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Madison Tennessee
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Drawing, guitar
Real Name
Joshua Adams
My biggest achievment is getting out of bed.
Anime Fan Since
I have been an Anime fan since 1998.
Favorite Anime
I can't choose all anime are great.
I have no Goals
I draw and make webpages.
Artist and Hacky Sack Champion
| Amarant Coral
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Wednesday, July 21, 2004
Kinda strange, but true nontheless
The University of Blogging
Presents to Amarant Coral
An Honorary Bachelor of Poetry and wise antics
Majoring in witty remarks
Blogging Degree From
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Thursday, June 24, 2004
Odd Converstion Today.
I am Cloud Strife and Foxman is just playing along.
Foxman:Who am I?
Cloud Strife: Your a Robo'ana
Foxman: o.O WTF?
Cloud Strife:Who Am I?
Foxman: Your a tank
Cloud Strife: Whoa
Foxman: What's your favorite band?
Cloud Strife: Multiple Choice:Evanescence Or Linkin Park?
Foxman: Evanescence
Cloud Strife: o.O how do you know these things?
Cloud Strife: Are you a phsychic?
Foxman: Yeah
Cloud Strife: O.O *pull's out match and burn's you alive*
Foxman: Ahh I feel like I'm hell
Cloud Strife: that's because you are.muahahahaha.
Foxman: please god take me back ^.^
Cloud Strife: wwhy should he you defied him?
Foxman: WTF? o.O
Cloud Strife: Mario Came over and fixed my pipe yesterday if you know what I mean.
Foxman: o.O*dies*
Cloud Strife: Damnit your just like Akira.*pulls out paddles* come back damnit.
Foxman: why'd you do that.I'm already dead you know.
Cloud Strife: I just wanted to see what it was like after watching E.R.
Foxman: well it hurt like hell.
Cloud Strife: this is hell that why it hurt.
Foxman: let's continue this tommorrow.
Cloud Strife: ok, but first let's get serviced by Luigi.
Foxman: o.O Just wait until tommorrow.
Cloud Strife: ok, but remember we've got discount's.
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Monday, June 21, 2004
Strang Quiz o_O
Sex?: | Yes Please | Age?: | 15 | Do you have a liver?: | yes | Do you like gummie bears?: | yes | What is your favorite color of gummie bears?: | red | Have you ever sexually abused a gummie bear?: | no O_o | Have you ever been violated by a gummie bear?: | hell no | Do you suck on or chew your gummie bears?: | chew | How often you you eat gummie bears?: | no often | Have you ever dated a gummie bear?: | O_O hell no | What do you think of gummie WORMS?: | I like the sour ones | Have you ever been to 'Gummie Bear Land'?: | no | Would you consider yourself the king/queen or even god of gummie bears?: | no | If so, what makes you worthy of this noble title?: | I said no. |
Gummie Bears brought to you by BZOINK!
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Wednesday, June 16, 2004
Another Quiz
 You are a Silent Dreamer...
Some say your a freak, others say your very blunt, but the truth is your just misunderstood. You understand a lot more then you let on, but that doesn't stop you from letting them think what they want. Who cares? Your you, that's all thats importaint.
What kind of Dreamer are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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I got extremely bored and made some banners.

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Tuesday, June 15, 2004
 You belong in another of my worlds. The world of self-destructive tendencies, either through actual physical destructiveness or emotional breakdowns that you keep bottled up inside, thus hurting yourself. You feel that life is nothing but pain, and you see red in everything with the memories of the blood you have bled(literally or figuratively) for your hurting. You live in a hidden land that few will ever understand or see in you, because you keep it to yourself and only let a few rare people into the truth of your reality. Er...I don't condone my own actions, so I really don't know what else to say. Of course, you could also just REALLY like blood....or you might be homicidal, not suicidal. ^_^;
Where do you belong?(ANIME IMAGES) brought to you by Quizilla
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Slipknot Concert
These are some pictures I took form a slipknot concert a few months back.

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What Matrix Persona are you?
This partly true, but I'm not french nor senile.
 You are The Merovingian, from "The Matrix." Wit and danger, with a French twist. You are adamant about the slightly materialistic things- power, wealth, posession. Dominating, aren't we?
What Matrix Persona Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
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