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Tuesday, June 21, 2005
Hey pplz I am here hehe!
Hey u guys sorry I havent been on 4 a while been kinda busy u know how that is. Ok well lets see today I went to a friends house and her dog humped me
it was funny yet kinda wierd u know. It like came up behind me when I was sitting down and started putting its paws on me and then just like humping me. It was very very wierd. A dog has never done that to me so It was rather wierd haha....! Anyways I talked to my friend jose for a long time which is wat I do like every night cuz yea me and him are really close. Oh and I am sooo happy cuz I am gonna be going to Disney Land and san diego so that will be lots of fun. I will be gone from wednesday the 22nd till saturday or sooo...! I hope I will have lots of fun!!! Ok well lets see on saturday I went to a graduation party and it was hella fun cuz I danced and there was lots of great food as well hehe. Also on friday I went to my really good friend Jose's HS graduation!! imma miss him I think he is moving to florida ahhh! Ok well thats enough of my blabbling lol. I will comment on your sites in the morning cuz its 11:19 at night right now ok ttys u guys peace out bye.
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Tuesday, June 14, 2005
Been a while srry u guys!!
Hey u guys well lets see over the weekend I just went to church of course on Sunday!! Then on Saturday I went to my friend samanthas house and we went to the mall and that was kool. We took the bus but we got off on the wrong bus stop and it was kinda funny, but luckily we were right next to da bart so we just took it the rest of the way to the mall and yea it was all good hehe. There were hecka cute guys on the bus to so we didnt wanna get back on and look stupid like we didnt know where we were goin u know. Ok well anyways we didnt buy nuttin at the mall just looked around and took piccys in those lil piccy booths they have at the mall and I looked fucked up in the pics but it was funny I flipped the camera OFF lol. Ok well anyways I get off on Friday and I graduate on WEDNESDAY YAY!! I am free of horrid skool. Ok well have a great day u guys and I will try to comment on ur sites bye!!
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Saturday, June 4, 2005
Hey u guys!
Well I had 2 finals yesterday one in spanish and one in english they went pretty good I am worried about my spanish one though...I dont know if i did good lol. It was kinda hard u know. Anyways yesterday night I sung at my schools talent show with my sister. The song we sung was THE HAPPY SONG by JOJO! Its a cool song and I am a really good singer so its all good hehe. The DJ kinda cut the music off in the middle of the song so that kinda sucked but oh well it was all good basically. Ok well then i just went home and had pizza and my friend Jose and I talked on the phone 4 about 2 hours... He is soo fun to talk to which is great. We have a lot in common hehe. Ok well thats enough blabling from me lol. I hope u guys will all have a great day I am just gonna study for the rest of my finals and clean and stuff bye.
Fruits basket piccys!

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Tuesday, May 31, 2005
Hey srry havent been on 4 a long time!!
Been really busy u guys I am sooo srry! Its been quite a while but yay I am back hehe. Well anyways last tuesday I went to a Kelly Clarkson concert and that was a lot of fun. Anyways Today May 31ST is My Birthday yay and I am now officially 15! Anyways I hope u guys have been doing good sry this post is short. I will comment on ur sites later have a great day bye.
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Saturday, May 21, 2005
boring day!
Hey u guys well yesterday I went to work with my mom cuz I had the day off and I woulda been bored if I had just stayed home alone ya know. I had fun cuz she works at this highschool. There are a lot of very cute guys there. One of them named Austin asked me out I said maybe, but I doubt that I am gonna go with him. He is bi so I dunno he might have like hurpees or HIV! I dont wanna take any chances with him. Anyways then I just went on boring ass errands with my mom. Then I just went home and ate pizza! Ok well I gotta go my sis has to get on.
Luv Anna!
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Thursday, May 19, 2005
Been busy!!
Hey u guys well lots has been happening. First off on Monday this boy pulled my pants down and my whole ass showed....which was like really embarassing since like 4 guys saw my ass lol. Anyways today I hung out with my friend Dazia and her bf..who is soo sexy lol. Also lets see umm well I have a test tommorow that I think imma fail but w.e I didnt have enough time to stufy for it lol. So wish me luck on that cause its in spanish and I need to get a good grade since I have a C in that I can raise it. Ok well nuttin much else has been going on just my normal boring life. Ok well I am gonna leave u guys with this great poem I wrote...Save Me
Save me from this troubled world.
Where nothing ever goes my way.
Where life is hanging on a single strand.
Where pain and misery come my way.
Save me from this shatttered life.
Where thoughts of fury come at night.
Where the light is at its utmost bright
Where humans wale and scream in fright.
Save me from these confusing lies.
That tear up my heart and make me cry.
That never let me be, choking my innermost soul.
Save me now as I die.
As I sit and pickup that knife.
As I slit my throught so slightly.
I see a blinding light so brightly.
I am gone theres nothing left.
I have gone to a better life.
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Saturday, May 14, 2005
Hey pplz!!
Ok well yesterday my daddy left for Alaska (lucky him)! He is going there to help like this college thingy and to build stuff I think lolz. Yea so he will be back in a week yaya! Ok well anyways yesterday we had this Physical Training test thingy and it was for sittups! I only did 70 though...cuz I was tired yesterday and hadnt really eaten anything...! Besides that Star Testing is over yay. I am sooo happy about that cept that now I am gonna have lots of homework like usual sadly. Ok well today I am just going to clean my room and some of the house most likely and I will be on the phone and computer a lot..2 of my fav thingys to do lolz. Ok well I finished the book Girls In Pants The 3rd summerof sisterhood. It was really good. I cant wait to see the movie...which is coming out sometime in June!! Ok well I will try to visit all ur sites!
Oh and a last NOTE our bird Manuel who is a parikeet was accidently stepped on by my MOMMY!! This is how it happened...she had him outta the cage and he flew away like he always does...and my cat ran after him like always and my mom did as well....she tryed to catch him but by accident stepped on his neck I think...and it broke and he died...sadly! We buried him 2 days ago this happened 3 days ago as well!! Ok well I gotta go luv u guys bye!! SOBS!!
This is kinda what Manuel looked like!!

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Friday, May 13, 2005
Hi everybody!!
I hope that all of you guys had a great day. I had an ok day like usual or atleast like this week that is. Anyways today was my last star testing day and I did my science test which was kinda hard. I think I passed it though so its all cool hehe. It was boring though today cuz the test was really short and I had a lot of extra time so I just read Girls in Pants the 3rd summer of sisterhood its a good series books thingy! Ok well thats my day except that my cold sore is basically not getting any better which kinda sucks but oh wellz my mom said it would take a while. I guess she was right lol. Ok well gotta go bye.
Sailormoon piccys!

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Thursday, May 12, 2005
Average sad confusing day...!
Ok well today was not a very good day cuz well first of all I HAVE A FRICKEN COLD SORE!!! If u have ever had one(this is my first) then u know how natsy they are. MINE is big and on my lip so that makes it even worse. Ok well anyways ppl kept saying I have hurpees cuz of it so that was kinda embarassing! Ok well I had my history star test today and I didnt know a lot of it cuz...we havent well covered all that other shit yet. Ok so yea that wasnt a good star test thingy and I think i did really badly. Ok well I gotta go to bed bye bye!
Tokyo Mew Mew piccys!!

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Wednesday, May 11, 2005
Hi u guys!
Hey been kinda busy and yea ya know how that is. Well my dad got a new keyboard and mouse so yea now the computer isnt acting hella wierd or nuttin. So yea I am happy about that hehe. Anyways the testing for star testing has been going ok..not to hard so I am glad about that hehe. We did math today and yesterday language arts which is easy. So now I only have history and science to do and then I am free. The only good thing about star testing is that we get these yummy snacks and theres no homework yay!! Ok well nuttin much else has been going on in my life just boring old normal stuff lol....! Ok wellz I gotta go hope all of u guys had a great day bye.
sum chobits piccys!

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