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myOtaku.com: Almare

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

   First Day at Andover...
Well... Here I am at Andover... Whoopie dee fucking doo. I am currently at the library of Andover, and on one of the computers... Shhh... Don't tell anyone! I am not supposed to be on this site, because the sign next to me says: "Game playing, chatting, or instant messaging is not permitted." in big black, bold letters. Well, who's going to fucking care, anyway? I don't see any librarians around here who are patrolling the area, so I think it will be okay...

Ugh... So how do I begin talking about my day? I don't know... Erm... I got up around 4:00 AM, because I couldn't sleep... Perhaps I was too excited for this summer session or I was too nervous. I don't think it was either one, because I definitely did not feel that way when I was up at that time. So what did I do? Well, I first tried going back to sleep for the first half hour, and then I finally went downstairs to play Final Fantasy VIII. It was fun, until my oldest brother came downstairs and was telling me how to battle stuff, and how to "help" me with battling, when I can take care of things by myself... it wasn't too bad though. At least he TRIED to help me, unlike my second oldest brother who has the Mini and is an ass. So that wasn't bad. He couldn't help me until 7:00 AM because he had to go to summer school at BU. I packed some more stuff for this summer session and my mom complained to me with putting off the packing. God, she's such an annoying little bitch sometimes... Erm... What else? Took a shower, and ate a muffin while I waited for both my second oldest brother and mom get their asses downstairs to help me load the trunk of the car. So half an hour later, we arrived here. My second oldest brother knows the campus pretty well, so there's nothing here that he's not familiar with. So he gave us a little tour, after I checked in. It was annoying though. My mom was bitching about stupid little things for the whole signing in process, and was just... bleh. What else? Erm... After a while, my mom and brother left me. So here I am... Desertted in the campus of this school with nothing to do now. I am not sure with what I have to do. Like I said, I'm in the library. I WAS reading manga a few minutes ago, but I decided that I would go on the computer to post in this ever so wonderful blog, and yeah... Oh yes! I just saw some female Spanish students come in here, and I see one of them exposing her whole back, and I think it's kind of slutty... Well, the shirt and the girl. There's nothing else really to say now. I just summed up everything rather nicely.

Except the fact that I got this wicked sweet shirt yesterday from Seras, before I came to Andover. It's a Hello Kitty shirt (yes, Skiaska, start obsessing NOW!!!) with Hello Kitty dressed up as Alice, and the white rabbit only a few feet away from her, with the words: "Lost in Wonderland" under it. It's nice and black. Unfortunately, my mom refused to buy it for me, until I finally bugged her to. She didn't like the shade of black, and thought it was too kiddy. Who cares?! I like it! It's so chick, and I think it's kick ass. Actually, today, I am wearing dark clothing. I know, it's weird, because I usually wear bright colored clothing that constantly blinds Skiaska's eyes, and yeah. It was so hot today, at Andover, that I decided to change into some black shorts, so basicially everything I am wearing today, is black, except for my sandals which happen to be purple. A light shade of purple that is. So.. yeah, I am kind of scared about this whole thing, but not really. I know in the end, that everything will be okay and there's nothing to worry about because there will surely be people to help me around and such...

Oh yeah, here's the lovely link to the place I am going to and go and type it in the address bar for more information!


Yes, this is exactly why I am always so angsty. Wow. I am surprised that you actually put up with me being a whiney, crying bitch. I'll give you a cookie for that one... =^.^= ... Or would you prefer a brownie??? *sweat drop OF DOOM appears out of the side of my head, as I hand you either a brownie/cookie. (Or a brookie. Brownie and cookie combined! XD)* And how are Minis not cool? I heard the Nanos easily break, so I don't know...

Yes... Life is not fair. I want to go and piss off at her for being that way.. XP

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