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myOtaku.com: Almare

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

   2nd Day at Andover.
Yay! The second day here. Things aren't so bad. I couldn't sleep last night, and I ended up staying up at midnight, until I finally got to sleep and woke up at 6:00 AM. I am surprised that I actually got up from bed as soon as I heardd the alarm clock, but I managed to say: "Fuck!", once I saw the time. I didn't know what I was going to do, until I just starting sitting around the campus and reading a book while I waitited for the dining hall to open, after I washed myself up. Let's see... I ate breakfast... alone. I didn't really care at the time, because it was the second day for goodness sake! I was also the first few people there. The food was okay. It wasn't that great, but it was just decent.

Erm... I went to my Reading & Writing class, and it was okay. We did have a few jokes in our class because it's only twelve people in my class. It was interesting. We didn't do that much, being the second day at Andover and all.

So after that, I went to my Introduction to Chinese class. That was also okay. The stupid teacher was ignoring me with all the comments I had to made, and was kind of being mean. But he's funny though! So I think that class will be okay. I am dissappointed with what he said, saying that we will be just learning how to order Chinese food at Chinese restaurants... I kind of expected more than that, being the whole "Introduction to Chinese" and all that crap... I have two people that are taking both Reading & Writing and Introduction to Chinese. Hopefully, I can get to know them, since one of them is from Turkey and he's really funny. The other is from Tokyo. I haven't really talked that much to her. In fact, I haven't talked to her at all.

So now I am at the library once again. I want to bug the living daylights out of my mom and dad to get me a laptop they saw at Circuit City and buy it to bring it here, because I'd really like to have my own laptop. You know, since I am in Reading & Writing and I will need something to type with for essays! I had a snack at the dining hall, and I saw a fellow Bromfield student, but we didn't say anything. We just looked at each other... And was like... "WHOA! YOU ARE HERE TOO?!?!" O.O Spooky... And what else? I read more manga in the library. They don't have that much manga, actually. So my manga reading is very restricted here... Anyways, I should be going to lunch now. I think I'll go do that...

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