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Wednesday, July 28, 2004
wierd test
Ok well my sis wasnt able to take the stupid test cause they forgot to tell her thats she needs her birth certificate lol! So she was hella pissed when she got home lol but she will get to take the test on thursday or friday so still wish her luck ok well have a great day u guys bye!
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Tuesday, July 27, 2004
oops forgot.....!
oh yea and i forgot my sis is taking her leaners permit test today so yea wish her luck u guys 4 me! Ok well have a great day everyone bye!
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hey bored here!
Hey u guys well I have been really bored and ahhh i have been at home for the past two days just packing and cleaning and watching mtv and of course on the computer its just that my internet is jacked up so dont get mad at me if i cant post 4 a while ok well u wanna know something very funny ok well one of the reaistate pplz that is helping us get the house said taht they searched on the computer and that my dads social security number thing or w/e said he was DEAD LMAO! so my dad had to call them back and they didnt believe him so today we got a phone call and they said sry cause they accidently typed a wrong number in lmao! So i am glad that all worked out cause it could of kept us from getting the house so thank God its going well now hehe!
Ok well i hope all u guys are having a fun summer which i am kinda having but not! Oh one more thing i cant put pics on my site till my internet isnt jacked anymore so yea u wont see my cute pics 4 a while hopefully my internet will be good soon so i can put pics up ok well wish me luck! Iigaht gotta go bye u guys!
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Sunday, July 25, 2004
Lots of stuff!
Hey u guys sry i havent been on 4 a long time anyways what has happened over these past 5 days is well i found out that I am gonna get my braces off on sept 16th so yay i am very happy about that cause if u have braces u would soooo understand i think unless u like ur braces which would be kinda crazy hehe! Anyways i also found out that I have to get hard contacts cause the stuoid soft one werent working right on my eyes they would like move araound a little to much so yea that sux! But they are much easier to clean my eye doctor said so yea thats cool! Also this was my last week of camp yay *Jumps up and down like crzy* hehe! I was getting very tired of kids fropm those 3 really long weeks ahhhh! Kids can be such bitches but thank God i dont have a sis thats younger then me! Ok well me and my family have just been packing a lot so yea i cant wait to move ok talk yo ya guys soon bye!
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Tuesday, July 20, 2004

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Hey ppl!
Hey u guys something really funny happened today at the camp i ahve been working at 4 3 weeks! What happened is that this little boy about 6 was putting his hand down one of the conselors who was a girls jeans and she said why are u doing this and he said he was looking for her dick lol that is sooo funny but hella wrong but i mean a boy should know that only guys have dicks lol! Anyways yea they had a confernece with him and his mom i bet she was mad lol i know i would be if i was that lil bois mom! OK well i gotta go but well what an exciting day dis was lol! Ok well gotta go bye u guys!
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Sunday, July 18, 2004
 I did it in 13 seconds. I deserved an A!! Take the How Dexterous Are You? Quiz!!
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Hey pplz!
Ok well today something kinda bad happened......well i was learning how to drive today and i kinda hit a fence lol and i made a lil scratch on my dads car so yea that kinda sucked! I am mad cause my sis never crashed the car when she was learning how to drive oh well i guess i am more of a fierce driver ok well tahts about all thats happened k bye!

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Cute pic!

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Saturday, July 17, 2004
 Your a kitten:
REALLY cute, happy, fun-loving and fuzzy soft!
AWW!!!!! Your just so soft and fuzzy people can't ignore you! Everyone has to pick you up and give you a hug. Its like a rule! So gentle and happy-go-lucky! You so naturally lovable! o_o
=^_^= What fuzzy animal are you? =^_^= {-With Pictures!-} brought to you by Quizilla
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