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myOtaku.com: Almare

Sunday, June 25, 2006

  Bored. Tired. And wants an iPod. God, my oldest brother gave me the Mini iPod that he bought with his own goddamn money to ME, and then my mom goes off and gives it to my second oldest brother. WTF? It was MY birthday that day, and my brother gave it to ME, not my other brother, but to ME! And when I debated over this during dinner last night, my other brother was all like: "I deserve this iPod because I am the second oldest!" Seriously, he needs to go and shoot himself. Yesterday, I did most of the housework, and my brother did very little housework.

What did I do? I vacummed the house, cleaned all the stupid school work junk in my room and on the computer, and mopped the house. My brother just vaccumed the bathroom upstairs. Now, here's a very difficult question... Who does more work? The answer is obivious... me. I did most of the house work today. And my brother is an irresponsible ass , who thinks he's "worthy" of having an iPod. He really thinks that... Well, he has a fucking laptop, and he got one before he's in college and spends his LIFE on it. Oh, not to mention, the privacy he gets from ME, compared to me, when he just CONSTANTLY comes into the study room just to see what the fuck I am doing. Seriously, he just needs to keep his nose in one place. HE'S the one doing irresponsible things like going to sites that I don't even want to talk about. And he says that I don't deserve it because of my grades. I get PERFECTLY good grades, and HE thinks he's the one who's all high and mighty because he got higher grades than me? No. I'm afraid not. He hasn't got higher grades than me, so what gives him to right to go off and basicially go around acting like he's better than me, when he is really worst? He hasn't done anything since he graduated, except sleep til noon and waste his life on the computer, while I have been cleaning up everyting and doing stuff. See the problem with him is, that he always slacks off so much. This is another so called "reason" for why I shouldn't have the iPod Mini. Because I don't have that much music in my library, he thinks that it would be a waste for me to have the iPod Mini. It's a waste? Well, how can I help it when I have only 1.8 GB left in the hard drive for this computer, and I don't want to download any more stuff? As a matter of fact, I have kept on telling him to burn stuff off of this computer to give me more room. And has he done so? No. In fact, he is so irresposible, he forgot to return a borrowed DVD, he borrowed from a friend from over two years ago! And I seriously don't know how he is going to go and give it back to his friend. God, I hate him. He's a big, fat selfish pig that thinks he's deserves everything and he's all great, when he really isn't. He really needs to have something smacked in his face in order to make him realize that. :x

Ugh, I kn ow I am sounding like a complete whiney bitch, but I really need to throw out all my anger in this blog. I can't keep it all bottled up inside of me, or one day I shall snap and scream at everyone. That's the problem with me... I'm like water... Water can be calm and gentle at times, but then again, it can have a nasty temper and be harsh as the wind. That's the problem with me... I have a bad temper once things get out of hand...

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