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Tuesday, December 28, 2004
Hey u guys srry that I didnt make a christmas post its just that I have been soooo bzzy hehe yea ya know how that goes hehe. Ok well anyways I got lots of kool stuff for christmas like the sims unleashed and some clothes and books and mittens and jewlery and a new jewlery box and some cute lil stuffed animals and yea ya know all that knda stuff. Well lets see what have i been doing this week well nuttin much just sittin on my ass and being lazy. I am sure that I have gained like 10 pounds from the christmas break. I have had like no energy at all....lazy me haha. Pluz i have been eatin all this sugar and fat ahhh i better start working out soon or ima get hella fat. Ok well so far today I went to berverlys and they had some good after christmas sales 75% off christmas stuff so thats koolie. I bought a few new ornaments and they were hella cheap which is good. Ok well i better go talk to ya guys soon bye.

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Friday, December 24, 2004
hiya everyone merry xmas!
Hey u guys well yesterday my parents came home so yea that was kool! Me and my sis finished cleaning the house and our romm amazingly so yea they were happy about seeing such a clean house hehe.Anyways i havent been very hungry lately sooo thats kinda wierd i mean i have been like really....thirsty i drink water like all day now and its starting to freak me out but atleast its healthy lol.Ok well its christmas eve so yea thats koolie!!! I mean its christmas eve day almost since i am writing this post at 10:14 anyways ok bye ya guys.

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Wednesday, December 22, 2004
Hi ya guys!!! New layout hehe.
Hey u guys well I have a new layout now thanx to my very nice friend Rhoina so if u guys would go check out her site that would be great she has a very kool site!! Anyways yesterday I went out to breakfast with a friend and my sis so yea we went to the buttercup restaurant its really good food. Then me and my sis started cleaning the house for our parents so that when they come home they will really suprised ya know how parents just love clean houses hehe. Then we went out 4 dinner with the lady that my mom asked to watch us at night so yea we got mc donalds yum and rented shrek 2 and princess diares 2 so yea they were both pretty good actually so yea that was fun hehe! Ok well i gotta go finish up cleaning k bye ya guys!

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Tuesday, December 21, 2004
Hey u guys well yesterday I went shopping with my mom again and she bought me a gift that i didnt get to see but anyways i hope that i will like it hehe. I mean i neva know what my moms gonna buy me and i dont always like what she does buy me. Ok well yea and then i just ran otha errands with her and since i am broke i didnt get to buy anything but oh well its all good. Well today my moms going to San Diego with my dad 4 there 25th wedding Anniversary. So yea i am free from my parents for 2 days but my sis is gonna be with me oh joy she and me just to let ya know dont get along at ALL lol u know how it is with older sis lol. Ok well i better go i hope i will have fun when they are gone. Ok well ttys ya guys bye.

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Monday, December 20, 2004
Well yesterday I went to see the Christmas Carol it was a play that some of my friends were in it was cool. Anyways I am glad that i have finished most of christmas shopping. Well lets see today i just went driving with my mom and went to church and umm shopping with my mom and yea just watched a bnch of sad lifetime movies and went on the computer. Ok well i gotta go ya guys i will try to post again soon bye.

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Friday, December 17, 2004
hey srry i havent been here 4 a while.
Well today was my last day at skool yay i am free for only 2 weeks but hey atleast i am free hehe! Well I hope that all of ya guys have been doing GREAT!!Sorry that I havent been on for a long time i have had tons of homework and ya know how that all goes hehe. Well i have nuttin much to say but that i have missed ya guys a lot. Ok well have a great day bye bye.
I thought this pic was cute!!!

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Thursday, December 9, 2004
hannukah hehe.
Hey u guys well i am sick I have a stuffy nose and i stayed home to bad cuz we were gonna go on a field trip but it involved a lot of walking so it would have been bad if i went anyways so yea oh well. I dont like field trips anyways i mean its better then skool but hey atleast i get to stay home hehe. Ok well I will probably be really bored today just on the computer and eating a lil and watching tv and umm yea otha stuff i guess. Ok well i gotz to go oh and by the way its the 3rd night of hannukah so yea tahts kool k bye.

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Sunday, December 5, 2004
hey nuttin special.
Hey u guys well i have decided to go on a diet and see how it goes cuz i am just not happy with how my body looks just like any girl lol. Its not liek a major strict diet but i wanna lose like 10 pounds or so atleast. So i am gonna work out more and eat real healthy i hope that will work if u guys have suggestions tell me ok. Well anyways me and my sis went running a lil today just to stay in shape she is on a diet as well so its kool taht we both are dieting. Well i cant wait 4 christmas. k well i gotz to go do homework...which sux but o well..bye bye.

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Saturday, December 4, 2004
hi u guys
Hey u guys I am sorry that I havent been updating for a while. I have had tons of homework and projects. I will try to get on more ya guys i promise. Well anyways i am gonna go christmas shopping today at mervyns so yea that should be fun. Anyways i was gonna go to a birthday party today but i decided not to cause i didnt know anyone that was gonna be there anyways so it would have been really wierd ya know what i mean. Ok well i have to go i am about to go shopping yay hehe. Ok well gotz ta go bye bye.

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Friday, November 26, 2004
happy thanksgiving!
Hey u guys i hope that u had a great Thanksgiving so ummm happy late thanksgiving. Ok well what i did 4 thanksgiving was go to my moms friends house it was kool the food was pretty good but i really dont like thanksgiving food that much! I like pumpkin pie but thats all except turkeys pretty good as well i guess hehe! So whats ur fav food on thansgiving u guys?? Oh i am sorry that i have been gone 4 a while! OH also yesyerday i went to my friends baptist church and it was sooo loud like they sing almost the whole service and they are like always dancing and claping to the songs its really intense christianity! But it was kool to experience something new ya know. So if u ever do go to a babtist church just know that its different and crazy and longgg....lol! Ok well i gotz to go have a great day bye..!
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