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myOtaku.com: AlyceCrowley88

Sunday, November 20, 2005

If not for the dark
If not for the dark
I wouldn’t be here
For not for the part
Of my heart you
I wouldn’t be able
To write
Like an angel
Master of my craft
Always improving
With out you
There’d be no dark
No art to hide there
No soul willing to find
No one to dispair
Without you mother
I would not be what I am
Who I was and what you
Claimed for me to be
If not for the dark
I wouldn’t be
A god given gift
If not for the dark,
I wouldn’t cry when it rained,
And I wouldn’t think of
That damned flood...
So many years ago,
If not for the dark...
I could not be vain,
I could not be at once
Maculine Eros
And Fememine Aphrodite
I could not see why
Pride will be my downfall
If not for the dark
I would be bitter to the world
Becuase of your rotting
Cervix I came forth
If not for the dark

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