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myOtaku.com: Almare

Tuesday, July 4, 2006

   4th of July??? Whoa!
Hey, people... I know I haven't been on this site for a while, but that's because I have been busy with stuff. I finally got the laptop and I will use it to post more stuff about my days here in Andover. I don't know why I haven't really posted here... I'm just... out of it? I have talked with and met a lot of interesting people and I always forget time to update this blog. I met a Japanese girl that looks EXACTLY like Noodle from Gorillaz, and I always call her that. As a matter of fact, she is sitting next to me on my right as I am posting in this blog. But she's answering her e-mails in Japanese now... It's kind of weird. I'm actually in the library. Maybe the library is the only place I actually remember to post random shit... Bleh... Spanish people are currently chatting away with us... So what happened on July 4th at Andover?

Well, I took a vocab quiz today in English, which wasn't that bad... Erm... We discussed this poem that we read last night, and I was really tired when doing the worksheet for the poem thing, so I took the meaning of the poem in a completely different way in what it was supposed to be like.

I had Introduction to Chinese after that... We didn't really do anything. We took a quiz on numbers... And then right after that quiz, my teacher made us review numbers.... AGAIN! God, we just took a goddamn quiz on numbers, and he's making us learn them again??? WTF? We need to MOVE on with the stupid goddamn program. It's already been like... a week since I got here, and I haven't learned anything else in that class. It's stupid. So after that, Noodle and I just hung out and went to CVS and I got some black eyeliner and dark red lipstick to go as a female Japanese gangster for Halloween this year. I decided going as a female gangster for Halloween is the best thing I can do. I can't do an andriod for Halloween. It's too... complicated. There's nothing else I can do.

Anyways, after that, Noodle and I hung out in my dorm room and did random shit. At 3:00 PM we went out for Field Day. We had popcorn and cotton candy. And one of my fellow classmates put shaved ice down my tank top today, and I immediately screamed at her: "What the fuck is your problem, you bitch?!" right in front of the director. He immediately told me to quiet down, but I hope he doesn't recognize me in the future because I was wearing sunglasses. I'm glad he didn't say anything else. God, I am going through my period right now, and it's not the most happiest thing on earth. God, I HATE that time of month. It makes me all crabby. So if I'm bitching right now, that's because I'm PMSing. It's tough being a chick... XD

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