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myOtaku.com: AlyceCrowley88

Monday, November 7, 2005

   The Secert Place
A cool wind stired my hair. I closed my eyes and surrendered to the story for an instant. My fingers found the rough stone of the building's wall. The story shattered into the full moon above me and the cold darkness surrounding me. "What the hell." I muttered, pressing my whole body against the cold brick. I felt the world tumble around me and replace itself with a warm spring afternoon. The sun shined down against my cheek. I walked in through the main entrance and looked up and down the dimly lit hall. Coughing echoed up and down the hallways and I narrowed my eyes intrigued. Quietly I proceded to the end room, a hospital bed sat in one corner and a black board in the other. The windows stood wide open, allowing a flood of warm sunshine and cool air to flitter through the strange, hosptal classroom. A loud thump caught my attention and I turned, panicked for a moment. My heart raced as I watched a little girl fall to the floor, a foot or so in front of the hospital bed. Her breath wheezed out of her in short, uncertain burst. I reached out to touch her and I felt the chill of her body as she died. Tears began to run down my cheeks and I was suddenly aware, death lives in these walls.
"Death lives here." Micah stared at me with wide, amber eyes.
"What do you mean?"
I shrugged off the feel of her cold clammy skin and looked into his eyes with a strength I didn't know I poessed.
"An epidemic was raging through Amarillo, sometime in the past and people died, by the droves in this school. It was converted to a hospital. Close your eyes! Can't you see it? Can't you."
He gently pulled my hand back from the door of the building and shook his head.
"An epidemic? The school turned into a hospital. That was hundred of years ago. How did you know that? What can you see??"

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