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myOtaku.com: Almare

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

   Don't know what to do...
Okay... I am currently doing my History homework that is due in two hours. Well, actually more like... 9 hours and 45 minutes... In two hours, it will be Thursday, April 27, 2006. I am currently bored out of my mind and I need to finish my History homework... But I can't. I can't think of questions right now to ask the people I will be interviewing.

So anyways, right after school today, I took a long nap and woke up at around 6:00 ish, and I ate dinner, and left with my mom to go to this meeting for the people going to Washington D.C. There, people explained everything to us, and told us who was staying with who, and such. It was kind of boring ish. Nothing much to say about it, except that afterwards, my mom made me wait outside for about ten minutes in the freezing damn spring night cold, and then for twenty minutes, she made me wait in the car, while I was anxious to get home and finish my stupid History homework. What she was doing while I waited? Well, she was talking to a friend of hers. I know my mom's friend's daughter and she's pretty nice.

After that, I came home, listened to a lot of music on my CD player upstairs because I had to wait for my dad to get off the computer and let me go on after he checks his e-mail. So I listened to music for quite some time. After that, I got on the computer, and started watching anime, while I researched on Reagan. Yes, people. I am doing Reagan as my topic for the interview. He's interesting, but it's hard for me right now because I have no idea what to ask, since my focus is on his first term in office, and a lot of interesting stuff happens in the second term.

I drank two cups of hot chocolate to keep me alive and awake for this whole thing. I plan to stay up late, finishing this homework since I took a nap. Like my mom said yesterday, "I am hardworking". Well, ish. I am hardworking once I am working on my homework and waiting for anime to load on the internet. XD

So today was the Day of Silence. For people who don't know what it is, it's people remaining silent for the whole day, not talking to anyone, to show their support for gay rights. Now, I am not gay! Seriously. If you just talk to Vandae, she will make some very good points about me to prove to people that I am not gay. I know that I like guys, and that's that. So it was pretty cool. I got a spiffy button that said that I couldn't talk because I supported gay rights. But then two people made fun of me being silent, and I was pissed off. I did get my revenge on one of them, and Skiaska knows EXACTLY how I got it.

So now, I am here. In the study room, late at night, wasting my life away on myOtaku. Well, not really. I will just pace around in circle, while I figure out what questions to ask the people I am interviewing. Maybe I am making this too hard on myself. That's something Vandae always points out. I have noticed that a little bit. I always tend to freak out about some stuff, and I will sometimes misunderstand a question that a teacher asks me, thinking the question is more specfic and complex. Oh dear Lord, I wish I was more of a straight forward person. I am certainty not that.

So about myOtaku... To be honest, myOtaku is way better than Myspace because people here actually leave comments on your blog. In Myspace, people are stupid and don't do that because they don't care about other people's fucking lives. I think I will go here more often compared to Myspace...

And a message to Vandae: I am glad that I scared you with my spacings. I loved doing that, and I had fun with that. XD

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