amaya night raine
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Friday, February 10, 2006
i passed ^_^
so awesome ^_^
i made a 90 on the signs portion
and a 70 on the rules
but i did it
i didnt even study...
anyone livin in texas better watch out ^_^
my mom wouldnt let me drive...tis not fair
they all freaked out
even my grandpa
ah well
hugs and kisses
and good night wishes...
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hello evehbody
how was yalls day?
mines far
im takin my driving test today
my mom said she wouldnt drive wit me
so its either my dad or my sis
id choose them over my mom anyday
my sis has wrecked almost all of our cars tho
shes wrecked 3 cars and a pickup
and the other car the transmission is all screwed up
so i get the van
til i learn how to drive with a stick
i finally gave my friend her cd back >_<
it took me forever
i better get off now
sub is lookin at me again -_-
hugs and kisses yall
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Thursday, February 9, 2006
today was pretty good
i woulda posted earlier but i gots kicked out of the library
dunno why
they jus made me leave
ah well
im takin my driving test tomarrow
and my mom is freakin out
tis funny
hugs and kisses yall
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Wednesday, February 8, 2006
changed the theme to valentine
tell me if you can hear the music
cuz i cant tell
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um nothin really has happened yet...
we went to the bowling ally
but i didnt bowl
i bought me a 7 up an watched evehbody else
my friend ate a hamburger...i dunno why...
i guess i should have too...cuz im gonna be hungry later on...
ill buy me some funyans or something...
i jus finished my BCIS work
so i should be passing now
keywork there is should
i did all the work
she jus lost it -_-
but i wont have her next year
or ever again
so woooooooooo
its so boring here....
an i wanna go home...
i got maybe 3 hours of sleep last night
i couldnt sleep
then around 5 i went to sleep
then woke up at 8
which means that i had less than 5 minutes to get ready for school
so i jus have pigtails....
an all the guys think its cute to pet me -_-
jus because they look like dog ears does not mean that they can pet me
ill get a pic of me today
after school...
i might not have my hair in pigtails tho...
so hah
yall cant make fun of me
i forgot to bring my friends cd
an she kicked me....
i think she overreacted
but i dunno
i better go
sub thinks im e-mailing someone...
here he comes
hugs and kisses yall
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Tuesday, February 7, 2006
these computers are soooooooo slow
hey yall guys ^^
hope yall day was great
cuz mine was awesome
i had a BROWNIE for lunch
so im bouncin off the walls >_< librarians are lookin at me
they can jus keep starin
i hafta watch an old black and white movie next period...its gonna kill me....i cant pay attention long enough to absorb anything
so i gonna fail the test
what else can i say?
oh yeah
all my friends left me -_-
they be back tho
i hope yall have a great day
hugs and kisses yall ^_^
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Monday, February 6, 2006
today sucked...til i got home anyway
first period we didnt go bowling like we should have
second period i found i failed BCIS II with straight zeroes
third period i didnt do my hw but i got 2 extra days to do it and i found out that no one made over a 31 on the biology benchmark
fourth wasnt so bad
and now im home
talkin to you guys
so woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
well i better go
hugs an kisses yall
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Saturday, February 4, 2006
yo...i got bored
i got bored...
so heres a pic of my bed new axe an shield...
...jus my axe...
...jus my shield...

ive already cut myself with the axe...
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Friday, February 3, 2006
short post
bout to get kicked out of the library
had a great day
hugs and kisses yall
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Thursday, February 2, 2006
im in school...not in the library tho...
first ill tell you bout my day
im in second period so nothin has happened
cept PE that was fun...couple of the guys were throwing dodgeballs at the basket and two of em stuck
and you could imagine what that looked like >_<
an me being dirty-minded, i laughed my head off
my friend was like wtf?!?
i didnt really sleep las night...been thinkin bout what they really mean to me...
i tried to comment on everyones site but i didnt make it...
so ill try now
then ill do it again
when an if i get home
i have karate
im actually gonna go this time
las time i was sick so i didnt go
but i will tonight
so woooooooooo
but i doubt ill get on
i have to do a menu in spanish and english
for spanish
an for extra credit im makin a FLAN i dunno if ill actually eat it friend said they were thinkin otherwise
but if ya dont know what it is
its a custard thing
thats all i know
but it was only 56 cents >_< so i thought
i need it too...
but if you updated ur site by 11 am then ill comment
hopefully >_<
but if i do not
please forgive me
im already out of it
an i have biology an geometry
ah well...ive tortured yall enough
so buh bye
hugs an kisses yall
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