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myOtaku.com: Almare

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

  Ugh... I know I haven't been on here lately. Due to an idiotic person submitting a comment that was NOT related to my subject. This person was being a weirdo and decided to congraulate me on something that I receive! I SPECIFICIALLY said that this happened to another person...

Anyways, so what's up? My grandfather died on Monday. This Monday. I know. It's really weird. I didn't understand him because I don't speak Cantonese, (thank you, dear Mother, for not teaching it to me) and it wouldn't matter since he had memory problems. I don't know how to describe him. It's... painful, I guess. I know that no one on this site will care.

*sighs* What to say... What to say... Finals. I hate them. I LOATHE them! I really don't like them, but I have to make exceptions to some. I am scared shitless about Science and History. I hope History isn't that bad, but I think Ms. Doherty's final will be okay. I think Mr. Menin is going to be a complete asshole with this final and find a way to make all of us fail it. I'm not that worried about Spanish, Algebra, and English because I understand everything, but I will still study hard for them anyways.

What else? I will be dismissed early on Friday, because I will be leaving to Toronto to attend my grandfather's funeral. I am still... shocked about it. Well, not really. I mean, he didn't eat at the nurising home, but I just... am not ready to let him go yet, when I know I should. I really hoped that he would last longer, and that he would last until school ended. I didn't want him to go so... soon. It was too soon for me... My mom has already left to Toronto and we will meet her there on Friday.

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