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Sunday, November 20, 2005
Wow I did it again I haven't been here in hexa long!! Sooo far school is going good....I got my report card and got a 2.8 GPA not that bad I guess....even tho I was shootin for a 3.0 or higher. I am on the girls basketball team now and we have practice like 4 times a week soo I have been pretty busy with that. Also school has been stressing me out. It's been hard for me to keep my grades up with sports this year but I am doing better. I had a basketball game on friday and my team did not do good at ALL!! We lost by a lot and I am not even gonna say the number because its tooo embaressing!! It was our first game tho and the team we played was a REALLY good team soo we dont like HECKA SUCK...were OK lol...! Well Christmas is coming sooo fast its amazing! Thanksgiving is like next week so thats exciting since I luv THE FOOD hehe! Ok well enough of my blabbling hope u all have great Holidays and I will try to get on here a lot more ok luv u guys BYE!!

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Sunday, October 30, 2005
Hey U GUYS!!
Well I havent posted in a while GOSH wats wrong wit meh lol....!! Anyways yesterday I helped my friend coordinate this wedding and now thats like my part time job soo thats kewl cuz I really need some cash. I got 60 dollars from doing that...soo thats cool. Today I am just going to go to church and then I am gonna go to my friend leannas house. I think we are going shopping or sumthin soo that will be fun. Sooo wat are u guys gonna be for HALLOWEEN?? I am gonna be a French Maid its a really cute
costume. I dunno if any of you still go trick or treating but I DO lol!! So I hope to get lots and lots of candy this year. Ok well have to get ready for church bye!!

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Sunday, October 16, 2005
weekend yay haha!!
Hey you guys well my weekend hasnt been that interesting, but its been ok I guess I could say. Lets see on Saturday I cleaned the bathroom and just hung out at home doing chores and being bored, and today I went to church of course....I mean I do that every Sunday haha. Then after church my dad took me to this old navy base sooo I could practice driving..and I am getting really good at driving now so I am proud of myself for that. Now I am just at home chillin and on the computer. Anyways I have really nothing else to say. Hope you guys had a great weekend love ya bye.

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Saturday, October 15, 2005
Hard week!!
Hey u guys well its been a hard stressful week. Today I got my progress report and I got 3 B+ and 1 A and a D+ the D+ is in math and yea I jus have always sucked in math. So yea I hope I raise that grade soon so I can actually pass math this year. Anyways last night I stayed up really late working on this art project which is called a mandela and yea I hope I get a good grade on that cuz my art grade kinda depends on that, and I wanna raise it to an A. I have been soo stressed lately ahh school sux in your 9th grade year. Ok well I am hella tired and its 11:15 pm soo imma go to sleep love u guys peace out~~
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Monday, October 10, 2005
Hey I am back yaya!!
Hey u guys well now I am not grounded anymore yaya I am sooo happy lol. Anyways I am at my moms skool using a computer in the library. I have skool off today cuz itz columbus day and we get all the unimportant holidays off yay for that. Thats like the only good thing about my school anyways.Ok well I have been playing Volleyball this year and I am pretty good at it...not the best player on the team, but I am aiight ya know. It;s like my first time ever playing volleyball....soooo I am not mad at myself for kinda sucking haha. I love playing it though...we didnt win any games but thats cuz my team is new in league and not even really in the league...soo yea we have an excuse. Besides that my school schedule this year consists of art, spanish 1, algebra...yea I kinda suck in math but oh wellz..and, english honors, english 9, health, and no history this year thank GOD i hate history...itz sooo boring. Ok well enough of me talking gotta go luv ya guys peace~~~
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Thursday, August 25, 2005
Bad day~~
Hey u guys well I am in lots of trouble cuz...well me and my friend samantha went into mervyns on monday and started stealing stuff and as u know they have video cams there where those security ppl can see u and they saw her stealing stuff soooo when we went outside this dude was there and ya she got caught but they didnt knoe 4 sure if I had stolen anything..even though I had haha...sooo they called her mom and her mom called mine and told my mom how I had been shop lifting even before this soooo yea...my moms pissed about that and I am grounded frm the computer 4 about 2 months and the phone for 1 month...sooo yea I am jus sneaking on riight now lol...bad me haha. Anyways umm my mom is also makin me return all the stuff I stole to all the stores sooo yeh that hecka sux. Ok well I will try to get on a lil atleast k well ttys ya guys bye.
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Thursday, August 18, 2005
Madera waz kool
Hey u guys it was lots of fun in madera. I did some shopping and got a new coat even tho I dont need it cuz its hella hot in cali right now haha...anyways I also got this hella pretty shirt and a yoga matt...I wanna get back in shape yaya. Anyways yea soo it was fun seeing my friends. Lets see yesterday i went shopping with my friend leanna and we went to like those street fairs where they have all the booths wit hella kewl stuff...sooo yea i bought some earings and we jus looked around and stuff. There were a lot of wierd ass ppl there haha...doin drugs and shit ya know. Then we went out for dinner at this really good italian restaurant...it was sooo fancy they even had ppl playin jazz music in there it was kool and very relaxing hehe...soo yea that was my day...and today I am jus gonna hang at home and clean and maybe hang with leanna later...ok well Hope u all will have great days BYE~~
Heres a pic of me and my friend samantha...I look interesting haha I have nooo clue wat I am doin either lol.

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Friday, August 12, 2005
Hey u guys well today I babysat 5 kids WOW alot huh lol....one of the boys was really bad and kept fighting with his sis sooo yeh it was hard to deal with all those kids haha...but I got meh some money soo thats all good. Anyways today I am going on vacation 2 see my friends in madera soo I wont be back 4 about 3 days...I might get online at there house though. Ok well hope u guys all will have great day bye~~
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Thursday, August 11, 2005
Omg I havent been here for soo long damn time flies when ur havin a fun summer haha. Srry u guys 2 make up 4 it I am posting a piccy of me lookin cute haha aiight her I am comment plzz and soo sorry bye~

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Friday, July 8, 2005
Hey been a while sadly!!
Hey u guys wow its been a while. I havent even been that busy its just that I am kinda lazy and dunt like to get on here that much lol sad I know. Anyways lots has happened I have a new bf named chris we made out on his bed on tuesday that was FUN lol. I kinda dont have feelings 4 him that much though so I think I shoudl jus dump him i dunno why I even went out with him in the first place but w/e lol. Oh disney land and california adventure were fun I went on the TOWER OF TERROR soooo FUN omg i luv that ride lol. So yea I really recommend that ride. Anyways I have just been hangin with friends and my babii of course hehehe..which is FUN!! I hope u all are well and I will try to post more often. Oh and happy late 4th of july lol wow I AM LATE!!! Ok well bye u guys LUV YA ALL.

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