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myOtaku.com: Almare

Monday, May 29, 2006

I am so bored today. I was playing Final Fantasy VIII today, but my brother took over for me, because I have to get this specific GF. So yeah, my brother took over for me because I wasn't responding to the game as quickly as I could. So now I am on the computer after my brother took over my game. That's what both of my brothers do. I had my second oldest brother take over Majora's Mask when I was just about to kill Majora with the Fiece Diety Mask. So he took all the fun. And now my oldest brother is taking over Final Fantasy VIII to get a GF named Doomtrain. Supposly this GF is REALLY powerful.

Anyways, so now I am listening to Karen O's wailing in Date With the Night. If you don't know who Karen O is, then maybe go to Wikipedia and type in the Yeah Yeah Yeahs in the search box. I downloaded Fever To Tell and Show Your Bones last night and I'm already in love with their music. Their music is so unique, despite the dirty words in some of their songs. But they are still cool.

I still have stupid homework that is due tomorrow, and I don't wanna go to school. I don't want to do anything right now, except listen to the Yeah Yeah Yeahs. Their music is so insane, it keeps me sane. That's how good their music. So can you believe it? Almare, who is usually insane, is now sane when listening to the Yeah Yeah Yeahs.

God... I don't know what to do now. I think I am going to post random stuff in weird forums on random sites like Gaia. Bye!

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