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Sunday, May 8, 2005
Happy Mothers day!!!
Hey well as we all know or atleast most know its MOTHERS DAY!! I wrote my mom 2 poems and just gave them to her a few minutes ago she LOVED THEM yaya lol. They were like the best ones I ever wrote. Ok anyways hope u guys will have a fun day. Yesterday I cleaned my room...well most of it that is hehe..! I rearanged it so know I have more space!! Yay for space hehe!! Then my friend Cameron came over to bother me uhhh..he was telling me that his friend Tory who I know was saying i sucked this guys dick and gave him a lap dance....which is soo not true believe me. So yeh I was mad about that cuz it might go around the skool and then my mom might found out all these stupid lies so uhh yea thats bad...! So he and me hung out a lil and just talked and then I had to go back to cleaning of course. So yup that was my boring day. Make sure you guys give your moms something SPECIAL BYE BYE!!

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Saturday, May 7, 2005
Long post kinda!!
Hey u guys well my computer has been acting really wierd so were gonna be getting a new keyboard cuz we think thats the problem. It like keeps typing for me and making the screen move up and down liek even as I am typing right now at the moment. Its like hella frreaky lol. This isnt the first time its done it either so yea god ridence. Anyways besiods that yesterday went good I liek this guy in my moms class she happens to be a teacher and his names Jahful. I have liked him b4 like about a year I think now hehe. So yea I told my mom to ask him if he would like ever go out with me and he said yea but he doesnt like going on dates and was liek all shy cuz well I am his teachers daughter lol. I dont know if he likes me as much as I liek him but my mom gave him my number so yea tahts koolie. The funny thing is we are kinda far away in age he is almost 18 and I am almost 15. So I hope he calls me if not my mom gave me his number so I will make sure that I call him sooo wish me luck on this u guys k! Ok well besides this the rest of my day was ok yesterday even though i did get my progress report my grades werent that good. I got 2 Bs one A and one c- and one D so yea I really need to work on my grades lol. I can raise the D though cuz thats in math and I was missing like hecka homework cuz I am hella lazy at teh end of the year sometimes hehe. Ok well I hope all of u guys will have a great day and all I am gonna be doing today is Cleaning most likely! oh and wish me good luck on my star testing next monday and well all week i think k bye.
The funny thing is I look like rinoa!

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Friday, May 6, 2005
Hey sorry I havent been on for a while! Kinda long post ahead!!
Well I have been rather busy with lots of homework and some projects as well. Thats why I havent been on sadly. Anyways forget about that! Ok well on Monday Bill Cosby came to my school and that was cool. He spoke and said a lil speech nuttin that special. I got to wave to him and my friend took a pic of him so thats kinda koolie I guess. I wish that I got to shake his hand though lol. Ok besides that on tuesday I had an english test and I got a B on it which isn't that bad since I didnt really study at all hehe. On wednesday I was hella busy I had a history project to do which was kinda boring to work on since I didnt even know what it was about till i read the paper thingy. Also on wednesday my sooo called good friend Moragn decided that since my ex logan asked her out that she was gonna go with him..which i am really fuckin pissed about. The reasons I am pissed are first of all she is the one that told me he was noo good for me and when i went back out with him like the third time she told me to dump him and she was just always saying how bad she thought he was. She is such a hypicrit to just go out with him after she has warned be about him soooo many damn times uhh she is a bitchy ass friend! So yea I am pissed about that. Ok well besides that my week hasn't been too bad. I have star testing next week though but I think I will do ok. My teachers have been preparing us sooo hopefully that will help us atleast a lil bit. Ok well thats about it nuttin much else to say hope u guys have had a great week k bye!!
funny pics to brighten my day!!!

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Sunday, May 1, 2005
Short lil post!!
Hey well I had fun at my friend Amelias house! We watched the old Freaky Friday! It's actually kinda good for an older movie ya know....lol! We also went on the computer and looked at these cool websites. Then we just hung out and eat I mean what else is there to do anyways...! I got home after that and had pizza yummy and I watched The Ring it was scary. I get scared really easy and that movie freaked me out. It had a good plot story line thingy though. Ok well I hope all of ya had great days and I will try to visit all ur sites k bye bye!!

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Saturday, April 30, 2005
Hey good day!
Hey well nuttin much has been happening. Yesterday I called this guy named Joshua with my friend jamie and we were asking him if he liked us and stuff it was koolie. He actually does like both of us. Which is kinda cool but i wish that he only liked me. I dont like sharing a guy thats like not kool. I made out with him one day and so did jamie..sooo yea i am not that kool about it but w/e I will live hehe. I talked on the phone with him also alone for like 2 hours it waz fun. Ok well today I went to this womens event at my church and helped out with the childcare and that was kinda fun cuz some of my friends were also helping out as well..soo it wasnt like major boring pluz we got foody yummy lolz!! I also get payed and money is always good even though I am not gonna get paid that much but whateva! Ok well I am gonna be going to my friend Amelias house in like a few minutes so i Gotta get ready have a great day u guys bye.
Chobits piccy hope u like!

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Friday, April 29, 2005
boring average day hehe!
Hey well nuttin much happened today just went to boring skool and I tryed to skip 3rd period tutorial like a study hall class, but we had to go back to class oh wellz. Its sometimes fun to skip class though lolz. Ok well anyways I didnt have a lot of homework today so I was happy bout that cuz i hate doing homework hehe. okkie wellz my friend megan was being a bitch tiday all throwing water in my face cuz i asked her if she liked this guy. I woulda gotten in a fight with her but there were srgnts near by and as ya know I go to a military skool so yea seargants are mean there hehe. Ok wellz i gotta go have a great day u guys bye.
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Thursday, April 28, 2005
Happy Birthday Julius Peach and Demonboy!!
hey u guys well wednesday which is still techinically is was bring ur daughter to work day. I got to go to my dads work and he works for this water company. I got to go on this motor boat and I even got to drive it a lil. It was a lot of fun hehe. My dads a gardner by the way, but he works on properties that have water so yea thats why I was in a motor boat. Ok well the rest of my day I just went to his different resevoirs and that was kinda fun. Its really pretty up where he works. Anyways then we got mcdonalds yummy!!!! I luv there food a lot like most pplz do I think lol. Well I am glad I didnt have skool today so it was kinda like a day off i guess. Oh and I have a question u guys ok......Whats your favorite movie??? Ok have a great day ttys bye.
luv anna!!
Chobits piccy!!

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Tuesday, April 26, 2005
hey interesting day i guess!
Hey well nuttin much happened today just really boring!! Well anyways on Sunday I went and saw The Amiddyville horror. It was sooo scary i waz screaming through a lot of the movie lol. It was still a pretty good movie though so yea thats koolie. Well today this guy aaron kept asking me out it waz hella annoying cuz I kept telling him I didnt like him but he didnt get the hint oh wellzz...he will just have to learn the hard way I guess. Well yea my day was just rather boring and uhhh hehe. I have to go and do my homework have a great day bye u guys!!!
luv anna!

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Saturday, April 23, 2005
Hey u guys well I ended up drinking a lil at skool and my sis found out cuz a friend of mine told her cause he was worried about me and shit....so i got in trouble by my mom of course ahh my life sux lol. Besides that my life has been good luckily. Me and my friend Jamie have been flirting with all these hecka fine guys lol..its fun....! Ok well tonight is Passover which most of u know is JEWISH HOLIDAY!! We are celebrating it tonight and inviting all our friends so its gonna be fun and a full house lol. Ok well hope all u guys have a great day bye bye.
This is a picture of a guy putting lambs blood on his door!! They did this so the angel of death wouldnt kill their new born sons!!

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Wednesday, April 20, 2005
Happy birthday Angel kat!!!! yay ur 13 hehe!
Hey u guys well today I just went to skool and yea it waz boring lol. On sunday I went and saw beautyshop, it was soooo funny and real cute!! I give it 3 1/2 stars lol. Ok anyways yesterday I dumped my bf logan cause he had been writing my friend Samantha all these letters saying he thought i was scary and all this mean stupid shit. Also he was saying he wanted to go out with her so yea looks like he sure as hell didnt need me. So I dumped his cheating ass self. Well he kinda cheated ya know hehe. Ok well my friends were drinking yesterday and got hella typsy I am gonna drink a little bit tommorow seems kinda fun..yea i know i sound stupid ohh welz!! Ok well I hope u all had a great day bye bye.
luv alwayz anna
also i have been on myotaku 4 a year now so yea happy one year anniversay to me!!
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