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myOtaku.com: Almare

Monday, May 22, 2006

OMFG! I am the biggest procrastinator in our school! Well... maybe not... I am still not done with my History project that is due tomorrow! I am currently on the library computers, dilly dallying because my mom just came here in the library and has REFUSED to go home until she reads some useless shit. I really don't care for that. So how should I begin talking about what happened today? I don't really know. I haven't posted here in a long time, due to personal and school problems. I have been very busy with life and off in my own little world... Which means, that I have been either:
A) Listening to a lot of music on my computer and/or CD player...
B) Watching a lot of anime on the computer...
C) Wasting my life away on Gaia...
D) All of the above...

Yeah. That all sums it up rather nicely. Oh, but don't worry about moi... I am doing okay, actually. I have found out recently that I will be having the same Spanish teacher I currently have next year for Spanish 3. Which is a VERY good thing, because my teacher is a good Spanish teacher and she is very nice and always willing to help me since I am one of her favorites of the classroom. Another good reason why I am SO happy about this is because I won't be stuck with some shitty Spanish teacher that smokes, drinks, lashes out on different people in the classroom due to weather and has a husband that sexually harrassed a young teenage girl in another school. That sums up the OTHER Spanish teacher named Mrs. Castro, rather nicely. She is really scary looking and I fear her greatly! She looks like an old hag or witch. Which ever she is, she scares me, and I don't EVER want her as a Spanish teacher. Seriously, according to all my friends that have her as a Spanish teacher, she always assigns the most stupidist assignments ever! So I am very lucky to have Ms. Fraser as my Spanish teacher. She is really nice, and very understanding. And another good thing about this is that all the 10th graders will not be taking Spanish 3 next year because they will meet the requirements of taking a language for two years, and they won't ever do Spanish again in their entire life because they think it's stupid and everyone should just learn English and settle with that. Which by the way, is completely stupid. I like learning different languages. It's fun, because then I can poke fun of people and they will have no idea what the hell I am saying and yeah. It's fun to mock people and poke fun of them. XD :D

Okay... So back to where I am right now... Like I said, I am currently in a public library, and currently bored to death. I have nothing I can do right now... because my life is weird and I don't like myself that much... I need to go home right now, more than ever and all I wish is that I can work on my History project RIGHT NOW!!! Ugh... I have ranted too much. I think I will go now... >.> <.<

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