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myOtaku.com: Almare

Thursday, June 29, 2006

   Bleh? 3rd day at Andover...
So here, I am at again... I am at the library. My dad claims that I shall get my laptop on Friday... If he can get it today... He has to load some stuff on the computer... So yeah.

So what happened today? Stuff. That's all I can say. I woke up a little late today. I was supposed to wake up at 6:00 AM to meet a person at the dining hall, but instead I woke up at 6:50 AM because I forgot to turn on the alarm clock. But as it turns out, the person I was meeting was five minutes late. Classes were okay.

Reading and Writing was great, because I got to really participate in class today. So it was awesome. But there's still a lot of homework she assigned us... It's a lot... *sweat drop OF DOOM appears out of the side of my head*

Introduction to Chinese was kind of boring. I kind of don't like my teacher anymore. He just rambled on and on about Chinese novels talking about interesting topics, but how is this really related to the course? I mean, he's a nice guy, but he's just a little too laid back... That's the only thing he did for about 7/8 of the time. The other 1/8 he taught us how to count to ten and then made us go to the library and look at Chinese non fiction books. Kind of a waste of times...

So now I am here at the library yet again. I don't really know what to do now... I think I am going to check my mailbox... My stupid voice mailbox won't work because it's stupid. I talked with a lot of people today, so I think that everything here will be fine. I want to read more manga, but there's not that much manga here! I know I said that before, but I can't help it!!! Oh well... Time for me to leave...

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