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Wednesday, October 20, 2004
srry i havent been on 4 a while!
Hey u guys well I have just been really bzzy studing 4 a tests and i mean liek 3 that I have tommorow man my life just hella suck sometimes ahhh! I am all stressed but atleats i got some studying done hehe yay 4 me! Anyways i am going to my church youth group tonight so that outta be fun and atleast i geta break from boring studying hehe! Omg logan my ex ex ex bf is being a bitch and i had to tell the principle on him so ye ahe is gonna get in trouble haha to him he deaserves it! Ok well i gotta go i am leaving in like 5 min bye bye!
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Sunday, October 17, 2004
Whats up ya guys!!!
Hey u guys well today which is still Saturday I went to this suprise party 4 one of my moms friends! It was a lot of fun! There was a lot of dancing and food and so yea it waz koolie! Oh guess what I am gonna be going to Hilary Duff and avril lavigne conert so I am very excited! We are gonna get front row seats yay! This will be my first concert so yea its kool! I am going with my friend Amelia so I cant wait! Ok well ttys ya guys bye bye!!!

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Saturday, October 16, 2004
Hi u guys!
Hey pplz well lets see yesterday I had this hard history test and I really hope that i did good on it or else my grades gonna go down too far hehe and that will really suck ya know! Anyways yesterday I got my progress report and i got 1 A 2 Bs and 2 Cs ok i guess! I think thats like a 2.8 GPA! Ok well I will try to come on here as much as i can comment ya guys ok bye bye!

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Thursday, October 14, 2004
Hi !
Hey u guys well srry I havent been on 4 a while and srry that I keep saying srry lol! Anyways my ex bf is still flirting with me but i kinda like the extra attention ya know! I have had soooooo much homework and projects and ahhh save me from this stress! I just pray that I will do good on the tests i have tommorow even though I have like no time to study for them!
Ok well tahts about it or atleast all i can think of writing k ttys ya guys bye bye!!!

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Monday, October 11, 2004
Hey u guys srry that I havent been on 4 a while I have been bzzy hehe! Anyways it was fun in Madera i met this really nice guy and he is now my friend! The only bad thing about him is that he drinks smokes and has sex a lot and also is bisexual not that thats bad or anything but i dunno I guess I am just not used to it hehe!
Well I hope that I can help him stop smoking!! Anyways today I went to work with my mom she is a teacher assistant it was fun!! She has some hella fine guys in her class lol and they are my age tooo yay 4 me! Ok well yea also i had today off so yea I am happy about that even though it was a boring day cause I had to work on my project and do all this boring ass homework and go to work with my mom!! Ok well i gotta go ttys guys soon I will try to get on more often k bye bye^_^

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Friday, October 8, 2004
Hey pplz srry I have been gone 4 a while!!
Hi u guys wow soooo much has gone on since i have been gone!! By the way srry I have been gone for so long I have just been hella bzzy and shit ya know how skool gets!! Ok well anyways yesterday my sis FINALLY dumped her bf but she was all depressed cause she didnt know if she had made the right descion or not ya know how that goes hehe! But yea she is much better now thankfully! Oh yea and I got a C on my spanish test not THAT bad I guess lol! Well I am going to Madera tommorow for this comformation thing my moms best friend is doing so that should be kool I will be back late on sunday so I wont post 4 about one or 2 days not that much hehe! Well My ex bf thinks that I still like him and that sux and its not the one ya know brandon its my first bf I ever had named Logan who stills goes to my skool! I mean we are still kool and everything though hehe! Well I hope that I will have fun!!! Ok umm have a great day u guys! Oh yea and I am happy cause I have Monday off yay a 3 DAY WEEKEND I love those hehe they are the best well kinda...! Ok I gotta go get packed and everything k bye bye!!!

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Sunday, October 3, 2004
hi ya guys!
Well today I just went to church like normal so yea that was kool i guess! Oh the pictures turned out pretty good! My sis looked the best so that sux!! But oh well hehe i mean i did look sexy and cute in like 2 pictures! Ok well yea omg u know Cameron well he likes my best friend morgan he thinks that she is hella fine and i thought he liked me man dis sux but o well atleast she is gonna have a guy! They wanna start dating maybe so that will be kinda kool! They are gonna look cute together!! Ok well i dunno what I am gonna do today but i will probably just chill and take a nice walk ok bye ya guys!!

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Saturday, October 2, 2004
Hey u guys well yesterday I had a sleep over it was fun! I mean my friends are here still and everything! We hung out with cameron and flirted with him that was fun hehe! My friends straightened my hair cause we are taking pictures tommorrow together so i gotta look sexy and good hehe! Anyways yea and they are still sleeping right now those lazy kids lol! Oh I got an A on my science test and it was the only A in my class and it was a pop quiz yay!!! I am good at those pop quizes which is kool but I am only good in science hehe too bad 4 that! Ok well i gotta go bye ya guys!

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Thursday, September 30, 2004
hey pplz!
Hey srry that I havent posted 4 a few days I have been kinda bzzy ya know homework and shit! Ok well anyways i went to my church youth group tonight it was FUN! We played this funny game where u had to make cookies and ours were the best oh yea!! They didnt taste the best but umm ok lol! Also i hung out with amber and cameron and pplz so yea that was fun! I got a D on my spanish test though and a D on my
math test dammit hehe! I then got a c on my english test I mean hey its better then a D lol! Ok well have a great day ya guys bye bye!!

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Monday, September 27, 2004
Hey I am lucky!!!
Hey u guys well lets see yesterday night i went to my friend Ambers house and she striaghtened my hair! Its looks hella sexy and cute hehe!
Also we ate some brownies yummy they was good! Whats funny though is I hadnt even eaten dinner yet hehe! Then we just hung out at my house i mean she only lives right across the damn street from me!! We did makeup and bla bla bla all that girly shit which i love doing lol! Ok well yea then i just stayed up hella late and went to bed and HERE I AM! Oh and I have TODAY MONDAY OFF YAY! Cause at my skool today is like a teacher conference day! HAHA to those evil teachers! They gotta stay at skool on monday and i dont whahahah lol! Ok well i gotta go ttys bye bye!

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