her clothing, kind of cut my hair too short. My hair isn't as spiffy as it was when I got it cut in Canada. It's a lot shorter now, and I don't really like it. I was really pissed off though. This lady cut my hair, NOT the way I wanted it. But go figure. This woman was trying to show off her boobs, and when she leaned over to cut my hair, you could see her bra, and everything. But then I had to deal with it. It's not that bad. Besides, the Jews had it WAY worse back during the Holocust. I feel so sorry for them.

Anyways, after I got my hair cut, both of my parents said it was "stylish" when I complete disagreed with them. I had dinner early at a Chinese restaurant, and just hung out in the restaurant I guess... It wasn't that special. We just had dinner with my whole family. Just my parents, my brothers, and me. So nothing too special. After that, we dropped off my brother back on campus, and I listened to the CDs I bought from Chinatown. Teresa Teng's voice is awesome! I am so glad I got to listen to her. She's really amazing. It's just too bad she died in 1995. So that was my Easter. Nothing too special

On Thursday, I went with my family to check out USMASS Amherst. It wasn't so bad. It looked pretty cool. And then after the tour, my dad DRAGGED us along to get the oil changed in our car. It was really stupid, and wasted my time. Really. It was. I mean, I had to wait for over an hour to get to the place, when I had to use the batheroom, and wait because of traffic jams. I was still pissed when I had to learn that I had to stay there for at least half an hour. I was able to kill some time by reading the newspaper. So that was it.

Today, I am staying home, waiting for my dad and brother to come back home from Philadelphia. They, actually my dad, was planning to drag me and my mom along on the stupid trip, wasting my time yet again to see a stupid college, and stay in a crappy hotel for over two days. However, my mom refused to go, because she wanted to stay home and do stuff, and she was also tired of traveling... ish. So I was able to stay home also, since my mom care just take care of me. So I ended up cleaning up the linen closet for the last two days, so it's all organized and spiffy. So now I am just going to waste my life away here and not do anything special, except maybe read a book, and maybe eat some snacks, and watch movies that I have already seen, and listen to a lot of music on my computer or CD player... :D

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