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myOtaku.com: Almare

Friday, June 30, 2006

   4th Day at Andover...
Well... Where to begin now?

Erm... I woke up REALLY late today. I woke up around 7:35 AM, so I didn't have enough time to go down to breakfast. Besides, I'd rather arrive to class early and not have breakfast at all, rather than eat breakfast and arrive to class late, because I don't like being late. I really don't like it. It feels... weird. Ermm.. What else? Reading and Writing class today was okay. We did some pretty interesting stuff, and I am already in love with the stuff we do with that class. We discussed this stupid short story. But even though it was stupid, I still felt great about a lot of stuff. We then were able to go and brainstorm some stuff by just looking at an item we carry with us daily. The teacher went and picked my CD case and she brainstormed about the stuff I said about it, on the board... In front of the class... Anyways, so now I have to write a two page paper about the item I always carry with me, and how it relates to my life.

Introduction to Chinese was okay. I seriously think that the guy who is teaching our class doesn't know what he's doing. We only learned how to count to ten, yesterday in an hour and fifteen minute class! Today, we watched a movie for two hours, until one of my classmate's cellphone rang, and disrupted the whole class, so the teacher finally dismissed us, despite the fact class was already dismissed a while ago. We were still watching the movie, and the movie wouldn't be over until about half an hour. Well, I better continue working on my English paper... I don't want to procrastinate and a fellow student of that class is sitting near me. I don't want him to get the wrong idea...

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