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Wednesday, March 30, 2005
Shopping day!!
Hey you guys well today which is still tuesday I went shopping. I got 2 mini skirts which I usually dont get and some bras and panties not that ya needed to know that but just saying hehe. I also got one shirt and one pair of jeans so yea i got lots of great stuff lol. The rest of my day was just dull and I just watched lifetime telivision which I luv to watch a lot. I also got on the computer a lil. Oh and by the way my mouth is feeling a lil better and I am able to chew better which is a good thing^_^ Ok well i gotta go bye bye.

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Tuesday, March 29, 2005
Late night post
Hey you guys well I got them removed and its not all that bad. I didnt ecen feel it when they stuck the shot in to put me to sleep. The only bad thing is my parenst bought a pizza and ate it while I had to eat yogurt and smoothies for dinner. That sux huh i was soo hungry 4 pizza but i cant chew it oh well. Anyways I hope that you guys had a great day by the way its 9:41 on the monday still just wanted to write a late post hehe. Ok well I pray that it wont start hurting real bad soon k ttys ya guys bye bye.

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Monday, March 28, 2005
Hey wisdom teeth uhh!
Hey u guys well I have to get my wisdom teeth removed today at 2 and I am scared ahh. I am gonna have to be put to sleep and everything so its gonnna be kinda scary but thats kool. Well we got a rat today 4 my dad cuz he loves rats so its a suprise. Its soo cute its a lil baby hecka small. We named him Bambi lol. Anyways I cant eat 4 4 hours before the opperation so that kinda sux since I like eating but I will live I guess. Ok well pray for me that it wont hurt too much. Ok ttys ya guys wish me luck bye bye.
Luv Alwayz Anna

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Sunday, March 27, 2005
I am Back!!!
Hey u guys I had to come back I jsut missed ya all tooo much. Ok well lets see where to start hmmm..well I have a new bf now his name is Tony. He is a great guy but I dont think we will last that long together theres not enough chemistry ya know what i mean. Ok anyways I got baptised today in church it felt great to move closer to God like that. I hope that you guys will have a great Easter. The one bad thing about today is that we looked at or garage and it had graffiti all over it with this wierd gang code of some sort so we are gonna report it to the police. I hope ya guys are well ttys soon
-Luv Alwayz Anna

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Saturday, February 19, 2005
Bye 4 now u guys!!!
Hey u guys i am sooo sorry that I have to do this to u but i have to leave my otaku but not 4 ever i will be back in the summer so i am not gonna delete my site. Its just been way to hectic and i am just way tooo busy. Before i leave i am gonna say that i have ajob i think i juts gotta feel this application out so yea thats really kool how i am only 14 and i am gonna be getting a job i will be like a cashier at this stor pot pourri. Ok well i just wanna thank the following ppl for being here for me the one year that i was here.
Animebluegirl even though she isnt her anymore she was always real sweet to me.
Sammyjoe always there 4 me and i was able to help u with ur site and that was fun.
Hinaru for being a good friend.
Petie for getting me my buttons and being just great.
Chie for being a good friend to me on myotaku and always posting on my site.
Animeprince for being a great friend to me.
AiEnjeru for being a good friend as well thanx for always posting on my site and supporting me.
Azngirl K170
mew mew girl
pimpin satan
rhoina thanx for helping me with my background ur a great friend sweetie i will miss ya.We will still talk online k.
sindalla thanx for being a good friend to me.
Abbis thanx for being a great friend keep in touch by email amcgirl13@hotmail.com bye.
By u guys i will truly miss ya i will be back this summer hopefully

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Saturday, February 5, 2005
hey ppl
Hey u guys i have been gone 4 a long tim i know but it has been so crazy so i have just not had a lot of time to post ya know how that goes hehe. Ok well yesterdat i just watched tv and fought with my sis and got in trouble just the ususal ya know.....! Anyways i got my report card and my gpa is 2.93 so i almost have a 3.0 yay. I got 50 dollars 4 all my grades so i am happy about that. Today i am gonna hang out with a friend that i havent seen since 5th grade so thats gonna be kool 4 me hehe. Ok well i will try to post tommorow but i am gonna watch the superbowl at 3 so hope it goes well k bye.
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Saturday, January 22, 2005
Hey u guys i dunno how much longer that I can be on myotaku i have just been sooo busy as u can tell.I have been taking mid terms so its been hard ya know.Well tonight I am gonna be singing at my church solo so i am kinda nervous but I am a good singer so its kool i guess. Ok well wish me luck with that. Ok well i have to go to my rehersal ttys bye bye ya guys!!!
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Saturday, January 15, 2005
Hey u guys.
Hey u guys omg i havent been on her 4 such a long time so srry about that. Ok well one good thing about this week is that I got an A on my spanish test so yea i am happy about that hehe^_^ Also a bad thing is this lil 6th grader has been startin shit so i am getting hella pissed at her i mean i could beat that bitch up sooooo badly. She thinks she is soo tough evern though she is like half my size lol i mean by liek height. Well anyways forget about that but what i did today was well yesterday i had my friend Marisa sleep over at my house and we had fun we watched some moves and yea it waz koolie. Then we went shopping at kholes and i bought this kool pink shirt and these nice jeans, so atleast i had some fun today hehe. Ok wellz i gotta go clean and do stuff so i will talk to ya guys soon bye.

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Saturday, January 8, 2005
Hey u guys srry i havent been here 4 a while just been bzzy with homework and studying 4 tests ya know how that all goes hehe. Well i miss cintrinikkim a lot she was my good friend so i am kinda mad that she left. Anyways i am just gonna be hanging around my house mabye work out a lil today nuttin much just the ususal boring saturday hehe.Oh i forgot to mention yesterday was a bad day 4 me my ex waz being a bitch cuz i threw a pencil at this kid but it accidently hit him so he was about to hit me hella hard (which guys shouldnt do to girls of course) but my teacher stopped him so i waz lucky hehe. Ok well i gotz to go study bye ya guys.

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Thursday, December 30, 2004
hey u guys lots of fun stuff!
Hey ya guys ihave some really good news I just got an email from promqueen a member that used to be here but kinda left and heres an email that she wrote me......Hey I miss you guys too. I can't get back on myotaku
until my sister get anti virus back or we will get
losts of virus's that are on that sight but I am
planning on coming back soon I hope. And I thought no
one cared. I wish I could go on it I miss talking to
all of my friends so much please explain to them what
happened I will keep on my mom until she gets anti
virus back. Until then we can keep writing messages
back to one another. So how have you been I hope you
are doing good? How is everyone on myotaku? I have
missed you guys so much! Let everyone know I am still
alive ok. Thanks and I will talk to yah later promise.
-_^. Ok so thats the email that emailed me so just read it hehe. Anyways yesterday I went shopping with my mom and I got 2 new shirts well ones a new sweater its really soft ia m wearing it right now its koolie. Anyways then after i went shopping me and my mom went to san francisco and were trying to find this music store where my mom was gonna buy some like drum sticks but we got hella lost but we finally fpund the place like after an hour! I am warning ya guys if ya ever go to san francisco ya should know that there are hella wierd pplz there they are just kinda different. Ok well then after that I went to my friend Marissas house and i slept over there it was fun. So yea now i am home and about to go see a movie with my friend kara. So yea i have has a bzzy last 2 days hehe! Ok well i must go ttys ya guys bye bye.

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