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Friday, May 5, 2006
srry i didnt post during lunch...but i was actually having fun in the cafeteria for once...and well happy cinco de mayo...we celebrated it in spanish woo i brought donuts and pigs in a thats about the only thing i could think of...i learned a lot about cinco de on the mexico flag  the eagle stands for strength and nobility the snake evilness and dishonor and the cactus for mexican soil...oh yeah and Benito Pablo Juarez was the president during the fight against either spain or france dunno but im happy to know his all i cared to remember...and its thudering and its freaking me out cuz were like under a tornado watch...yeah...anyway i have a killer headache so
buh bye
love you squishy i miss you so much *hug and kiss*
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Thursday, May 4, 2006
srry i didnt get on earlier...i had to go to chicken express for lunch >.<...i disected a fish monday ill disect a frog wednesday a rat
so much fun...sounds like total emotional breakdown to me...i havent cried in this school at least not you lots squishy...and bad news...i wont get messenger back til 2 weeks or a month...yeah...
miss yall so much >.< oh and yesterday i got robot chicken season 1...really started makeing me miss ya
hugs and kisses yall
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Wednesday, May 3, 2006
stupid librarians keep reading over my shoulder...GOD its annoying...anyway i feel better....i think i do...well my mom said i might could my messenger back on the weekend...which right now sounds pretty damn good...anyway...hope yall have a good day
love you squishy ^^ havent stopped thinking about you...
hugs and kisses yall
(ill try to email yall)
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Tuesday, May 2, 2006
hello evehbody
yesterday sucked, really bad, my mom deleted yahoo messenger off the computer and now the only way i can talk to you guys is through this or email...yah...yall were like...the only thing keeping me from now i feel horrible...and the worst part is...for the first time since we got mom was actually happy and shes stayed happy...i glad shes happy...i dont know...but to me it seems shes got happy because i was....well...hurting...
well...ttyl...or not...
hugs and kisses yall
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Sunday, April 30, 2006
this is probably teh only time i get on...yeah
today has sucked so far and todays my sisters b-day but i wont get to see her for a long time
and i found out that my nephews might be coming this summer...thats the only good news ive gotten all day....anyway....
hugs and kisses yall
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Friday, April 28, 2006
how is evehone?
im doing great
im really bored tho...>.< lol
its raining tho WOOOOOOOOO
i went out earlier and ran around in it in shorts
yup im so mature ^^ lol
it was fun
my mom made me come back in and put jeans on
i was soaked
hugs and kisses yall
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Thursday, April 27, 2006
yesterday and the day b4 was awesome cept for the car trip >.<
anyway i saw all meh old friends cept one and it seems im the only one who hasnt changed >.< yeah
meh friends mom has cancer too...and the worst part is she couldnt tell me til now >.< and my other friend had a rolled her truck she was ok tho and another friends sis is pregnant lotsa things have changed anyway yesterday i got kyo kara maoh vol. 1 and 25 episodes of gundam wing
so woo
and last week i got trigun vol. 2 and kyo kara maoh vol. 2,3,4 YAH
stayed up all night watchin em
and now we are out of milk so no cereal >.< wah
my mom is still asleep so i no get breakfast til 10 >.< anyway have a good day ^^
hugs and kisses
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Monday, April 24, 2006
heya ppls
srry i havent been posting
i dont got a reason
but i am srry
today is a bad weather day lol its like sunny and hot other words most ppl consider this to be a good day i however hate this kind of weather i like clouds specially dark clouds and i like da cold
ah well winter is over and spring is here so i have to deal...yah well im not gonna do anything today and tomarrow im goin back to meh old school for a visit so ima be gone tomarrow but i be back wednesday yup two of meh best friends left i wont see them unless i see them at the mall or walmart lol yeah i get to go shopping too hopefully when im finished doing all the chores ill have money so ANIME and MANGA here i come lol
hope yall have a great day ^^
hugs and kisses
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Friday, April 21, 2006
new theme tis VASH
^^ woo
i need to get a cursor tho...i shall look
well today was very weird
i took the social studies part of meh TAKS test and then we were sposed to go to first period, or so i thought, i went to the gym for PE and there was an announcement saying if you dont recognize anyone in ur class u need to get to your second period i had to go to the vocational building and i pretty much read the entire time making a zero for the day since i didnt bring any supplies >.< ah well i hope i bring it back up(and i flipped my chair over,it happened to have wheels)
then i had third period and we watched a movie
well i fell asleep during it and when i woke up the guy sitting next to me had fallen asleep on me and again i flipped my chair over trying to get away and surprisingly he didnt wake up so thats good
after that i went to lunch which was veeeeeery interesting, my friends dared me to eat a cup of jalepenos and the juice, well i did and it was hot i even ate the seeds but i jus chugged the juice followed by 3 cartons of chocolate milk and since then i havent had anything to eat so yah no appitite really
last period sucked
the teacher gave us hw and i didnt bring it (not that i even did it but still who assigns hw when we have tests?)anyway i only had to stay for 15 minutes then i had to go to a pep rally thing for the special olympics which all we did was stand there in the VERY hot gym surrounded by hundreds of ppl while watching a buncha "special" olympic athletes get medals and their picture taken
school let out 30 minutes early but the bus doesnt come til 30 minutes after the bell so me and my friends wandered around the school i ran into domingo and almost cussed him out, its really hot here by the way and sitting out in the sun is NOT when ur wearing a black shirt and jeans >.< anyway
overall today was pretty good ^_^
hope yall had a good day
hugs and kisses yall
i gotta wash dishes now so i can have pizza for dinner
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Thursday, April 20, 2006
im sooooooooo alone >.< wah
nobody is on
and i bored
and my parents arent here
nobody is here
cept my dog...
hope yalls day was good
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