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Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Omg! I just finished FMA and it was so good! The ending was great, it was just vague enough, but you kinda knew what would happen... and that whole door thing... whoever came up with all this really deserves something, because its so creative! Everything has its purpose and plot, it all just fit so nice and neat! Anyway, its kinda late, so ill post again this weekend hopefully! Buh-Bye!
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Monday, October 10, 2005
Ho Humm.....
Hi Guys!
How are you doin'? Good, I hope. Anyway, I decided to make up for my not-posting-ness last week, so here I am! I am watching full metal Alch, and Its really Great! I cant wait to see whats gonna happen! Im so hooked, my dad had to kick me off the tv, b/c id been hogging it for three hours... -_- ... Anime good... and today I finished Eldest. That was a retty good book, it got kinda boring, but a killer ending! Well, thats all of Aly-chan's life you get for today, b/c ive got to go! Ttyl!
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Sunday, October 9, 2005
Hi Guys...
Im really sorry... I have been SO BUSY!!! It seems that i have suddenly gotten this huge social life and keeping up with it has been... well... interesting to say the least... I have been doing GS, mu alpha theta, going to the movies and out to dinner, homework, school,... the list goes further, but i dont want to bore y'all. Anyway, thats why i havent been on... Oh, all that and we just had exams... Yay! I ended up w/ a B in my hardest class, and i really had to bust my but for that... so im really proud of myself ^^ And i got a stupid 89 on my spanish 3 exam... darn it, i hate that so much! But i got an A in the class, so its Ok... and today, im goin with Pyroprincess to a Pink Ribbon Tea at her church. So, how are all you guys doin? Well, i hope. Anyway i best be going! Heres a picck for you!
![Oooh, pwetty!](http://i9.photobucket.com/albums/a82/aly5806/Wearingwhite.jpg)
Buh-Bye, and Have a great day!
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Thursday, September 29, 2005
1. What inspired you to be an Otaku member?
2. Which do you prefer, manga or anime?
3. Favorite store and why?
4. A name that was you to tease you when you were a kid, and why.
5. Bananas or pajamas?
6. Who did you like more, mother or father?
7. Recent played game or song.
8. Who your daddy?
9. Why did you pick this name as your permanent otaku id?
10. Are you going to put up this quiz on your acct to spread the ParnoidPerson wrath?
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Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Ho Humm.....
Well, Hi guys! I thought I ought to inform you that this weekend is going to be the weekend from heck for me... I am leaving at like 11 am on saturday and im getting home at like 8 pm on saturday. Between working on a group project at a friends house, going to a friends birthday party/sleepover, going to a girl scout meeting, and going to youth... well, yea... you get the point... anyway, i am borrowing Shadowssj2's naruto. Im almost done with the 2nd book, and its really good! yay! anyway, i should probably work on some homework so i dont have to do it this weekeng... hmmm..... well, buh-bye!
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Friday, September 16, 2005
More Football...
Well, tonight Pyro and i are going to the Varsity football game! We're going to lose, but it'll be fun anyway! And, for the occasion, a football joke!
A guy took his girlfriend to her first football game. Afterward he asked her how she liked the game.
"I liked it, but I couldn't understand why they were killing each other for 25 cents," she said.
"What do you mean?" he asked.
"Well, everyone kept yelling, 'Get the quarter back!'"
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Thursday, September 15, 2005
Jv football!
Yay! Tonight i.m going to the jv football game where our teams supposed to pulverize our rival school's team Yay! Well, I have to finish my homework before i leave, so have a greay day! Buh-Bye!
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Wednesday, September 14, 2005
How is everyone? Well, now i have 3 yu yu fanarts, so if you havent, go check 'em out! Other than that, not much has been goin' on... How are all you guys doing??? Anyway, since I dont want to waste your time, I'll just say, Buh-Bye!
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Monday, September 12, 2005
Guess what??? Another one of my things got accepted! I now have a fanart of Kuwabara! So now, your assignment is to go vote and leave a comment! (Please ^^!) Thank You!
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Sunday, September 11, 2005
Hi Everyone!
I cant believe no one commented on my post yesterday! Is something wrong w/ my site or something??? Anyway, sinces no one did, plz read my post from yesterday! Oh, and in honor of 9-11:
![We Remember](http://i9.photobucket.com/albums/a82/aly5806/Flagwithpics.jpg)
Have a great day! Buh-Bye!
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